Adding Your Fields to a Pytest Report

Faced the task of modifying the html report when working with pytest, as a result of which I found a solution convenient for my task, I want to share it - maybe someone will come in handy. * All pictures are clickable

The following components are required for operation:
* python3 ( Linux: apt-get install python3 ) β€” Python
* pip3 ( Linux: apt-get install python3-pip ) β€” Python ( )
* pytest ( Linux: pip3 install pytest ) β€” framework
* pytest-html ( Linux: pip3 install pytest-html ) β€” pytest html-

Project structure :
| - (Main test script)
| - (Local plug-in which hook scripts are implemented)
| - test-1.jpg (Image file)
| - test-2.jpg (File with picture)

The contents of
import pytest
import base64

log = { 'a':'none', 'b':'none', 'sum':'none' }
log_html = 'none'
log_img = 'none'
log_img_url = 'none'

def set_global_var(a='none',b='none',sum_='none',html='none',img='none',img_url='none'):
	global log, log_html, log_img, log_img_url
	log = { 'a': a, 'b': b, 'sum': sum_ }
	log_html = html
	log_img = img
	log_img_url = img_url

# ,  ,        
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def default_global_var():

def test_default():
	'''    '''
	assert True

def test_1():
	''' '''
	a, b = 2, 2
	sum_ = a + b
	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_ )
	assert sum_ == 4

def test_2():
	''' '''
	a, b = 3, 3
	sum_ = a + b
	#  html 
	html = '''
	  <table border="3" width="100%">
	      <td bgcolor="#D3D3D3"><font color="black"><strong>a</strong></font></td>
	      <td bgcolor="#D3D3D3"><font color="black"><strong>b</strong></font></td>
	      <td bgcolor="#D3D3D3"><font color="black"><strong>sum</strong></font></td>
	      <td><font color="black">{0}</font></td>
	      <td><font color="black">{1}</font></td>
	      <td><font color="black">{2}</font></td>
	  '''.format( a, b, sum_ )
	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_, html = html )
	assert sum_ == 6

def test_3():
	''' '''
	a, b = 4, 4
	sum_ = a + b
	#     base64
	image = open('test-1.jpg', 'rb')
	image_read =
	img = base64.encodebytes( image_read ).decode("utf-8")
	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_, img = img )
	assert sum_ == 8

def test_4():
	''' '''
	a, b = 5, 5
	sum_ = a + b
	#    url
	img_url = 'test-2.jpg'
	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_, img_url = img_url )
	assert sum_ == 10

def test_5():
	''' '''
	a, b = 5, 1
	sum_ = a + b
	#  html 
	html = '<h1> HTML-</h1>'
	#     base64
	image = open('test-1.jpg', 'rb')
	image_read =
	img = base64.encodebytes( image_read ).decode("utf-8")
	#    url
	img_url = 'test-2.jpg'
	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_, html = html, img = img, img_url = img_url )
	print ('    ...')
	assert sum_ == 6

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_a, test_b, test_sum", [(1,2,3), (2,3,5), (4,5,8)])
def test_6(test_a, test_b, test_sum):
	'''  '''
	a, b = test_a, test_b
	sum_ = a + b
	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_ )
	assert sum_ == test_sum

Contents of
import pytest
from py.xml import html

def pytest_html_results_table_header(cells):
	cells.insert(1,'description'))		#  1- 
	cells.insert(2,'a'))			#  2- 
	cells.insert(3,'b'))			#  3- 
	cells.insert(4,'sum'))			#  4- 

def pytest_html_results_table_row(report, cells):
	cells.insert(1, report.description ))	#  1-    
	cells.insert(2, report.a ))		#  2-    
	cells.insert(3, report.b ))		#  3-    
	cells.insert(4, report.sum ))		#  4-    

# hook       
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
	pytest_html = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin('html')
	outcome = yield
	report = outcome.get_result()
	#     -     __doc__    
	report.description = str( item.function.__doc__ )
	report.a = str( item.module.log['a'] )
	report.b = str( item.module.log['b'] )
	report.sum = str( item.module.log['sum'] )
	#  html  image    -     
	extra = getattr(report, 'extra', [])
	if report.when == 'call':
		#  html-
		if item.module.log_html != 'none':
			extra.append(pytest_html.extras.html( item.module.log_html ))
		#  img- (    )
		if item.module.log_img != 'none':
			extra.append(pytest_html.extras.image( item.module.log_img, mime_type='image/jpg', extension='jpg' ))
		#  img-  url-
		if item.module.log_img_url != 'none':
			extra.append(pytest_html.extras.image( item.module.log_img_url ))
		report.extra = extra

Modification of the report is made in the file

Creating new columns is performed through the functions: pytest_html_results_table_header (cells) and pytest_html_results_table_row (report, cells) :

The code
def pytest_html_results_table_header(cells):
	cells.insert(1,'description'))		#  1- 
	cells.insert(2,'a'))			#  2- 
	cells.insert(3,'b'))			#  3- 
	cells.insert(4,'sum'))			#  4- 

def pytest_html_results_table_row(report, cells):
	cells.insert(1, report.description ))	#  1-    
	cells.insert(2, report.a ))		#  2-    
	cells.insert(3, report.b ))		#  3-    
	cells.insert(4, report.sum ))		#  4-    

  • cells.insert ( _number , ( _name )) - inserts a column into the table under _number with the contents of _name

The interception of the test execution and filling out the test report is performed through the function hook:
def pytest_runtest_makereport (item, call) with the decorator: @ pytest.hookimpl (hookwrapper = True) .

