PHP Digest No. 174 (February 10 - 24, 2020)

Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In the issue: 5 new RFCs from PHP Internals, as well as a proposal for developing the language and a couple of prototypes of new features in the form of pool requests, a portion of useful tools, videos, podcasts and much more.

Enjoy reading!

News and Releases

PHP Internals

  • Language evolution β€” , PHP , . , -.
  • : [RFC] Variable Syntax Tweaks, [RFC] Static return type, [RFC] Allow ::class on objects
  • [RFC] Write-Once Properties β€” , , . , : final, immutable, readonly, writeonce, locked, sealed.
    class Foo
        <keyword> public int $a = 1;
        <keyword> public string $b;
        <keyword> public array $c = ["foo"];
        <keyword> public object $d;
        public function __construct()
            $this->b = "foo";
    $foo = new Foo();
    $foo->a = 42;		// EXCEPTION: property a has already been initialized
    $foo->b = "bar";	// EXCEPTION: property b has already been initialized
    $foo->a++;		    // EXCEPTION: incrementing/decrementing is forbidden
    unset($foo->c);		// EXCEPTION: unsetting is forbidden
    $foo->c[] = "bar";	// EXCEPTION: arrays can't be modified
    $var= &$this->c;	// EXCEPTION: reference isn't allowed
    $foo->d = new Foo();	// SUCCESS: property d hasn't been initialized before
    $foo->d->foo = "foo";	// SUCCESS: objects are still mutable internally

    . , , , , , .
  • [RFC] str_contains β€” str_contains(string $haystack , string $needle) :bool, , strpos() strstr().
  • [RFC] Object-based token_get_all() alternative β€” token_get_all(), PhpToken.
  • [RFC] get_debug_type β€” : gettype() get_class().
  • [RFC] Allow explicit call-site pass-by-reference annotation β€” RFC . . , . , .
    function byRef(&$ref) {...}
  • [Pre-RFC] Add support for Β«decoratorΒ» pattern β€” «» PHP.
    interface Foo {
        public function method1(int $a): void;
        public function method2(): int;
        public function method3(string $b): string;
        public function method4(): stdClass;
        // ...
    class ComposedFoo implements Foo {
        private decorated Foo $inner;
        public function __construct(Foo $inner) { $this->inner = $inner; }
        public function method4(): stdClass {
            return $DO_SOMETHING_DIFFERENT_HERE;
       decorated,  ,    
      .      ,  
  • [PR] Use serialize_precision for printing floats in var_dump() β€” , float var_dump() (0.1 + 0.2 === 0.30000000000000004):
    $sum = 0.1 + 0.2;
    var_dump($sum); // float(0.3)
    var_dump($sum == 0.3); // bool(false) WTF???
    $sum = 0.1 + 0.2;
    var_dump($sum); // float(0.30000000000000004)
    var_dump($sum == 0.3); // bool(false) Makes sense...




Async PHP



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