How pets can make you a good programmer (yes, they really can!)

Here is a translation of an article published on The author, Mahdhi Rezvi , talks about how to develop your technical and non-technical skills with the help of a furry friend.

Photo from the Unsplash resource . Posted by Tim Mossholder
“The best psychiatrist in the world is a puppy who licks your cheek” (Bernard Williams).

Being a programmer is a lot of stress. Codes with bugs, hard and exhausting deadlines ... Pets can help you relieve stress and even develop some skills.

These skills can be both technical and non-technical, but improving them, you will in any case grow as a programmer.

Problem Solving Skills

Imagine walking with a dog and thinking about a programming problem that you have not been able to cope with for several weeks. Perhaps it is at this moment that it will overshadow you and you will find a solution.

When your dog is nearby, its presence gives strength and helps to cope with difficulties. Here are some ways your four-legged friend is improving your problem-solving skills.

They inspire us to be more active.

Studies have shown that pet owners sleep on average longer, which helps reduce stress and depression.

This mainly applies to people who have dogs: they walk them and spend time in the air. Cat owners also have a lot of additional physical activity, as they regularly play with their pets.

An active lifestyle promotes clear thinking at work. Having recharged and refreshed your brains, you can more effectively cope with complex tasks in the programming process.

They help us live in the present.

As Dr. Alan M. Beck said:
"Regrets about the past and worries about the future are real stress."

Pets help you focus less on past mistakes and worry about future issues.

According to Alan M. Beck, director of the Center for the Human-Animal Bond at the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine , a simple activity like playing with a dog immerses us present and reduces stress associated with thinking about the past and future.

This will allow you to free your head from all thoughts and approach the work task with a more clear and uncomplicated consciousness.

Creative thinking skills

Creative thinking is one of the most important skills when it comes to programming and the software industry. To solve complex problems, you need to think outside the box.

Here are some examples of how pets help develop creative thinking.

They support the activity and acuteness of our thinking.

Pets give us a sense of purpose and duty. They depend on us in terms of food, shelter and security. Caring for them requires not only physical, but also mental efforts - we must be able to communicate with our pet and feel what he needs.

You may not be aware of this, but all activities with the pet, from satisfying its basic needs to games and relaxing together, stimulate your brain and help it stay in good shape.

Reason is the most complex and most powerful resource. The more you use it, the more creative and sharp your thinking becomes. Active consciousness helps to create, because the creative process is also cyclical: the more you create, the more motivated you become.

Begin to take care of your pet as a tool for creativity, and you will surely get even more pleasure from these walks and games.

They give us a childish sense of joy and freedom

Pets often awaken the best qualities in us. They help to explore the world and return to this nonchalant childish way of being.

When your pet is nearby, you feel more direct and happy. You might even be doing something stupid and unusual while spending time with your cat.

It is this feeling of joy and freedom that pets can give, also helps to develop creative abilities. When you were younger and carefree, you less evaluated everything and believed in endless possibilities.

This look, full of surprise and curiosity, is ideal for creativity. Next time, playing with a dog, allow yourself to be alive and spontaneous - you will see how much creative energy is in you.

Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal communication is an important skill that a programmer needs to work on. To successfully lead your projects, you must be able to effectively interact with colleagues.

Programming is a team game, so you must be able to work in a team. And your pets will help you succeed in this. Cool, right?

They improve our relationship.

Good relationships with four-legged friends lead to better relationships with people. “Animals don't care who you are or what you wear; they want to play and be with you, ”says Moore , a specialist in animal research.

She notes that carefree and playful thinking has made many pet owners more prepared to live in the present.

According to a 1997 study at the University of Michigan Nursing School, animal observation can teach tolerance and help restore psychic energy. Caring for a pet also teaches responsibility and fosters openness, a sense of confidence and camaraderie.

This can directly affect how you deal with work responsibilities. Feeling comfortable among people, you hone social skills, which are very important for a team player.

They help us feel less alone.

Since man is a social being by nature, isolation for him is a source of stress.

Pets give us communication, which not only reduces the feeling of isolation, but, according to Beck, also helps to establish positive contact with other people, further reducing stress.

Photo from the Unsplash resource . Posted by: Jonas Vincent

They reinforce our self-esteem.

A recent study at the University of Miami and the University of St. Louis showed that pet owners have higher self-esteem than those who haven't got a pet. Also, they are generally less nervous and worried, which leads to a decrease in overall stress levels.

By becoming more self-confident, you are able to solve various problems that you encounter while working, especially if you are part of a team.

They satisfy our need for touch.

Psychologists have long understood the importance of touch for mental health.

For example, a recent article in the journal Psychology Today says physical contact reduces aggression and stress, boosts confidence, and strengthens the immune system.

All pet owners benefit from touch, but this is especially important for people living alone. Pets encourage you to trust people, you become better in communication and develop as a team player. They also help relieve stress, which makes life happier and more meaningful. This will be your intrinsic motivation at work.

And they make us laugh

According to the Mayo Clinic , laughter reduces stress and anxiety. If you have a dog or cat, most likely you laugh a lot, and this is good for your health.

Your pet, whether it is a dog or a cat (or a bird, iguana, rabbit), gives you a lot every day. Health benefits, such as reducing stress, are already sufficient grounds to wish the best for your pet, to take care of his health, happiness and well-being.

Do you know this? How do you communicate with pets? Tell us in the comments.

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