To redeem is the queen: Varonis investigates the fast-spread ransomware ransomware “SaveTheQueen”

A new type of malware of the ransomware virus class encrypts files and adds the .SaveTheQueen extension to them, spreading through the SYSVOL system network folder on Active Directory domain controllers.

Our customers have recently encountered this malware. We give our full analysis, its results and conclusions below.


One of our customers contacted us after they came across a new type of ransomware ransomware that added the extension ".SaveTheQueen" to new encrypted files in their environment.

During our investigation, or rather, at the stage of searching for sources of infection, we found out that the distribution and tracking of infected victims was carried out using the SYSVOL network folder on the customer’s domain controller.

SYSVOL is the key folder for each domain controller used to deliver Group Policy Objects (GPOs) and login and logout scripts to domain computers. The contents of this folder are replicated between domain controllers to synchronize this data on the sites of the organization. Writing to SYSVOL requires high domain privileges, however, after being compromised, this asset becomes a powerful tool for attackers who can use it to quickly and efficiently spread malicious load across the domain.

The Varonis audit chain has helped to quickly identify the following:

  • The infected user account created a file named "hourly" in SYSVOL
  • Many log files were created in SYSVOL - each named for a domain device name
  • Many different IPs accessed the hourly file.

We concluded that the log files were used to track the infection process on new devices, and that “hourly” is a scheduled task that runs malicious load on new devices using the Powershell script - samples “v3” and “v4”.

The attacker probably obtained and used domain administrator privileges to write files to SYSVOL. On infected nodes, the attacker launched PowerShell code, which created a schedule task for opening, decrypting, and launching malware.


We tried several ways to decrypt the samples to no avail:

We were almost ready to give up when we decided to try the “Magic” method of the magnificent Cyberchef
utility by GCHQ. “Magic” tries to guess the encryption of the file, using enumeration of passwords for different types of encryption and measuring entropy.

Translator's Note
. . , ,

“Magic” determined that a base64 encoded GZip packer was used, thanks to which we were able to unzip the file and find the injection code - “injector”.

Dropper: “There's an epidemic in the area! Half-shot vaccinations. Foot and mouth disease

The dropper was a regular .NET file without any protection. After reading the source code using DNSpy, we realized that its sole purpose was to inject shellcode into the winlogon.exe process.

Shellcode or simple difficulties

We used the Hexacorn authorship tool - shellcode2exe in order to “compile” the shell code into an executable file for debugging and analysis. Then we found that it worked on both 32-bit and 64-bit machines.

Writing even a simple shellcode in native translation from assembler can be difficult, writing a full shellcode that runs on both types of systems requires elite skills, so we began to marvel at the sophistication of the attacker.

When we parsed the compiled shellcode using x64dbg , we noticed that it loaded the .NET dynamic librariessuch as clr.dll and mscoreei.dll. This seemed strange to us - usually attackers try to make the shellcode as small as possible, calling the native functions of the OS instead of loading them. Why would anyone need to embed Windows functionality in shellcode instead of directly calling it on demand?

As it turned out, the author of the malware did not write this complex shell code at all - the software characteristic of this task was used to translate executable files and scripts into shell code.

We found the Donut tool , which, it seemed to us, could compile a similar shellcode. Here is his description from GitHub:

Donut generates x86 or x64 shellcode from VBScript, JScript, EXE, DLL (including .NET assemblies). This shellcode can be embedded in any Windows process for execution in

To confirm our theory, we compiled our own code using Donut, and compared it with a sample - and ... yes, we found another component of the toolkit used. After that, we were already able to extract and analyze the original .NET executable.

Code protection

This file was obfuscated with ConfuserEx :

ConfuserEx is an open source .NET project to protect code from other designs. This class of software allows developers to protect their code from reverse engineering using such methods as: replacing characters, masking the flow of control commands and hiding the reference method. Malware authors use obfuscators to avoid detection and make reverse engineering more difficult.

Thanks to ElektroKill Unpacker, we unpacked the code:

Bottom line - payload

The payload resulting from the transformations is a very simple ransomware virus. No mechanism to ensure presence in the system, no connections to the command center - just the good old asymmetric encryption, in order to make these victims unreadable.

The main function selects the following lines as parameters:

  • File extension for use after encryption (SaveTheQueen)
  • Author's email to put in the ransom note file
  • Public key used to encrypt files

The process itself is as follows:

  1. Malware scans local and mapped drives on victim device

  2. Looks for encryption files

  3. Attempts to terminate a process using the file it is about to encrypt.
  4. Renames the file to "Source_file_name.SaveTheQueenING" using the MoveFile function and encrypts it
  5. After the file is encrypted with the author’s public key, the malware renames it again, now in "Original_file_name.SaveTheQueen"
  6. A file is being recorded with a ransom demand in the same folder

Based on the use of the native CreateDecryptor function, one of the malware functions seems to contain a decryption mechanism requiring a private key as a parameter.

The encryption virus does NOT encrypt files stored in the directories:

C: \ windows
C: \ Program Files
C: \ Program Files (x86)
C: \ Users \\ AppData
C: \ inetpub

It also DOES NOT encrypt the following file types: EXE, DLL , MSI, ISO, SYS, CAB.

Summary and Conclusions

Despite the fact that the ransomware virus itself did not contain any unusual functions, the attacker creatively used Active Directory to distribute the dropper, and the malware itself provided us with interesting, albeit not complicated, obstacles during the analysis.

We think the author of the malware is:

  1. I wrote a ransomware virus with a built-in implementation in the winlogon.exe process, as well as
    file encryption and decryption functionality
  2. Disguised the malicious code using ConfuserEx, converted the result using Donut and additionally hid the base64 Gzip dropper
  3. Got elevated privileges in the victim’s domain and used them to copy
    encrypted malware and scheduled tasks to the SYSVOL network folder of domain controllers
  4. Launched a PowerShell script on domain devices to spread malware and write attack progress to logs in SYSVOL

If you have questions about this version of the ransomware virus, or any other forensics and investigation of information security incidents by our teams, contact us or request a live demonstration of response to attacks , where we always answer questions during the Q&A session.

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