KPI copywriter or features of the evaluation of the work of remote authors on staff and freelancers

The article describes how to determine the effectiveness of KPI Runetovsk copywriter and commercial content author. The tasks and methods of remuneration of the author, the shortcomings and advantages of the author are described.

You want to know what is being done in the world of digital marketing, what is the trend of marketing, to find topics for articles, subscribe to Facebook marketing groups. Subscribed to some.
In the Tyzhmarketologist group, a question was asked: how to evaluate a KPI copywriter. The issue sparked discussions where various points of view were expressed.

It became interesting, but nevertheless, by what criteria is the work of the copywriter / author evaluated. Wrote two articles.

In this article I will try to determine what KPI is for a copywriter / commercial author who works in the state remotely and in freelance. How to find out the effectiveness of the author and pay for the work. This article is for Runet, here are listed ways to evaluate for volume and time.

The second article on the definition of KPI-copywriter relates to the Western market. It is published on the website of the Academy of Internet Marketing WebPromoExperts, who are interested to go and read the article "KPI copywriter, or how in the West they evaluate the effectiveness of the author."

The content of the article

  • Freelancer as a solution to any problems
  • What is KPI?
  • What tasks does the author solve
  • Categories of content authors - characteristics and assessment options
  • KPI depending on the tasks that the author and the copywriter are solving
  • How to designate remuneration and determine the productivity of the author
  • Remote author on staff how to pay
  • Freelance writer, feature
  • Estimated time spent on a particular type of text
  • Payment Determination Methods
  • Sign Payment
  • The main plus sign payment
  • Option for determining the remuneration of the author with the calculation of time
  • As we consider
  • Lack of hourly pay
  • Definition of KPI copywriter as a result of content marketing

Freelancer as a solution to any problems

For business, freelance and remote authors are a very valuable resource, which is desirable to use as fully as possible.

It is beneficial to keep an employee on a remote location. No need to bother about moving, no need to think about the organization of housing, a workplace, provide social programs. However, to solve management and remuneration issues, it is necessary to build honest internal communications.
To help solve the task of managing performers, KPI should appoint fair payment.

What is KPI?

KPI or Key Performance Indicator is, speaking the language of Wikipedia and other reference books, a quantifiable indicator of actually achieved results.

In this article, we are interested in the KPI of a writing employee. The result of efficiency, which depends on the tasks performed.

What tasks does the author solve

Text exchanges have devalued the concept of copywriter, forcing anyone who works with text to be called like that. Now a copywriter and someone who simply rewrites other people's articles, and an advertiser carrying the Golden Eggs company.

Therefore, the main question, the answer to which the employer should know: what task should the author / copywriter perform. Based on this, decide what kind of KPI is in mind.

In fact, there are only two types of KPIs for a writing employee:

  1. KPI - copywriter, when the assessment is performed according to the results of marketing metrics. In this case, the copywriter sells the product with his text
  2. KPI is a commercial author who works with any type of content. In this case, KPI depends on the quantity and quality of the material.

Let's analyze these categories in more detail.

Content Author Categories - Features

Without going into the nuances, we divide the category of writing staff into three large groups.

  1. "Thousand-character author" type from the text exchange, which earns from typed characters or the number of articles.
  2. Commercial author, one who works with any content and understands marketing. He writes texts for company websites, works on the description of business services, etc.
  3. A copywriter who creates selling things: prototypes or just texts for landing pages, advertising texts, newsletters, slogans, scripts for audio and video clips and other products.

The main difference in the result achieved and fair pay.
In copywriting, it is extremely difficult to determine KPI, even taking into account technical indicators. Therefore, it is important to learn how to individually determine the efficiency coefficient for a single author.

A lot of factors influence employee productivity. After all, the result of the work of a copywriter can be spoiled by a designer, a marketer, a business owner, other employees.

For calculation it is necessary to take into account complex indicators and rely on them.
However, each client has its own quality criteria that are characteristic for each category of employees.

It is fair to evaluate content authors by the number of articles and quality - these are the results of uniqueness checks, Glavred points, Turgenev spam, compliance with grammar and spelling rules.

Copywriter performance is measured by marketing metrics. This option is more honest, but only valid after the text reaches certain results. This is the clickability of ads, the popularity and virality of the article on social networks, the number of clicks on links from the article and so on.

KPI depending on the tasks

What KPIs can a client mean when he decides to hire an effective commercial writer. Here are the most basic ones:

  1. Applications from texts.
  2. Sales.
  3. The first 10 places in the search.
  4. Frequency of views and readability of the article on the site.
  5. The amount of material / texts that the author must issue per hour of work.

There is a quality metric for the author.

Key indicators by which articles are evaluated:
  1. Number of errors (grammar, spelling).
  2. Criticism from readers.
  3. Relevance of the article over time.
  4. Ratings, reviews of customers, users and readers.
  5. Ratings and authority in search engines.
  6. Uniqueness, that is, the absence of plagiarism.
  7. The writing style in which the article is written.
  8. The result to which the article was directed.
  9. Compliance with the technical requirements and quality criteria that the client makes. It can be: a check for Glavred, Turgenev and a check for uniqueness. Literacy.

Fulfilled these quality metrics, then the marketing results are quite likely what can be achieved.

The main marketing criteria for evaluating a copywriter include the following criteria:

  1. Definition of CTA (Call To Action) the effectiveness of the text that calls for action: following the link, like, subscribing to a channel or news, the number of phone calls that are recorded on each advertising platform, etc.
  2. Number of quality inbound links - determining the number of sites that link to successful content.
  3. Content virality. Reposts, likes, comments, opinions of industry leaders and more.
  4. Register in the list of email addresses. The number of subscribers on the site, news on social networks, clickability of ads.

