Recommendations after the appointment of a dental surgeon


Good afternoon dear friends! Today I will tell you about the recommendations that must be followed after surgery in the oral cavity. I hope that after reading this article you will no longer have thoughts and desires to uncontrollably blow your nose, wet your mouth, rinse your mouth after tooth extraction or surgery, and play the pipe.


Both after removal and after any operation, strict recommendations must be observed:

- Do not rinse your mouth. Forget and don’t listen to neighboring instructions like - you need to rinse with tincture of oak bark, your favorite chamomile or chlorhexidine. The latter, by the way, with prolonged and intensive use, stains plaque in yellow. You can not rinse actively. Why? And because in the hole of the extracted tooth a blood clot forms, which can be easily rinsed out. It is necessary for normal healing. If the clot does not form, or you successfully spit it out, then a complication such as “alveolitis” will develop - inflammation of the walls of the socket of the extracted tooth. Food will begin to clog into this hole, and it will not heal. All this is accompanied by constant pain. In this connection, you have to go to the dentist again so that he will save you from it. But we all know that there is nothing pleasant in an extraordinary trip to the doctor.For special patients, I’ll add - disinfect the wound with urine - not worth it.


It's funny to you? But to me - not really. One day, a patient practicing urine therapy and part-time fans of Malysheva and the program “Malakhov +” came to the postoperative examination. He firmly believed that it was a cure for all diseases. I think there is no need to tell you about the outcome of this “treatment”.

If you are unbearable, but really want to, then you can make baths with an antiseptic. Baths - this is when you type and hold in your mouth this or that solution, without any rinsing movements.

- Eliminate physical activity, at least for 2-3 days.Even if you are a sportsman, a sportsman or are actively preparing for the Olympics, and you can’t skip training. Why? And because arterial pressure rises during exercise, the wound begins to bleed and heal poorly. And with a mouth full of blood, setting records will be, at a minimum, not comfortable. You can splash. This also applies to intimacy. When physiological urges arise, one does not need to become Rocco Siffredi or Sasha Gray. Do it quietly and plainly, like Elena Berkova or Yuri Loza, for example.

- Also exclude local and general overheating of the body. Saunas, baths, hot baths, sleep on the side of the head where the intervention was performed, and rubbing with badger fat, also set aside for a while. The vessels dilate, and this also contributes to bleeding. If you are used to relaxing every day lying in the hot jacuzzi or going to Sanduny, then try to refrain from these luxuries for several days. Wash yourself in the old fashioned way and wash your head with warm or cool water.

- Do not actively blow your nose, but sneeze with your mouth open. What for? And then, so that all pressure falls on the mouth, not the nose. This recommendation is relevant if the manipulation was performed on the upper jaw, in the region of large molars. 6th, 7th, in particular 8th (less often 5th) and after the operation, affecting the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. Sinus lift, for example.


Unless, of course, you want to get complications such as nosebleeds and growing edema, accompanied by pulsation and a feeling of fullness under the eye. Speaking of pressure. If you work at fairs or children's parties - refrain from independently inflating the balls. This action will lead to the same consequences.


- Do not eat until the anesthesia is completely gone. Otherwise, the risk that you bite your lip, tongue or cheek quite enough and do not notice this is extremely high. Usually, numbness disappears after 2-3 hours. If, after a surgical procedure, you decided to neglect this recommendation, then don’t have to wonder why it suddenly became the size of a bast shoe, and a swollen lip with a cheek is all blue and hurts, as after sparring behind garages. Well, or after an unsuccessful trip to the beautician, if we are talking about girls. The answer is obvious.

- But when you got to food, - you need to chew only on the side opposite to the operation to prevent food from entering the wound and traumatizing the gums. Of course, food will still fall into this area, but in your strength and interests minimize this hit. From the assortment of products that I clean from the holes of my extracted teeth, you can easily make Olivier salad. Even according to a traditional recipe. With cancer necks.

