Manager will hand over

At the end of the article there is a summary if you are too lazy to read the entire text.

There is an interesting profession in the world, a monetary, simple and very common profession - to transmit information. The people involved in it are fundamentally divided into two categories: secretaries and managers.

With the secretaries it’s clear their task is to ensure communication. For example, between the director and the rest of the world - call for a meeting, find a hotel, book flights, issue an order. There are also press secretaries, so they just broadcast on behalf of a person or agency - transmit information.

And in some strange way, the transmission of information crept into the midst of managers of various kinds. It seems that a manager is a person who manages something or someone. And here it isn’t - it just passes back and forth.

I must say right away: I myself am a manager. Sometimes the manager will pass. And not all managers are overpowered. This is such a caste, a subset of the normal managers. The article is not the cry of Yaroslavna, but an attentive, thoughtful and careful analysis of the phenomenon.

Let's look at a few examples.

Program Manager

There are companies in the world that provide software development / revision services. There, usually, programmers and transfer managers sit.

The client calls, gets to the manager, and tells what he needs to do. The manager accurately writes and transfers information to the programmer. That's all for now.

The programmer calls back to the client and clarifies what he really needs. Well, it starts to do. If the programmer is lazy or inexperienced, he does not call the client, but asks the manager clarifying questions. The one what? Correctly, transfers information (questions) to the client. The client answers, the manager passes to the programmer.

Then the programmer, of course, "goes into the bunker," in other words, solves the problem. The client sometimes starts to worry, and calls to find out how you are doing. To whom? To the manager. What does a manager do? That's right, it passes information to the programmer - well, like, what is it like.

The programmer mumbles something - or "is about to be ready," or throws a couple of new questions. The manager accurately writes and transfers information to the client. Well and so in several iterations.

Then, when the work is done, the manager solemnly calls the client and transmits information about this important event. True, the client already knows - the programmer showed him the result.

As a result, the manager transfers to the client the data for payment - the amount, documents, etc. Well, neatly keeps records in the system. Everything, all the information is transferred where necessary, the work of the transfer is completed.

It happens a little more complicated - for example, a client calls and tells a task that he needs to solve, and not what exactly needs to be done. The manager-transmitter will, again, act in its own way - transmit information.

For example, analytics, if any. Some managers, who consider themselves cunning, transmit information to several analysts and programmers at once, so that they think about implementation options, give an assessment of the cost and timing. Then the manager passes this information to the client - either all the options at once, or the cheapest.

The client thinks, asks clarifying questions - the manager accurately transfers them. Further according to the standard scheme.

If something goes wrong when solving the problem, the manager passes the information to the head of the programmers, or to the head of the company - complains, in short. In response, he receives, for example, “tell him to shut up and do” - well, he transmits this information to where necessary.

Good profession. Uncomplicated, the main thing. A person with secondary school education will cope. It is advisable, of course, to transmit information as accurately as possible - here there are problems, because often a dumb telephone is obtained due to the manager’s lack of knowledge of the elementary domain terminology. For example, ignorance of the differences between the operating system and application software, the Internet and the browser, etc.

Service manager

A lot of transfers in the service, for example - in car dealerships, in the repair and maintenance departments.
I come to the official dealer - some boot has flown. The manager will give everything carefully records, picks up the car, I go to the waiting area to stare at the TV with the broadcast repair.

I see - the manager ran to the dude in a greasy robe, and transmitted the information. Great, it started.

After 15 minutes, I see on the monitor - the manager approached, received some information from the master. He reaches me, conveys information - you need to buy anther. The dealer himself, of course, does not have them - they have not heard about TOC. Ordering is about a month to wait, but there is a boutiques around the corner where non-original anthers are sold.

Ok, I’m going to the store, buying, dragging, giving it to the manager, returning to the TV set. I see, I ran out, gave my boot, something is being repaired again. After 5 minutes, the manager appears on the TV again, and the master explains something emotionally to him. It brings information, apparently.

The manager comes running to me and transmits information that I bought the wrong boot. I say - what are you, I even wrote down what you need to buy. Well, yes, he says, I gave you the wrong information. It is necessary that one that is closer to the wheel, and I bought the one from the other end.

Okay, figs with him, the boot of 700 rubles was worth it, I'm going to buy another. I pass it on to the manager, the one to the master, the repair is completed successfully, I’m leaving.

And, no, not successfully. Then the boot fell off again, and I arrived again. The manager ran away, found out, and handed me the information that they sucked a drag, so he fell off. I asked, maybe some special clamp is necessary - I ran away, transmitted the information, returned, transmitted the information. Named a specific brand of clamps, I bought.

It is clear that without this guy in the car dealership was in no way. And so - everyone is mistaken. Then I saw the resume of this guy - I wanted to become a June programmer.

Head of IT at the factory

Approximately the same as the manager under the programmer, but with some significant differences.