Categories of authors identified. In the West, the copywriter receives a fee from the client under the contract and depending on the result. In RuNet, a completely different payment bar.

How to designate remuneration and determine the productivity of the author

The difficulty lies in the fair assessment of the workability and effectiveness of the content author. There are continuous disputes around how to evaluate work fairly, what to expect from the author. There are two kinds of authors.

The author can work in the office and remotely in the state and receive a salary or be a freelancer and work on the job.

Remote author on staff how to pay

When the author is on a salary, you can wait for him to write articles in accordance with a plan or contract agreed in advance.

In general, the issue of salary in large agencies and companies is very arbitrary. The author will cost exactly as much as he can bargain. If the author is confident, experienced, he knows how much his work costs in the market.

In addition, the salary depends on the difficulty of the task that was given, if no one has ever done it, and the author has decided it, then the reward will be appropriate.

Freelance writer, feature

An author who works piecework is a slave to his desires.

It is not tied to a specific plan and may give preference to more attractive customers.

Piecework is evaluated in two ways: by signs and by time, sometimes the final cost for the entire article is pre-determined.

One of the main criteria for the effectiveness of a freelance author is the number of texts.

The effectiveness of the text is evaluated in the clicks from the link from the article, in the number of views in the readability of the text. Readability can be viewed in Yandex.Metrica, for example, in a web browser. The tool will show the weaknesses and strengths in the article.

Estimated time spent on a particular type of text

Time is another important criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the author.

How much time the author will solve this or that problem (conditionally):

  • For example, a seo text of three thousand characters of a known subject can be written in two or three hours.
  • An expert article of a similar volume or more - in two to four days, taking into account the deduction.
  • The text for the landing will take about a week.

It is necessary to take into account the human factor.

The effectiveness formula for the human factor: The

human factor = psychological component + print speed + time to think and search for information (the speed with which the author delves into the subject).

If you need texts to just make descriptions of the goods, set the task to write 5 - 20 thousand characters per day. If more - it will be shitty content sucked from the finger. Although, it all depends on the complexity of the task.

Evaluation should take place depending on quality, work schedule, uniqueness requirements and other technical parameters.

You want the texts to be without typos, spam and unique, so do not forget to give time for proofreading. And this is another day. Ready-made texts should at least lie down overnight.

Need expert longreads? This is a completely different level. It is necessary to investigate the platform where the article will be published, compose and coordinate the statement of work, write a text, edit it and coordinate the article with the management. Only here lies the question of whether longrid will solve the task. Such articles require time and a long study of the topic.

There are many topics that are extremely difficult for a layman. I have to turn to forums, print media, study a lot of materials.

A good good text requires a detailed specification with the proposed structure, links to sources, with keywords, that is, the attraction of additional resources.

Payment Determination Methods

Sign Payment

The most common way to determine payment is by signs.

The cost of a thousand-character author is estimated on average by text exchanges. A less worthy amount of 50 - 200 rubles. for 1000 cm. Maybe a little more expensive, or even cheaper, it all depends on the courage of the author and the arrogance of the customer.

However, in general, such a payment procedure is convenient only for a text exchange.

On the stock exchange how everything is done:

  1. Placed an order.
  2. I chose an artist.
  3. The verification service, as, for example, automatically calculated uniqueness on ett.
  4. A secure transaction provided payment to the author and interest to the exchange.

The customer, namely the so-called customers on the exchanges, left. However, whether he is satisfied or not, is another matter.

The method of payment by signs is found not only on the exchange. It is also offered when searching for authors in social networks, in Telegram, on hh. Only at such sites, unlike the exchange, they still require efficiency, knowledge, sociability and activity, in return offering a friendly team that will teach and heat.

The main plus sign payment - how much wrote, received so much money. The whole question is in quality.

By the way, when studying the topic at the Quora discussion forum for Western copywriters, I did not find such a thing: mark evaluation. There is an estimate of the volume of the text by words, by signs - no.

It is more correct to evaluate the work as a whole per article or by the time spent on the article.

Option for determining the remuneration of the author with the calculation of time

As we consider

Note the average time it takes to write the text. For example, 2000 smv. can write in an hour of work.

Do not forget to include time for searching and processing material.

Determine for yourself how much the hourly rate will be, how much you want to earn per month of work, approximately 160 - 170 hours.

If the text is simple, take 300 rubles / hour. For one kilo sign you will receive 150 rubles.

If you need to delve into the topic, and in an hour you can write only 1000 characters, increase the cost.

Actual payment 350 rub. in 1 hour. This is an average of 60,000 rubles. per month during normal employment, 8 hours a day.

Lack of hourly pay

It is not clear to the client whether the author winds up the watch or not. Suddenly, he spends most of his time browsing social networks or doing personal affairs.

In order to insure and protect the author and the client in advance, plan the amount of work that needs to be done in a certain time.

Definition of KPI copywriter as a result of content marketing

Some companies are looking for an author and offer payment by the result, sometimes it’s a transition to the site from content published on other sites. I had such suggestions. I did not agree.

How to determine where the client came from? After all, a site visitor can simply read the article, bookmark it and contact the operator / manager of the company, for example, after six months.

“Yandex. Metric ”, Google.Analytics will help to identify clicks to the site from a specific source, but I doubt that they can specify the information.

Sometimes I read articles by copywriters who praise the fees received for successful results. I think that there are only a few such authors with whom clients share transactions.
It is still possible to conclude such agreements with a marketing company, but not with a separate author. To comply with the agreements, the Agencies have a number of tools with which the source of traffic is tracked.

That’s all for me. Who can add something, write in the comments.

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