1C-Bitrix prevents unsubscribing from the newsletter by the requirement to submit their personal data

A lot of stuff is poured into my mailbox, including from Bitrix (in fairness it is worth noting that I once registered on their website).

But now I’m tired of these letters and I decided to unsubscribe. It's very easy to do, right? But as it turned out, not in the case of 1C-Bitrix. What did I not expect in any way :) Namely, the obligatory checkmark β€œI have read and accept the terms of confidentiality of personal information, including regarding the processing and use of my personal data”.

I like this: why? That is, I want them to not write to me anymore, but they want me to sell their soul to them in the end? The first time I meet with such impudence.
In general, I did not unsubscribe, but simply threw them into spam and Google said that I would not get bored with this anymore.

I would like to hear the opinion of knowledgeable lawyers, how legitimate is such impudence? It seems like the law does not have the right to interfere with the response.


Link to politicians: www.1c-bitrix.ru/download/files/manuals/ru/privacy.htm

A little useless text for the cutscene, which makes no sense to look at this topic, just requires 100 characters.

UPD 02/27/2020: the form has been fixed, now there are no required fields.

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