CI / CD on AWS, Azure and Gitlab. New course from OTUS

Attention! This article is not engineering and is intended for readers who are interested in education in the field of CI / CD. Most likely, if you are not interested in learning, this material will not be of interest to you.

If you are a developer or administrator responsible for setting up continuous integration / continuous delivery processes , then OTUS has opened a set of courses specifically for you: a practical intensive course on the popular method of continuous development and delivery of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery software across Amazon Web Service, Azure, GitLab, and Jenkins platforms .

During the training, students will learn how to configure the assembly and testing process of the application and the installation process with the three leading providers, as well as form an understanding of the architecture of cloud providers and learn the automation of code analysis and vulnerability search.

As a result of the training, each student will create a graduation work, which will be the implementation of CI / CD processes for any opensource project to choose from. After training, of course, each student will receive materials for all classes, a certificate of completion, and most importantly, configure the assembly and testing of the application and can find vulnerabilities.

Of course, this course is not for everyone. But if you have experience :

  • Work with git
  • Linux or Windows system administration
  • Development or operation
  • Work with a cloud provider

then OTUS is waiting for you! You can take an entrance test to determine if you have enough knowledge to complete the CI / CD course on AWS, Azure, and Gitlab.

On the eve of the start of the “CI / CD for AWS, Azure and Gitlab” course , OTUS hosted Open Day. The teacher spoke about the course program in more detail, answered questions from students, and also described the learning process.

Also open is access to a free viewing of the open webinar on the topic “Using Jenkins with K8S”, which was conducted by Boris Nikolaev , a lecturer in the CI / CD course on AWS, Azure and Gitlab :

The process of training on the course "CI / CD on AWS, Azure and Gitlab" takes place in the format of online webinars. Throughout the training (and it lasts 3 months), students can ask experienced teachers who are always in touch. Practice exercises will be completed using the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Service, and Microsoft Azure.

The course program consists of four main modules:

  1. Development in the cloud (Code)
  2. Automation of assembly and testing (Continuous Integration)
  3. Installation Automation (Continuous Delivery)
  4. Summary module

Each of them will be thoroughly understood in the classes in the format of online webinars, and homework will help to consolidate the knowledge gained, according to which, if necessary, you can get a detailed feedback from teachers.

Many experts call CI / CD one of the best software development techniques for modern tasks. Do you agree with this statement?

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