Scientists from MIT managed to get electricity from the air using bacterial protein

A group of scientists from the Massachusetts University of Technology have developed a facility for generating energy from air. True, there is a prerequisite - the presence of moisture in the air. The main working element is an ultra-thin film of conductive protein nanowires .

They are produced by the bacteria Geobacter sulfurreducens. The thickness of the threads is only 7 micrometers. Its structure is porous, since the film consists of many nanowires. Captivity is placed between the electrodes of gold. The total size of the device is 1 * 2 cm.

Electricity can be obtained due to the so-called moisture gradient between atmospheric air and layers of protein filaments. In this case, the generated current can be used for practical purposes. The electricity generated by 17 devices is enough to operate a small screen.

According to researchers, electricity is generated as a result of the ionization of carboxyl groups on the surface of protein filaments due to the presence of water molecules. This leads to the appearance of mobile protons, which act as a charge carrier in such a system.

The humidity gradient leads to the appearance of a concentration gradient of charge carriers . As a result, proton diffusion arises and a potential appears that is similar to the resting potential of living cells.

As for voltage and current strength, at rest, the generator gives about 0.5 volts. If the circuit is closed, the current reaches a value of 250 nanoamps. When the generator is operating for 20 hours, the voltage drops by a third. After turning off the device, it is restored in about five hours, after which it is able to give current with the same characteristics.

An important point - the parameters of the generator do not depend on lighting or other factors. The voltage in the network of 17 devices reaches 10 volts.

The main task now is the production of protein nanowires. Scientists are going to solve this problem due to bacteria E. coli. If everything works out, then with the help of a new type of generator it will be possible to charge small gadgets, including smart watches and a phone. Perhaps it will be possible to make the protein film a component of paint - and then the wall painted with this paint will become an electricity generator.

In order to generate energy, the gadget only needs air with a certain level of humidity - and nothing more. If the generator can be brought to the state of an industrial design, perhaps the "green energy" will receive another direction of development.

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