What you need to know if you want to call Go functions from assembler

You've run into a really hairy area of ​​asm code.
My first suggestion is not try to call from assembler into Go. - Ian Lance Taylor

As long as your assembler code does something simple, everything looks good.

As soon as you have a task to call a function from the assembler code of Go, one of the first tips that you will be given: do not do this.

But what if you really, really need it? In that case, please, under cat.

Calling convention

It all starts with the fact that you need to understand how to pass arguments to functions and how to accept its results .

I recommend that you familiarize yourself with Go functions in assembly language , where most of the information we need is clearly described.

Typically, calling convention varies from platform to platform, as the set of available registers may vary. We will only consider GOARCH=amd64, but in the case of Go, the conventions differ not so significantly.

Here are some features of the function calling convention in Go:

  • All arguments are passed through the stack, except for the "context" in the closures, it is accessible through the register DX(% rdx).
  • ( arguments).
  • .
  • . , .

, . .

, register-based calling convention. Go.

, :

  • , .
  • 0(SP), 8(SP) ( 8 ), .
  • n(SP), n — . int64, 16(SP).


package main

func asmfunc(x int32) (int32, int32)

func gofunc(a1 int64, a2, a3 int32) (int32, int32) {
    return int32(a1) + a2, int32(a1) + a3

func main() {
    v1, v2 := asmfunc(10)
    println(v1, v2) // => 3, 11

// func asmfunc(x int32) (int32, int32)
TEXT ·asmfunc(SB), 0, $24-12
  MOVL x+0(FP), AX
  MOVQ $1, 0(SP)  //   (a1 int64)
  MOVL $2, 8(SP)  //   (a2 int32)
  MOVL AX, 12(SP) //   (a3 int32)
  CALL ·gofunc(SB)
  MOVL 16(SP), AX //   
  MOVL 20(SP), CX //   
  MOVL AX, ret+8(FP)  //   
  MOVL CX, ret+12(FP) //   

$24-16 (locals=24 bytes, args=16 bytes)

          0     8     12    16     20     SP
locals=24 [a1:8][a2:4][a3:4][ret:4][ret:4]
(ret    asmfunc,   gofunc)

        0    4          8      12     FP
args=16 [x:4][padding:4][ret:4][ret:4]
(ret    main,   asmfunc)

, 4 . , , (8 amd64).

, . — int32, — int64, offset 8, 4, reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)).Align() 8.

, FP go vet.



package foo

import (

func foo(ptr *object)

type object struct {
    x, y, z int64

func printPtr(ptr *object) {

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {
    foo(&object{x: 11, y: 22, z: 33})

TEXT ·foo(SB), 0, $8-8
        MOVQ ptr+0(FP), AX
        MOVQ AX, 0(SP)
        CALL ·printPtr(SB)

, - stackmap:

=== RUN   TestFoo
runtime: frame <censored> untyped locals 0xc00008ff38+0x8
fatal error: missing stackmap

, , GC stackmaps. Go , .

stub ( Go ). , stackmap , .

, stackmap (), NO_LOCAL_POINTERS ( ).


TestFoo :

#include "funcdata.h"

TEXT ·foo(SB), 0, $8-8
        MOVQ ptr+0(FP), AX
        MOVQ AX, 0(SP)
        CALL ·printPtr(SB)

, .

, ? , , "" , , , , ?

, heap, , . , , . GC "" , , .

, , "" (escapes to heap) escape analysis, , .


Go non-cooperative preemption, , .

Go. , go:nosplit, , , NO_LOCAL_POINTERS .


, Go prototype, GO_ARGS.

GO_ARGSfuncdata.h, NO_LOCAL_POINTERS. , stackmap Go .

, stackmap . args_stackmap . : , stackmap.




// func getg() interface{}
TEXT ·getg(SB), NOSPLIT, $32-16
  //     .
  //      .
  MOVQ $0, ret_type+0(FP)
  MOVQ $0, ret_data+8(FP)
  //    ...

, , -.



Go .

Garbage collector Go , , , , , Go JIT'.

, . , , .


