[Translation] IOC e-Sports Communiqué and Declaration


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Communiqué of the 7th Olympic Summit

Olympic Movement and eSports / video games

Recognizing the fact that the sports movement competes with the eSports / video games industry for youth’s free time, the Summit participants agreed that the Olympic Movement should not ignore its growth, especially because of its popularity among young generations around the world. It was decided that competitive games involve physical activity comparable to that required in more traditional sports. This does not always apply to electronic games in your free time. For this reason, the use of the term “sport” in relation to e-sports / video games requires further dialogue and study.

It was decided that the Olympic Movement should continue to interact with this community, while recognizing that uncertainty remains. It was noted that:
  • some video games are incompatible with Olympic values ​​and therefore cooperation with them is excluded;
  • the industry is developing rapidly, with the popularity of specific games changing and rapidly developing towards augmented and virtual reality;
  • the industry is fragmented and is characterized by fierce competition between commercial operators;
  • the driver of the industry is commerce, while the sports movement is built on [other] values.
For all these reasons, the discussion about including e-sports / video games in the Olympic medal standings is premature.

The Summit recommends that the organizers of major sporting events within the framework of the Olympic Movement respect this principle also when conducting their own competitions.

A number of these uncertainties do not apply to sports simulators. In this regard, the Summit encourages accelerated cooperation regarding these types of e-sports. The Summit encourages International Sports Federations ( IFs ) to explore the potential benefits and possibilities of using electronic and virtual versions of their sports, at the same time:
  • Confident that they have gained or retained proper control of the electronic / virtual versions of their sports;
  • limiting its participation to the activation of electronic versions and virtual forms of their traditional sports.
It was decided that the IOC / GAMSF ( General Assembly of International Sports Federations ) would invite interested parties in the e-sports / video game industry to a liaison group to jointly study collaborative projects.

Lausanne, December 8, 2018

8th Olympic Summit Declaration

ESports and Gaming The

Olympic Summit received a report by David Lappartien, President of the International Cyclists Union ( UCI ), David Lappartien, Chairman of the Group for Relations with the Electronic Sports and Games Industry, containing recommendations on promoting Olympic sports and Olympic values ​​in e-sports and electronic games.

At the Summit, a bilateral approach was agreed:
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Dialogue of the Olympic Movement with e-sports and gaming communities should be encouraged - for the development of strategic partnership, as necessary, including platforms [platforms] and events. The Summit participants also agreed that it is necessary to develop guidelines for maintaining sustainable relations between interested sports and e-sports parties.

Lausanne, December 7, 2019

The latest news from the European direction:
On February 21, 2020, the constituent assembly of the European Esports Federation ( EEF ) was held in the European Parliament building in Brussels . As part of the event, elections were held for the president of the organization, members of the board and the advisory committee of the federation.

Thus, a base has been created for the integration of the e-sports movement in Europe - an organization that has united the federations of more than half of the European countries - the main tournament operators of European e-sports.

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