Nano or minimalistic IDE

In this article, I would like to show you the power and beauty of the nano console text editor, simple and inconspicuous at first glance.


The developers have actually prepared a lot of usefulness for you, which you may not even suspect, for example: auto-indentation, switching to a pair of brackets and even auto-substitution! Let's go in order.

Standard hotkeys

M - modifier key (Alt by default); ^ - Control;
Select with Shift + arrow.

The most useful in my opinion
| ^\ | , ,
| ^w |
| ^k | , ,
| ^u |
|^⍇⍈⍐⍗| .
| ^Y |
| ^] | , ()
| ^c |
|M-⍇⍈ | ()
|M-⍐⍗ |
| M-u | ( ) )
| M-] |
| M-n | \ ( )
| M-i | \

, …


Let's proceed to the sweetest thing ... Agree that without editing configs, Linux is no longer Linux.

So, the main config is in / etc / nanorc, to highlight the syntax - in / usr / share / nano / *
Basically, you can do a lot of interesting things,

| set autoindent |
| set backup |
| set mouse | ( )
| set multibuffer | () nano
| set nohelp | ,
| set tabsize N | N
|set tabstospaces|
| bind|unbind |

In the config for the syntax, you can set / change colors.
olor < > <" ">
Although it will be better if you plunge there yourself and do everything as you need.

By the way, it is better to copy the necessary configs to the home folder so that they do not overwrite after each update.


As you can see, nano has a fairly rich functionality and is easy to deep customize for yourself.

Good luck

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