You can’t eat rough, spicy, sour, hot food. Therefore, throwing on boiling borsch, seizing it with stiff meat in a burning hot sauce is not worth it. But this does not mean that one should not eat at all. It’s necessary, but carefully. Eat a couple of days something soft, cereals or mashed soups, for example. Ideally - cold, hunger and peace for the first couple of days. Let the body wonder.

- Do not forget about brushing your teeth!Teeth can and must be cleaned necessarily, best with a soft toothbrush. But leave the area of ​​operation alone for the time of healing. There are no more teeth there! Therefore, brushing there is pointless.

AND! Do not try to scare off the white coating that covers the gums. This is NOT pus! This is fibrin! A protein whose presence indicates normal healing of the hole.


And yes, forget about the irrigator for a couple of weeks. The thing is wonderful, but you can seriously harm a healing wound.

- Also, after surgery, ice is dispensed.It is recommended to apply it to the cheek, in the area of ​​the operation, during the remaining day. About 10-15 minutes every half hour. Hold for 10-15 minutes, rest for 30 minutes. Again. 10-15 minutes - hold! But 30 minutes - DO NOT hold! All the same, in order to minimize swelling. But you don’t need to get carried away too much, since especially zealous people can freeze the throat and lymph nodes if you keep the ice in the wrong place or where you need to, but for too long. Do not forget - edema, this is an adequate reaction of the body to inflammation, which is a protective and adaptive process that occurs in response to tissue damage.

- In addition to the above recommendations, medications are prescribed, the so-called antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. This is due to the fact that the area of ​​operation is extremely easily inflamed and suppurates, but we would not want this. Therefore, neglecting this recommendation is NOT possible. Along with taking antibiotics, natural yogurts and other sour-milk products are excellent. Say no pain and diarrhea. Of course, if you have intolerance to dairy products, then we will get the opposite effect. I would not want someone sitting on the toilet to curse me, scribbling angry comments. But forget about all kinds of pharmaceutical preparations for flora. A disease such as "dysbiosis" does not exist. This is advertising and nothing more. By the way, if you suddenly want to swell a little, and 5 days ahead of taking antibiotics, then believe me, if you drink 100 grams, or a glass of wine in the evening, or champagne from the mornings,like a real aristocrat, nothing will happen. Checked by more than one patient.


If the surgical manipulations in the oral cavity were carried out correctly, and the patient complied with all the recommendations and carried out the doctor's prescriptions, then the risks of postoperative complications are extremely small. But, nevertheless, sometimes they happen. And we will talk about this next time.

Py.Sy I would like to debunk everyone’s favorite myth that after sinus lift, you can’t fly on an airplane (sinus lift is an increase in the volume of bone tissue in the upper jaw in height).


This is all bullshit. You are not flying in a convertible, but in an airplane. There is such a thing as “cabin pressurization” - a process in which air is pumped into the cockpit / cabin of an airplane or spaceship to create a safe and comfortable environment for people at high altitudes. Simply put, pressure stabilization. Patients arriving to me for an appointment from other cities, after the operation, calmly fly home on the same day. They do not have any problems with healing.

The only thing - you do not need to blow out your nose if your ears are blocked! Just yawn by reading the "Capital" of Marx. Better yet, grab more candy from the stewardess. If she gives.

Sincerely, Andrey Dashkov

What else to read?

About dental implantation:

- Implant placement: how is this done?

- Sinus lifting and simultaneous implantation

- Implantation in the absence of teeth, as a result of untimely visits to the dentist

About wisdom teeth and their removal:

- Wisdom teeth: cannot be removed

- Consequences of untimely removal of wisdom teeth

- Removal of wisdom teeth. How it's done?

- HH or not HH? That’s the question ...

- Teeth of wisdom: Pull-pull!

And, of course:

- Naked truth (article on the formation of the cost of treatment in a dental clinic)

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