DevOps section at the DUMP2020 conference. Rejoice / cry together

Last year, we severely made a mistake with the hall of the DevOps section, and gave him the smallest room for 30 people. On reports, the crowd stood along the walls, in the doors and even behind them. At the same time, the section reports received very high marks. We learned a lesson: devopers, you will have a great spacious room in the new Congress Hall at the anniversary DUMP.

Look under the cut, what topics took off last year in Yekaterinburg and Kazan, and what program committee expects in this

Themes 2019 that have come

At DUMP Yekaterinburg in April last year, all 5 topics received high marks (above 4.2 out of 5). The leader was the theme from Vladimir Lila - an elastic man from Kontur. The report is called "Petabyte Elastic," although by now this threshold has long been left behind by Contour.

Listen about the organization of the process, the transport of logs, and about the technical details of building such a cluster, common mistakes and the benefits of all this:

The second by estimates was Victor Yeremchenko. His theme is "How we reduced the number of rollbacks of server releases by 99%." Victor talked about how Miro approached the continuous delivery process, and how these approaches helped reduce the number of server release rollbacks; how this helps teams quickly and conveniently deliver their functionality to production.

The report contains, among other things, real examples of using various tools and technical details of the CI / CD process.

At Kazan DUMP , which was held in November 2019, for some reason, topics about interaction within the team and between development and operation teams took shape well.

The report of Alexey Kirpichnikov (Kontur) “Curse of the infrastructure team” for technical reasons was not recorded. Maybe the word "curse" played a role ... But since Alexey told this report on DevOops, we found a link to the record

The theme of Marat Kinyabulatov (SkuVault) “In the middle of the ashes: post-mortem as a tool for continuous improvement” also sounds dramatic. Marat talked about post-mortem as a tool (and procedure) for inspection and adaptation. About how he helps teams prevent incidents in the future, clearly shows management the steps taken, creates an atmosphere of security, giving employees the freedom to improve processes:

The DevOps section at DUMP 2020 is run by 4 program directors: Alexander Tarasov (ANNA MONEY), Konstantin Makarychev (Provectus), Viktor Eremenchenko (Miro (ex RealTimeBoard) and Mikhail Tsykarev (ICL Services). They formulated the concept of the section this year.

Concept and Themes of the DevOps Section

This year I would like to get a maximum of practical solutions, a minimum of theory. Tell us where it hurt, but it became good. What happened and what didn’t. We will rejoice / cry together.

Here is a list of topics that seem relevant to us for the 2020 DevOps realities:


  • Awesome CI / CD Pipelines
  • GitHub Actions (no theory, only practice)


  • CI / CD in the Clouds (Spinnaker and others)
  • Deep immersion in GKE, Kubernetes, Istio, Helm, etc.
  • Data in the Cloud (PVC, DB and others)
  • Clouds for ML
  • Serverless (practice only)
  • Clouds in Russia (legislative features, 152-, Yandex, MailRu cases and everything that worries you in this regard)

DevOps / SRE

  • How to observe the system (observability): service mesh, monitoring and auditing
  • Security (DevSecOps)
  • Configuration Management (Ansible, Terraform, etc.)
  • Talk about culture (Best Practices)
  • Shift the enterprise stories
  • Management: life hacks, useful tips, fakapy.

If you did not find a topic in the list, but you have something to share with the devops community, send the application anyway . We will definitely consider it!

Time to report 35 minutes + 5 minutes questions in the hall. After that, you can chat with participants in the expert zone for an entire break of 20-30 minutes.

Submit an application ;)

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