How to start creating a map in UE4

Good day to all

How others work is one of the few things you can look at forever. But sooner or later it's time to start doing something yourself. MudRunner unexpectedly strongly hooked me with its atmosphericity, but I lack winter (weather, snow) and some kind of meaningfulness in tasks. The project is conceived for yourself, and not for selling copies in stores, so SnowRunner coming out at the end of April can “harm” only by taking all its free time.

To create a car simulator you need, in a minimum configuration, cars and roads. I have no problems with the first to start the project, in the UE Marketplace they handed out the Vehicle Variety Pack for free , and also from the Epic Games themselves there is the Vehicle Game project (available in the Epic Games Launcher), from where you can “borrow” the car. But the roads are not so good. It seems to me that the optimal time for a mission is 10-15 minutes, therefore it is necessary to create about 10 km of roads on the map, which leads to map sizes from 4 km x 4 km and above. You won’t borrow a track from the same Vehicle Game (it’s small), I don’t have ready-made and free landscapes of similar sizes. I want to buy Brushify - Country Roads Pack , I 'll wait a bit, maybe there will be discounts.

In the meantime, I’ll try to create a map with my own hands, the benefit is that even a few tutorials looked where quickly and not difficult to create beautiful reliefs. The desired size, as mentioned above - 4x4 km. It turns out that there are recommendations on the parameters when creating landscapes of different sizes. In my case, the resulting “internal” size is 4033x4033 (with a standard scale of 100 for X and Y). Z scale is also 100, it will be important a bit later. The further plan was to cover the roads and make a relief, as in the tutorials.

But everything didn’t go according to plan from the very beginning = (After flying about 20 minutes over the resulting huge gray square (it’s already a task to fly from edge to edge), I realized that I just don’t have any idea where to start drawing the road, how to invent bends, turns and forks. think about the “reference.” And I came up with the following “tricky plan”: you can fly over the globe, take a picture of a place you like from Yandex.Mart satelliteand "pull" on the landscape. And then by the picture, how to draw the road using the stencil. And in general, note all the interesting sites (forests, fields, lakes, rivers, settlements, etc.). Oh, if Yandex.Map would have a relief with heights, then it was generally possible to stream real places in the UE ... The scale of the maps, before the screenshot, of course, should be set approximately corresponding to the size of the map in the project and the resolution should be a multiple of 2, because it will be a texture. I did it this way:

However, by itself, it will not be stretched to the whole map and a mosaic of the type will turn out.

To stretch, you need to create some magic

A few words about this M_Map_fill - I could not google the solution, I had to do it myself and this is the first UE Material in my life that I made myself. I can’t say how it works, I did it on a hunch. To make it work for you, you need to submit your picture as TextureObject to TextureObject in WorlAlignedTexture, its resolution in TextureSize (z = 0, 1024x1024 in my case). WorlPosition will be z = 0, but with X and Y you have to play a little. First you need to multiply TextCoord by -1 (to coincide with the height map, more on that later, otherwise it will be upside down), then divide by the number of repetitions in one direction (just put 1 first, apply the material and adjust it in place, in my case 4 ) see Update # 1 at the end of the article.

, . . — Sculpt UE . Brush size 500 500 , , « » . . — (Gimp , 10241024 40334033 ), «», «», UE Smooth Erosion. , , , . 16bit gray, HSV Z scale = 100 UE, V ( 0 100) 2 . :

c 7 (V=0,10,20,40,60,80,100),

Z-scale , - , , V-, .

Z-scale 50- .

heighmap, , . .

P.S. . - (, ), - .

Update#1 , . , , ( , ). . « » 4033 Divide — :

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