Research of design teams in Russian food companies

Annual research of product design teams in Russia . How does the professional community evaluate their performance?


At the end of 2019, we interviewed domestic specialists to find out their attitude to product design teams. The survey involved 1260 people (90% are designers of various profiles) from different cities: Moscow (50%), St. Petersburg (15%), Yekaterinburg (5%), Minsk (3%), Novosibirsk (2.8%) , Kiev (2.4%), Kazan (1.8%), Nizhny Novgorod (1.3%), Voronezh (1.2%), Krasnodar (1.1%), Samara (1%), Rostov- on-Don (1%) and others (15%).

In Russia, there are enough strong food companies and teams with powerful designers and strong international products. Many of them help the design community with conferences, meetings, contests, and other useful things.

Such a rating will be useful to the market. Designers should better understand where there are good challenges and a comfortable environment for professional growth. Companies and design teams - see what needs to be downloaded. This will be a useful tool for evaluating investments in an HR brand.

Have you seen strong design products from these companies?

We used it ourselves, read about them, heard the recommendations of friends.

In which companies would you learn something as a designer?

For example, there are strong designers inside or a built-in system workflow.

Where is a good design culture built, do managers understand and value design?

The life of a designer in such a company is not a process of eternal struggle.

Which domestic companies work well with the professional community?

It can be meetings and conferences, courses and educational programs, articles and other publications.

Which company offer would you accept?

You were offered a job and given the opportunity to choose the product you want to work on.

Answers were collected from the end of October 2019 to the middle of January 2020. The audience is readers of the popular designer Telegram channels, Facebook groups and VKontakte public (special thanks to Odi and Looking for a designer ).

The methodology will be improved. In 2018 , we conducted such a study for the internal tasks of the Group. In 2019, the survey was finalized, and the results of the study were decided to be made open.

It became clear where our efforts to update products and develop the team are noticeable, and where they are not enough or they are not visible from the outside. The main result of the product design team is updated and improved products.

But this is not always a quick process, and the professional community will not immediately notice them. There is a gap between these events, and such a study highlights it. The report has become a good tool for focusing internal work and public activities.

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