Marking of shoe residues in 1C. Solving the problem of scanning and uploading to Honest Sign

One of the problem points at the beginning of this year for shoe manufacturers and sellers is the ban from March 1, 2020 (possibly July 1) on the production, import, wholesale and retail sale of shoes without marking and data transfer to the Honest Sign marking system.

Today we want to analyze the setting of automatic data transfer to the Honest Sign system based on 1C: ERP using a specific example of one of our clients, with errors and problems that arise due to the unfinished work of the Honest Sign system and 1C.

Our Client works on 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2 ( with a standard configuration.

During the marking of balances, the Client constantly had the following errors:






Most of the errors were not repeated, therefore we assumed that these were ChS problems.

Turning to the โ€œHonest Signโ€ we got the answer that this marking code is correct and should be processed normally by any software.

During the correspondence with ChZ and our analysis of the error, an update was released, with a huge number of undocumented changes in the general modules related to marking.

Having installed and checked the typical 1C functional, we found that this problem was not solved.

We began to delve into the problem and encountered a code scanning error - of this format
โ€œ(01) 029 ****** (21) * JC *** (62โ€

I had to plunge into the debugger and catch an error.

The problem turned out to be that the same marking code in different 1C interfaces is decrypted by different parts of the code, although the result of the analysis should be the same.

In both cases 1 and 2, the developers did not take into account that the opening bracket in the marking code can be contained in the โ€œcrypto tailโ€.

โ€œ(01) 029 ****** (21) * JC *** (62โ€

Based on this, we made a patch that corrects the logic of parsing the marking code in several modules.

At the time of publication of the article, our patch allows you to read and enter codes into circulation, but due to instability of the โ€œHonest Signโ€ service, exchange with IS IP, access to your personal account, etc. is intermittent and delayed.

PS In addition, during the testing of the marking system, it turned out that 1C is able to print the same barcode only 1 time, therefore, we advise you not to print the entire pool of marking codes from PP, since if the printer runs out of paper, any failure, etc. You can no longer print this code.

In this case, you need additional processing, which allows you to clear information about whether a specific marking code was printed or all.

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