The competitive potential of Besiege-like simulations


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The main arguments of the work presented below were born and were run-in in the process of communicating with Alexander Fedorovich Gorbachenko in January 2018, after he independently got acquainted with the game. The author expresses his gratitude to him for the provided expertise, as well as for a number of important remarks and criticisms made then!


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Imagine for a moment that we are a very young guy or girl from a small town, town or even village. We have not so many classes and, sooner or later, for the first time we will not be able to assemble any working mechanism.

After some deliberation in the process of examining the result, we will definitely understand that we are quite noticeably behind in the field of apparatus and machine building, as well as in the field of mechanics and engineering. Or, frankly, we’re not fumbling. Having squeezed the details and once again depicting a miserable trough, we, of course, will begin to self-educate, which, generally speaking, is quite natural for a modern person - since there are all conceivable possibilities.

And here the author, although not being a very young man, can provide a screenshot of the list of literature that was needed to, after several breaks, break the computer and engineering surveys, to assemble a flying, controlled helicopter of the coaxial circuit in the above game:


Its essence is the collection for the task and subsequent targeted operation of devices and systems.

Although the laws of physics are not implemented in the game itself, such as, for example, air density ( which does not allow building full-blown airships ), nevertheless, if it develops its competitive component, it can undoubtedly attract talented guys to engineering professions - infect their minds techie virus.

By themselves, games of this type will not soon be able to be considered full-fledged simulators of factory workshops, however, they are guaranteed to reveal engineering thinking in interested guys and increase the likelihood of their further development on this path, directly affecting the choice of educational direction ( technical universities ).

The importance of drones in industry, military affairs, science and medicine in the near future will only increase. Accordingly, with a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that the thinking formed in adolescents by simulators of this kind will be very popular in the labor market in the very near future. It is not so important in which particular area ( with some exceptions) they will begin to work, because the growing role of information technology in today's economy is quite difficult to overestimate.

As it was said at the very beginning, the Besiege simulator is given only as an example. Nothing prevents the development of another, better - with greater realism and more accurate implementation of the laws of physics.

However, how to increase interest in the discipline?

How to attract a youth audience to join the mechanical and engineering sacraments?

Fortunately, all the necessary infrastructure today.


The sporting of simulators of this kind will make it possible to attract a sufficient number of young people to the topic in order, for example, to close recruitment for engineering specialties in technical universities. In some American countries, for example, financial support for esports is provided ( scholarship ). Esports competitions of this kind will be able to seriously interest retirement age technicians - both as a spectacle and as a field!

In addition, simulators of this type perfectly fit into the fourth group of the classification of sports disciplines according to Matveev: sports that compare the results of model-design activities of athletes. Today in this category there is not a single e-sports discipline officially. According to the author, it is precisely the inclusion of such a simulator in the list of disciplines of computer sports that will naturally grow it with drone breeding - which is not given into the hands of some of today's e-sports functionaries. Biathlon - drones / simulator is easy to roll on to this matter.

And just such a simulator can fully reveal the applied value of computer sports ! And according to the documents of the FCC of Russia, it will ideally pass as a "competitive puzzle."


The popularization of such a simulator, provided that the laws of physics are implemented with a sufficient degree of credibility, will lead our newly minted young designer to a virtual library, such as shown at the beginning, and then to the appropriate educational institutions, because the author of this article does not yet know from an aviation club, later met with the end of the workshop in ballroom dancing.

Maybe they are.

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In the above-mentioned game, both the surface and the air and space environments are implemented ( gravity can be turned off ). Water and underground environments, unfortunately, have not been implemented to date, but the available ones are more than enough for testing the widest range of devices!

Since the game has the ability to turn off gravity ( air resistance is implemented specifically and manifests itself only on flying blades ) and the ability to assemble jet engines (a water-heated water jet ), a rehearsal of battles in outer space is easily available !

Competitions in the game will be an unprecedented format, in which both the assembly and the direct use of devices can be the subject of commentary and pain of the audience!

High-speed assembly can become a competition in itself, but, according to the author, the discipline will be most fully disclosed in a team format, when several people participate in both assembly and machine control ( game mechanics allows) In addition, it is the procurement of best practices ( nodes ) and the design of competitive devices that will form a vivid, applied engineering mindset for competing athletes in advance.

Specific formats and rules of the competition can be easily formulated by specialized specialists . Performed competitive tasks can be very different - both military and peaceful.

Of the negative aspects - the game is a proprietary program, which may impose some restrictions on its mass and free sporting ( including international ). According to the author of this work, games recognized as disciplines of computer sports should be free software for a variety of reasons.. Free as freedom, not free as beer.

The draft competition rules have been submitted to the FCC of Moscow.
Draft Competition Rules:
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In-game physics Besiege (video)


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