Top 10: the best reports of Heisenbug 2019 Moscow

When the conference and nostalgia for ducks ends and a couple of months pass, then you begin to recall the reports that you could not listen to. Under the cut will be the top 10 reports of the Heisenbug 2019 Moscow conference, as well as a playlist for all the reports of the past conference.

How to evaluate the quality of your search

Speaker: Roman Poborchiy
Place: 10
Presentation of the report

This novel is not the first time he speaks at the Heisenbug conference. At one time, he worked for a long time at Yandex, where he was engaged in search quality. In addition, he prepares speakers for speeches at conferences. As you know, Roman loves difficult tasks. He talks about challenges in assessing quality in his report using very understandable examples. This is the case when there are formulas in the presentation, but everything is clear.

Will a bot steal your spot in software testing?

Speaker: Ingo Philipp
Place: 9
Presentation of the report

Ingo Philipp made an opening keynote about AI. The subject of machine learning in testing is a rapidly developing one. If you look at what achievements scientists and engineers have been able to achieve in the automotive industry, it seems that the task of checking the quality of mobile, web and desktop applications is about to be solved.

I really liked the demo that Ingo showed in the 8th minute of his report, after which it seemed that you could finish testing the applications the way we do it now. But is it that simple?

Testing the Amazon Lumberyard Game Engine: Approaches and Tools

Speaker: Artyom Nesiolovsky
Place: 8
Presentation of the report

Game testing reports are always in the top 10 at every conference. This one is no exception. When Artyom applied for a report, I thought to myself: “Does Amazon have its own game engine ?!” And this is not surprising, because games are the second most popular form of entertainment among humanity (what do you think comes first?).

In his speech, Artem will talk about:

  • testing the game engine with examples;
  • the difference between testing the game engine and testing games;
  • tools;
  • ACC model, ViewPort, PageObject in the world of games, WARP and other useful terms =)

Automation of microfronts, or How component libraries are tested in Tinkoff

Speaker: Alexander Vorobei
Place: 7
Presentation of the report

Have you heard about microservices? So in the world of frontend, too, there is this! Alexander talked about his experience, the Storybook tool, about the choice between Puppeteer (by the way, the new Playwright tool from the creators of Puppeteer recently released ) and CodeceptJS, and also about how they implemented their pipeline for testing.

We have Devops. No one was fired. But what to do ?!

Speaker: Baruch Sadogursky
Place: 6

Continuation of the saga about “We have DevOps. Let's fire all the testers ” , in which Baruch gives useful tips to Vasya from the Omsk Meat Processing Plant, how to do digital transformation , how to implement practices for quick releases, how to change automation approaches in your organization with your own hands. The report is full of useful books, including:

Automation Automation

Speaker: Irina Rubchenko
Place: 5
Presentation of the report

As you can see from the name, you can automate not only test cases, but also automation departments! Irina tells how they interact with the team of manual testers, the development team and how they built an end-to-end testing writing system with TestRail and the BDD approach.

Testing an IoT project. Where is my garbage collector?

Speaker: Anatoly Korovin
Place: 4

One of the few reports where I saw that guys make really useful IoT devices, helping the city. Anatoly is working on a project where they automate the monitoring of garbage collection using various sensors that they themselves develop. His report will contain not only useful information about testing services, but also stories about how the team came up with ways to check the quality and improve devices.

Selenide: Brandashmyg - interactive library road trip

Speaker: Alexey Vinogradov
Place: 3
Presentation of the report

Alexey prepared an interactive report about Selenide. In it you can find out:

  • how to prepare a custom browser configuration for tests;
  • what to do when tests fall on the latest version of Firefox;
  • How to understand that your tests are slow?
    « Selenium, =)»
  • How to use Soft Assertions and why;
  • how many people are using System.out.Printlnfor debug.

If you want to test your knowledge in this framework or find out what mistakes you can make, then this is what you need!

Designing and building with privacy in mind

Speaker: Vitaliy Fridman
Place: 2

This report was a closing keynote on the first day of the conference. In addition to the fact that Vitaly handed out sweets at his report, he talked about how overloaded sites with notifications, captcha, questions about cookies and about the importance of privacy policy. All Vitaly’s reports do not need detailed comments, they just need to be watched.

Auto test coverage visualization

Speaker: Artem Eroshenko
Place: 1

This time Artem spoke not about the Allure Framework at all, but about how to evaluate the test coverage in your project. In the case of API tests, assessing how many tests still need to be written is quite simple: we look at the number of pens, the number of possible options for sending requests, look at the tests that already exist - voila, you can see what else needs to be covered. By the way, in the report, Artem shows how using Swagger you can make a convenient coverage report that is useful for testers, managers, and developers.

The highlight of the report is the display of test coverage directly on the website.

I also remember other reports at the conference, which can be viewed in the open playlistfor example, reports by Alexandra Svatikova about static security testing and Sebastian Dashner, where he showed how to write component and unit tests.

By the way, they will be at the conference in St. Petersburg . The site is always the most current version of the program. Subscribe to the newsletter and stay tuned.

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