The code
# hook       
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
	pytest_html = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin('html')
	outcome = yield
	report = outcome.get_result()
	#     -     __doc__    
	report.description = str( item.function.__doc__ )
	report.a = str( item.module.log['a'] )
	report.b = str( item.module.log['b'] )
	report.sum = str( item.module.log['sum'] )
	#  html  image    -     
	extra = getattr(report, 'extra', [])
	if report.when == 'call':
		#  html-
		if item.module.log_html != 'none':
			extra.append(pytest_html.extras.html( item.module.log_html ))
		#  img- (    )
		if item.module.log_img != 'none':
			extra.append(pytest_html.extras.image( item.module.log_img, mime_type='image/jpg', extension='jpg' ))
		#  img-  url-
		if item.module.log_img_url != 'none':
			extra.append(pytest_html.extras.image( item.module.log_img_url ))
		report.extra = extra

Those. when the test script is executed, the pytest_runtest_makereport (item, call) function will be executed , which in turn:

  • report.description = str (item.function .__ doc__) - the report.description column will be assigned the value of the __doc__ attribute of the test function;
  • report.a = str (item.module.log ['a']) - the report.a column will be assigned the value of the global variable log ['a'];
  • report.b = str (item.module.log ['b']) - the report.b column will be assigned the value of the global variable log ['b'];
  • report.sum = str (item.module.log ['sum']) - the report.sum column will be assigned the value of the global variable log ['sum'];
  • extra.append(pytest_html.extras.html( item.module.log_html )) β€” html-, log_html;
  • extra.append(pytest_html.extras.image( item.module.log_img, mime_type='image/jpg', extension='jpg' )) β€” img-, log_img;
  • extra.append(pytest_html.extras.image( item.module.log_img_url )) β€” img-, log_img_url.

Parameters are transferred to the report through global variables and the __doc__ function attribute; during each test, we must redefine global variables.

The code
log = { 'a':'none', 'b':'none', 'sum':'none' }
log_html = 'none'
log_img = 'none'
log_img_url = 'none'

We will assign values ​​to global variables through the function:

The code
def set_global_var(a='none',b='none',sum_='none',html='none',img='none',img_url='none'):
	global log, log_html, log_img, log_img_url
	log = { 'a': a, 'b': b, 'sum': sum_ }
	log_html = html
	log_img = img
	log_img_url = img_url

In order to automatically reset the values ​​of global variables and not control them in each test, we use fixture.

The code
@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def default_global_var():

To run the test, go to the directory with the test script and run the command:

pytest -v --html=report.html --self-contained-html

As a result of the test, the report.html file will be created .

Test result:

  1. test_default ()
    Test with default parameters:

    The code
    def test_default():
    	'''    '''
    	assert True

  2. test_1 ()
    The test assigns values ​​to global variables and checks the result of the summation.

    The code
    def test_1():
    	''' '''
    	a, b = 2, 2
    	sum_ = a + b
    	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_ )
    	assert sum_ == 4

  3. test_2()

    ( html-) .

    def test_2():
    	''' '''
    	a, b = 3, 3
    	sum_ = a + b
    	#  html 
    	html = '''
    	  <table border="3" width="100%">
    	      <td bgcolor="#D3D3D3"><font color="black"><strong>a</strong></font></td>
    	      <td bgcolor="#D3D3D3"><font color="black"><strong>b</strong></font></td>
    	      <td bgcolor="#D3D3D3"><font color="black"><strong>sum</strong></font></td>
    	      <td><font color="black">{0}</font></td>
    	      <td><font color="black">{1}</font></td>
    	      <td><font color="black">{2}</font></td>
    	  '''.format( a, b, sum_ )
    	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_, html = html )
    	assert sum_ == 6

  4. test_3()
    ( img-) .

    def test_3():
    	''' '''
    	a, b = 4, 4
    	sum_ = a + b
    	#     base64
    	image = open('test-1.jpg', 'rb')
    	image_read =
    	img = base64.encodebytes( image_read ).decode("utf-8")
    	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_, img = img )
    	assert sum_ == 8


  5. test_4()

    ( img-) .

    def test_4():
    	''' '''
    	a, b = 5, 5
    	sum_ = a + b
    	#    url
    	img_url = 'test-2.jpg'
    	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_, img_url = img_url )
    	assert sum_ == 10


  6. test_5()

    ( html-, img-) .

    def test_5():
    	''' '''
    	a, b = 5, 1
    	sum_ = a + b
    	#  html 
    	html = '<h1> HTML-</h1>'
    	#     base64
    	image = open('test-1.jpg', 'rb')
    	image_read =
    	img = base64.encodebytes( image_read ).decode("utf-8")
    	#    url
    	img_url = 'test-2.jpg'
    	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_, html = html, img = img, img_url = img_url )
    	print ('    ...')
    	assert sum_ == 6

  7. test_6()

    , .


    @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_a, test_b, test_sum", [(1,2,3), (2,3,5), (4,5,8)])
    def test_6(test_a, test_b, test_sum):
    	'''  '''
    	a, b = test_a, test_b
    	sum_ = a + b
    	set_global_var( a = a, b = b, sum_ = sum_ )
    	assert sum_ == test_sum


In this case, an example of passing parameters to a report through global variables was examined, for my task this is quite acceptable. But the use of global variables imposes known difficulties and problems, so be careful.

I hope this article will be useful to you.

Another report example

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