Web archive: import substitution

It was necessary to find an old version of one site. The Wayback Machine ( https://archive.org/web/ ) didn’t have a version from the required date, and I decided to search for alternative archives of the Internet. Basically, there were services that implemented the idea “you give us the URL, and we will archive it” (like the http://archive.md respected by me ), that is, not at all what was needed at the moment.

And then suddenly the desired one is located - http://web-arhive.ru/ At first I was glad for my compatriots who made a useful service, but after a few minutes vague doubts began to torment me ...

Upon careful consideration, the dates of the creation of images on archive.org and on web-arhive.ru turned out to be completely identical. Digging further, I concluded that web-arhive.ru is a proxy: it receives a request, forwards it to archive.org, parses the response, cleans interface pieces and all references to the Wayback Machine from it, changes the URL of the links inside to its own, wraps it in its own interface and gives it to an unsuspecting user.

I wonder how archive.org will react when it finds out. The second paragraph of the rules of use says: "Access to the Archive's Collections is provided at no cost to you and is granted for scholarship and research purposes only."

The site looks like this (with the ad blocker disabled):


The meaning of its existence, apparently, boils down to the link "Assure the site with a notary."

The eye-catching nameplate “Registered in Rospatent, Reg No. 20166616556” is also striking.
It became curious to read what was registered there, and ...


(): 2016616556

: 15.06.2016

: 2016612809 29.03.2016

: 20.07.2016

(8-473)222-67-48, bastionvrn@yandex.ru



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: FreeBSD 8.3-STABLE

: 355

In principle, everything is honestly written about this miracle software (or rather, even the whole software package, it’s not dog fucking for you!) Ah, yes, they can also make screenshots. Okay, at least something new was brought in from us.

It would be possible not to dig too much into them, but:
- they are in first place in Google and Yandex on requests such as "web archive", "site archive", "Internet archive" (somewhere right under archive.org, and where in general, in the first place),
- people perceive web-arhive.ru as an independent service (for example, https://qna.habr.com/q/440257 ) and publish links to archive pages on it,
- different SEO- Information sites talk about 600 to 2300 unique visitors per day.
That is, this is not a marginal crap in the far corner of the Internet, but something confusing under people's feet.

So that!


In the comments, they complain about the word “import substitution” in the title.

Do not take it as "commissioned by the state." It was meant in an ironic sense. As for me, it’s one in one case when logos were re-glued on monitors.

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