Announcement of Mobius 2020 Piter: what excites mobile developers?

What topics do mobile developers need to dig to become more professional? What should the reports at mobile conferences be about? To make the Mobius conference , which will be held in St. Petersburg on June 23-24, as good as possible , we asked the developers themselves what was closer and more important to them.

If we make several main conclusions from their answers, it turns out that Mobius has long corresponded to these conclusions:

  • Developers want technology reports (rather than marketing and the like).
  • They are not afraid to "dive deep." This does not mean that the entire conference program should be furious, but the presence of hardcore is valuable.
  • They are interested in both topics rigidly tied to a specific platform (Android / iOS), and “universal” ones.
  • The reports are important, but not uniform: many come to the conference for live communication, and the event should be at their disposal.

But besides these main things, we better understood what specifically interests developers - and in a new way we formulated a list of topics that Mobius is guided by. Under the cut you can find out what these topics are and what names of speakers are known now. At the same time, we recalled some reports from previous Mobius - so below is not only a text about the future, but also several videos of excellent performances.

Program approach

The list of topics of interest to us, on which we can understand "what to expect from Mobius", turned out like this:

Platforms under the hood

As you know, "it is worth understanding the technology to a level lower than the one at which you work." Therefore, Mobius does not only analyze how it is better to write for iOS / Android on Swift / Kotlin, but also how these platforms and languages ​​themselves work. We already had reports with titles like “compilers, Dalvik, ART and everything around them” - and in the future “guts” will continue to appear.

Clean code

They go to the conference not with the request “something is not compiling my code” (this is for Stack Overflow), but with the request “my code is compiling, but I want to write it even better”. And we strive to respond to this request. What useful patterns are there in mobile architecture, and what, on the contrary, will be antipattern? What is the best way to deal with technical debt? And if you had to deal with Legacy, where the technical debt has already reached the scale of a mortgage, then how to correctly refactor?

Product quality

Improving your code is not only about its cleanliness. For example, how fast does this code execute? Is your application secure enough? Is the interface convenient? Do you understand new UI solutions? In general, what about performance, security, UI / UX?

Another possible way to improve the application is, where it is justified, to abandon the library and solve the problem with native tools. And many remembered the report of Evgeny Rtishchev (iOS) “We work with the network efficiently”, where it was just said about the following:

Mobile Development Trends

We are not “high pozhory” and do not strive to compose the entire conference program from buzzwords (“How to make a VR-application with a blockchain for a folding 5G-smartphone with a 120Hz-screen and five cameras”). But to keep abreast of the industry, of course, is necessary. For example, in the case of cross-platform development, our survey showed that developers are now interested in Flutter and Kotlin / Native - so if a couple of reports on cross-platform get into the Mobius 2020 Piter program, then they are related to these technologies. Agioserov is now worried about SwiftUI, the Jetpack Compose android drivers - and we are thinking about all this.


This is a topic related to development, but any mobile developer has to deal with it (and especially in indie development). Mobile DevOps: myth or reality? How to build a CI / CD? In 2018, we had a report by Artyom Zinnatullin on the Android Builds at Lyft assembly, which was very popular with the audience, but since then everything has continued to change - and what do you need to know about assembly systems in 2020?

Software craftsmanship

Finally, there are still things that are difficult to combine into one strict set, but which are also important for creating high-quality applications. What are the pitfalls in working with well-known frameworks? What Swift / Kotlin / Java features are not obvious? How to integrate various things like payment systems into your application? Under the name "software craftsmanship" we have put together all this and more.

If you feel that you have something to tell on these topics, the site now accepts applications for reports . And if you yourself are not ready to speak, but would gladly listen to other people's reports about this, then the registration page is more relevant for you on the site .

Speakers and Papers

Okay, about the abstraction is clear, now I would like to see the implementation. Well, that is, is it possible to see descriptions of several reports from the approaching Mobius, so that the ideas from the previous part are illustrated with illustrative examples? Can.

Asya Sviridenko - Optimization of the application on a slow network (iOS)

Here is a good example of a situation when the application technically works, but this is not enough and I want more. So far, users still have to deal with a slow mobile network, and in this case, using our application can turn into a pain. What can we do in the case of iOS to save people from this pain? Asya will tell .

Matvey Malkov - Evolution of declarative frameworks: from dinosaurs to Jetpack Compose (Android)

The words "declarative programming" from mobile developers can be heard more often. On the web and cross-platform development, this was already, now it gets to the native UI with Jetpack Compose. But Matvey is definitely not cutting-edge here: he not only uses this framework, but works on Google himself. So in the report , starting with declarative frameworks in general, I will move on to the principles that guide us when working on Jetpack Compose. In general, a rare opportunity today to listen first hand about what many of us will use tomorrow.

And Mobius old-timers can remember Matthew from his reports made a few years ago - for example, “The Art of Rx” in 2016. Nostalgia!

Stepan Goncharov - Bazel for Android: it's not scary (Android)

Among the topics that interest us, we called both infrastructure and new trends. And here are two in one: about the assembly tools (that is, infrastructure), and about the changes in these tools. For years, we used Gradle on Android, and it might have seemed like this would last forever, but now more and more you hear about migration to Bazel. Is such a migration only for giants with applications for hundreds of modules that are starting to slow down terribly in Gradle? Stepan believes that not only - and intends to convince you of this.

It is curious that the last time he talked on Mobius just about the nuances of Gradle. It feels like times are changing.

Denis Neklyudov - Career rocket jump (iOS / Android)

Mobius brings people together: once Stepan Goncharov and Denis Neklyudov worked together in Singapore, and now they are scattered around the planet (Stepan remained in Singapore and Denis left for the Valley), but they are again on the list of speakers!

Denis has long been fond of Android developers, but this time his performance will also suit ayoser. Although Mobius is mainly about specific technologies, in some cases (like opening / closing keynotes) related topics are better suited, and this is just such a case.

How many of us are moving along the path of life with the flow without going into planning our future? And how few of us who understand how to ensure confident professional growth? And how many developers who do not represent the diversity of their career paths after reaching the "senior status"? Denis will draw up a development strategy, discuss career ladders and how to move along them at the speed of a rocket jump.

And in anticipation of a new performance, we can recall Denis' report on scalable architecture from last year's St. Petersburg Mobius - he then headed the audience rating:

In addition to reports

No matter how important the reports are, many developers say that at the conference, the opportunity for them to personally communicate with other professionals is more important. And we, for our part, are striving for all this to contribute. There are no surprises - those who were on previous Mobius will recognize all formats:

  • After each report, the speaker goes to the discussion area, where he can be questioned not for five minutes (as would happen in the hall), but as it should. That is, each report is not only “a person broadcasts from the stage”, but also live communication. Sometimes the speakers in the discussion area are simply surrounded, and the conversation goes livelier nowhere.
  • BOF- — , , . : , , , — . .
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, : -, 23-24 . — .

Mobius , ( , ). , , , : ! — , .

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