Why don't developers like Agile?

An HR specialist at a company recently said this phrase: β€œthe developers do not want to come to us as soon as they find out that we work on Agile.” And although I often hear the discontent expressed by the developers regarding Agile, such categoricalness surprised me.

Indeed, one of the goals of Agile is to create comfortable conditions for the work of those developers. Agile practitioners strive to free developers from routine and encourage creativity. Self-organization, minimization of bureaucracy - all this is designed to simplify the life of developers. Happiness of developers is one of the Agile metrics that needs to be enhanced.

Why do not the reviews of real developers with the declared goals of Agile come together?

  • I must say right away that by β€œdevelopers” in this article I mean the entire development team (Scrum development team), including analysts, programmers, testers, designers, etc.

Let's take a look at specific examples - Agile developer complaints:

  • stupid rituals (especially daily stand-ups) distract from work
  • too many conversations, meetings; useless, since no one fulfills the decisions made
  • the developer should develop, not practice in sociology and marketing
  • I don’t like talking to anyone at all, especially the client; specially trained people should communicate with the client
  • Agile suppresses developer freedom, imposes egalitarianism; it turns out that the command is higher than the individual programmer in it
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  • Mark Goulston, Just Listen, 2010 , , .
  • Jeff Sutherland, Scrum the art of doing twice the work in half the time, 2014 ( ) – Scrum.
  • Patrick Lencioni, The five dysfunctions of a team, 2002 ( – β€œ ”) – , , .

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