// file jit.go
package main

import (

func main() {
    a := funcAddr(goFunc)

    code := []byte{
        // MOVQ addr(goFunc), AX
        0xb8, byte(a), byte(a >> 8), byte(a >> 16), byte(a >> 24),
        // CALL AX
        0xff, 0xd0,
        // RET

    executable, err := mmapExecutable(len(code))
    if err != nil {
        log.Panicf("mmap: %v", err)
    copy(executable, code)

func calljit(code *byte)

func goFunc() {
    println("called from JIT")

func mmapExecutable(length int) ([]byte, error) {
    const prot = syscall.PROT_READ | syscall.PROT_WRITE | syscall.PROT_EXEC
    const flags = syscall.MAP_PRIVATE | syscall.MAP_ANON
    return mmapLinux(0, uintptr(length), prot, flags, 0, 0)

func mmapLinux(addr, length, prot, flags, fd, off uintptr) ([]byte, error) {
    ptr, _, err := syscall.Syscall6(
        addr, length, prot, flags, fd, offset)
    if err != 0 {
        return nil, err
    slice := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&reflect.SliceHeader{
        Data: ptr,
        Len:  int(length),
        Cap:  int(length),
    return slice, nil

func funcAddr(fn interface{}) uintptr {
    type emptyInterface struct {
        typ   uintptr
        value *uintptr
    e := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&fn))
    return *e.value

// file jit_amd64.s
TEXT ·calljit(SB), 0, $0-8
        MOVQ code+0(FP), AX
        JMP AX

, ( ):

$ go build -o jit . && ./jit
called from JIT

goFunc, JIT-:

 func goFunc() {
    println("called from JIT")
+   runtime.GC()


$ go build -o jit . && ./jit
called from JIT
runtime: unexpected return pc for main.goFunc called from 0x7f9465f7c007
stack: frame={sp:0xc00008ced0, fp:0xc00008cef0} stack=[0xc00008c000,0xc00008d000)
000000c00008cdd0:  0000000000000000  00007f94681f7558 
000000c00008cde0:  000000c000029270  000000000000000b 
... (+ more)

: unexpected return pc for main.goFunc called from 0x7f9465f7c007, 0x7f9465f7c007 — JIT-. , runtime.

, , FP BP return address , .

Go runtime , JIT-, , .

calljit , , Go . , Go , , Go (calljit).

#include "funcdata.h"

TEXT ·calljit(SB), 0, $8-8
        MOVQ code+0(FP), AX
        JMP AX
        CALL CX
        JMP (SP)


  • 8 , return address JIT .

calljit , , , Go . , CX , [rsp] — , .

, callgo. , . main():

a := funcAddr(goFunc)
j := funcAddr(calljit) + 36

code := []byte{
    // MOVQ funcAddr(goFunc), CX
    0x48, 0xc7, 0xc1, byte(a), byte(a >> 8), byte(a >> 16), byte(a >> 24),
    // MOVQ funcAddr(calljit), DI
    0x48, 0xc7, 0xc7, byte(j), byte(j >> 8), byte(j >> 16), byte(j >> 24),
    // LEAQ 6(PC), SI
    0x48, 0x8d, 0x35, (4 + 2), 0, 0, 0,
    // MOVQ SI, (SP)
    0x48, 0x89, 0x34, 0x24,
    // JMP DI
    0xff, 0xe7,

    // ADDQ $framesize, SP
    0x48, 0x83, 0xc4, (8 + 8),
    // RET

CX, callgo DI, SI , [rsp]. 4+2LEAQ .

, , ADDQ. 8 8 BP.


   return address  callgo
|       Go    BP   
|       |
0(SP)   8(SP)    16(SP)    24(SP)
[empty] [prevBP] [retaddr] [arg1:code]
|             /  |         |
|            /   |           calljit (caller frame)
|           /    |      
|          /       CALL   calljit
|         /
calljit frame, 16 bytes     


$ go build -o jit . && ./jit
called from JIT

Go . , — , .

, , . Go.

Go Internal ABI

Go Internal ABI — .

Go , , . ABI, , .


  1. .
  2. .

calling convention ABI0, ABIInternal.

Go -S, , ABIInternal , ABI0:

ABIInternal , ABI1, . ABIInternal calling convention .

, .

, Go . , .


, . , , , . .

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