Urgent tasks. May the Savior come

Have you ever wondered where the urgent tasks come from? It seems that they somehow arise by themselves, objectively, out of nowhere. Urgency is considered as an objective property of the task, which does not make sense to analyze.

There are simply urgent tasks in the world, and that’s it. As there is bad weather, traffic jams and the bad mood of the boss. I also always thought so, until I met a wonderful person who explained everything to me. Since then, I look at urgent tasks differently, because I understand the reason for their occurrence.

The reason is simple: if the task is urgent, then someone, somewhere, profakapil something.

If you brought an urgent task, then either you or someone before you profiled. Remember this, and do not hide behind the urgency of the task. If they figure it out, they will still know that it was you who profiled. There is nothing shameful in this - we all do this.

And if they don’t know, then you will continue to fakap, turning normal tasks into urgent ones. For example, keep the host requests for assessment, analysis, design for a month, and then to give the programmer / analyst as "ah-ah-ah-ah should urgently assess the client important, let's jump and run." Once a ride, you will be believed, and you continue to fakapit - which is not something, once a ride.

Systemic task fakap and turning them into urgent ones is already bad, because you become a toxic, harmful and unpleasant person. And you don’t want to be like that.

If an urgent task has been brought to you, ask the actual time frame for its occurrence. This will help you, first of all, to the one who brought the task. Well, a little yourself - at least you will not feel guilty for the fact that you have an urgent task, and there is a risk of not being in time.

Sometimes you don’t even need to ask if the production was sent by e-mail - look at the dates of letters or attached files.

There is another filthy trap that creates urgent tasks. Suppose you were given a task. You think you will do it yourself. You yourself, so yourself - then do not care for urgency, you yourself are the master of your time. Sit, wait calmly for yourself the moment when you can begin to complete the task, and now he is coming ... Wham!

Something has changed, and the task is transferred to another person. She immediately becomes mega-urgent. You have the whole context of the task in your head, and the new person needs to dive, which further enhances the nervousness of the situation. It’s better not to create such situations, not to stick to the deadline, and start doing it earlier.

The reason for urgency can be found in any task. The server fell from 1C at the factory, and you need to urgently fix it? Profakapil system administrator who did not configure the backup server. The system administrator applied for a backup server, but the IT director did not sign? The CIO is to blame, he is the cause of urgency. Did not pay finder because they got out of the budget? The CIO is to blame, who crookedly manages the budget. Did the director of the company forbid buying "all this nonsense for IT people"? He is to blame.

It is clear that it makes no sense to present the director. He just won’t understand, because never heard of risk management. The main thing is that you don’t have to worry and feel guilty for solving an urgent task. The system administrator does not eliminate his own fakap, he has nothing to be ashamed of. The system administrator eliminates the director’s mistake. He's saving the director and his damn goofy company. Sysadmin - the Savior.

Like any person who solves an urgent task, who has been saved up by someone else. You are the Savior, damn it. And he is a villain. Not the other way around.

Any fakap author hides this fact, trying to turn everything out so that the horse is to blame. And the horse is not to blame. It would be good if everyone understood this and revealed the causes of urgent tasks. But this will never happen, so at least you will be calmer, dear Savior.

Every time an urgent task arrives to you, try to see the phakapschik. And tell him about it, if the hierarchy allows. Let him know.

Well, here is a good picture of Dorofeev on this topic:


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