The difference is number one: the chief of IT often contacts customers live, because they are sitting in neighboring offices. Therefore, he has a better developed verbal communication skill, and, willy-nilly, at least some knowledge in the subject area appears.

But the essence of the work is the same - to transmit information. High-level customers, such as directors, their deputies, chief accountants, finders, etc. They don’t like to communicate with the lower classes - programmers, therefore they call the chief of IT to themselves for setting the task. The boss always has a corporate notebook with him, with a bunch of multi-colored bookmarks in which he writes down tasks, and then transfers them to programmers. Well, then on the thumb, drives information about the status of tasks back and forth.

Sometimes it acts as an additional contour of information transfer. For example, it runs, ass in the soap, and tells the system administrators that the server is not working. Thus, the system administrators who are already sitting and repairing the server. But the IT chief can not always visually determine that the system administrators are already fixing the server, so no one will tell him the truth - everyone solemnly receives important information from him.

The difference is number two, the key: the IT chief attends meetings. His main desire is not to get any new information there, because usually they don’t say anything good about IT at the factory. It’s ideal to sit silently in a corner, and when the turn comes, say “I have no questions”.

Before the meeting, the IT chief intensively collects information from his subordinates - what are the jambs, delays, in what status are the tasks and projects. Not because he’s done, but because he can be asked about this at the meeting. If he cannot answer, he will be charged with the worst accusation for the head of the IT plant.

Do you know how it sounds? “You do not own the information.” This is almost a death sentence. Not only in factories, by the way - in the meetings of high government officials that are shown on television, this accusation also sounds often, and one can clearly see how a person is worried about him.

The life of an IT chief is somewhat more complicated than a service manager, because there are more nodes (between which you need to drive information).

IT Director

This manager will pass level 80. He won't even pass it on. He is a translator and a scammer.
So, if you look, an IT director is needed for the strategic management of IT infrastructure. If you recall that IT is part of the company, it becomes clear that the IT strategy is part of the overall strategy of the enterprise.

Formation of an IT strategy is carried out either by decomposition or translation. The point is not very different, the difference in approaches. Decomposition is a smart technical action, such as compiling an ISR, and broadcasting is something from the field of info-gypsy, like transmitting information in a distorted form. Accordingly, broadcasting is easier.

In short, the CIO goes to Big Meetings to discuss Important Matters, Strategy, Goals, Benchmarks, Future, etc. And when he leaves the Big Conference, he must broadcast the information received on it.

Simply transmitting information is one-to-one, as-is, without loss or distortion (well, except for the cases described above). And broadcasting is like translating from the language of High Elves into the language of Dumb Orcs.

For example, the High Elves said: you need to reduce costs. CIO broadcasts: Vasya, I'm firing you. Or ordered at the Big Meeting to do digitalization, the CIO broadcasts: we buy ERP. And if you decide to develop services for electronic sales, the result of the broadcast will be “buy Bitrix”.

Then the fun begins - the reverse broadcast. Subordinates simply broadcast - they are obliged to listen and perform. Well, they told Bitrix to buy - we’ll buy it. And how then to explain why e-selling services are not developing? And what is digitalization - they have not figured it out (by the way, did someone figure it out?), But they bought and implemented ERP. Instead of the dismissed, Vasya took two new ones, increased the costs by one and a half times (because Vasya was smart, but not demanding) - do not care, because the reverse broadcast on the topic “I cut costs” occurred immediately after the dismissal. They will not double-check later? It turns out a classic surrogate - did not do what was requested.

But CIOs are not discouraged, they have come up with a lot of ways to correctly broadcast. They know what to say, to whom, how to file it and, what is important, when. The result, however, is usually deplorable, but this applies not only to IT, so our heroes are not to blame for anything.

Yes, about the “scammer” - it’s about the same as broadcasting, it’s just called differently. Some High Elves like to say, "convey information to your subordinates." Do not transmit, do not broadcast, namely report.

Here, however, it sounds twofold. On the one hand, “convey” is a synonym for the word “convey”. On the other hand, there is a suspicion that the High Elves are simply asking the CIOs to convey and not splash along the way.

In general, the CIO is the hardest. It is necessary to be not just a broadcast, but a broadcast translator. CIOs, you hang on there.


There is such a profession - to transfer information back and forth. Usually managers do this.
A manager will transmit to programmers in a company that provides completion services, it simply transfers information from the client to the programmer and vice versa.

The IT director at the plant transfers information in two ways: from customers to programmers and vice versa, and from programmers to the Meeting and vice versa. The main task is to own information. If you own the information, you probably won't get fired.

The IT director does not just transmit information, he transmits it, i.e. translates from the language of the High Authority into the language of small cattle. The most difficult thing is to broadcast back, i.e. present a thousand lines of code as an implementation of a company’s strategy.
Transfer managers are great guys. Good luck and prosperity.

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