SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Data Analysis (2019-nCov)

Recently, I see a lot of news releases about the new virus, but is it so bad, has the epidemic reached its peak or is still ahead. For the most part, it’s hard to draw any conclusions from news releases. In the end, I decided to figure it out myself, and here is what came of it.


In order to understand the situation, I needed to get the data for analysis, I managed to find them on the website of the World Health Organization (WHO) . Data is published as pdf reports for each day starting January 21, 2020. It was not possible to write a universal parser, since all reports are different, I had to copy data from them manually. First of all, I was interested in the number of infected and dead people, having received this, I calculated the number of infected and dead per day:

We display on the chart the number of deaths for each day:

The graph shows abnormal data for February 13 and 14, clarifying this in the reports for the indicated periods, I noticed typos, so for February 14 and 15 it is indicated that the number of deaths on these days is equal to 121 people, which does not correspond to what was calculated earlier . ( 13 , ), 13 14 . KonkovVladimir 13 108, 14 108 , ( 5):


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