Postgresso 19

Life goes on. We continue to acquaint you with the most interesting PostgreSQL news.


Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.17.1 and Postgres Pro Standard 11.17.1

In Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.17.1 corrected deficiencies to which the specified user. Serious improvements were made in the multimaster extension:
- now it is recommended to use it in a configuration with three nodes, one of which is voting. More details here ;
- fixed the problem of bloating WAL by clearing the synchronization points of the remote node and correcting the calculation of the minimum required LSN. Previously, WAL bloating sometimes occurred when a node was removed from a cluster;
- fixed the problem with the return of the node to the cluster after a long shutdown of this node;
Fixed a bug at the synchronization point during initialization of the multimaster module, which occurred in the event of a failure before the first synchronization.
In addition, the mechanism of the built-in connection pool has been improved. Compared with the previous version, the following innovations appeared in it:
- the dedicated_users parameter, which allows you to specify a list of users for whom dedicated servicing processes will be used in the connection pool mode;
- Separate serving processes can now accept connections from different users, so that all connections to the same database will belong to the same shared pool.
There are improvements common to Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.17.1 and Postgres Pro Standard 11.17.1. For example, the pg_probackup utility has been updated to version 2.2.7, and mamonsu has been updated to version 2.4.4.
For these and other release innovations, see the Release Notes chapter in the PPE and PPS documentation .

Postgres Pro Standard 12.2.1 The

differences between this version from PostgreSQL 12 and from Postgres Pro Standard 11.17.1 can be traced to the corresponding Release Notes .

pgAdmin 4 v 4.19.

This release introduced support for Python 3.8, improved debugger operation, and if the connection is interrupted by pgAdmin, it is guaranteed that transactions that are not yet committed will be rejected. Fixed 18 bugs.

PostGIS 3.0.1.

The first stable release after moving to Git, supports the PostgreSQL 13 development branch. Optimized for PostgreSQL 12.2, GEOS 3.8.0, SFCGAL 1.3.7, GDAL
3.0.4, PROJ 6.3.1, protobuf-c 1.3.3, json-c 0.13 .1. About the release here , the documentation is in PDF, and download from here .


pg_featureserv - a web service for accessing geodata stored in PostGIS tables, uses its geo-functions. Development of Crunchy Data.


PostGIS-only tile server (map server) written in Go. How to install and configure it is written here .

pg_partman 4.3.0

Basically - bug fixes. About the release here , download from here .

Pgpool-II 4.1.1

Version 4.0.8, 3.7.13, 3.6.20, 3.5.24 and pgpoolAdmin 4.1.0 have also been released. About the release , source and RPM.

Odyssey 1.1

In this release of the puller for PostgreSQL, which Yandex is developing, there are settings for better compatibility with pgbouncer. Replication storage types are no longer supported.

PAF v2.3.0

PAF, that is, PostgreSQL Automatic Failover, a popular Pacemaker-corosync-based failover cluster solution, is only compatible with Pacemaker 1.1.13 on corosync 2.x. PAF now supports PostgreSQL 12. You can read about this release here .

Bucardo 5.6.0

claims that this release has improved a custom conflict resolution mechanism, optimized performance, and improved compatibility with PostgreSQL 11 and 12. Download here .

pglogical 2.3

Now you can copy tables and sequences under a different name to the node. Technical details and downloads can be found here .

Postgresql Anonymizer 0.6

This extension hides or replaces personal information or commercial data from users from PostgreSQL. The project was led by Damen Kloshar, and later gave it under the wing of Dalibo. on the Dalibo github . You can read about the release here .

Important patches

The patch for compressing duplicates (deduplication) in the B-Tree indices of Anastasia Lubennikova (Postgres Professional) was commited by Peter Geigan. Nastya managed to report on the innovation at the PGConf India 2020 conference .


Charting the spread of COVID-19 using data

TimescaleDB coders tell how to use their extension and PostGIS to analyze the spread of the virus, how to formulate a query like β€œhow many neighbors within 1 mile got sick yesterday.”

Microsoft Azure Welcomes PostgreSQL Committers

Microsoft is not just buying Postgres companies. Predatory HR services MS lure leading open source developers. Published an interview with a company who came to Thomas Munro (Thomas Munro), Jeff Davis (Jeff Davis) and Anders Freund (Andres Freund).

Useless Vacuuming

Robert Haas explains, why even a well-configured automatic cleaning may not save you from problems when many transactions hang. Robert analyzes the reasons, talks about monitoring.

Parallelism, what next?

Amit Kapila talks about how parallel query processing has developed in PostgreSQL since version 9.6. As well as what to expect in version 13, and plans for the future.

PostgreSQL Person of the Week: Joe Conway; Bruce Momjian

rather short interview with Joe Conway. Classic (20 years with Postgres), author of PL / R talks about his life, work in Crunchy Data. Believes in a brighter future for Postgres.
Bruce (24 years with Postgres) is even more concisebut he places important accents: his favorite extension is PostGIS, the main achievements of PG 12 are REINDEX CONCURRENTLY , multi-column statistics, CTE inlining , and the most necessary PG in the future is sharding.

Horizontal Scalability / Sharding in PostgreSQL Core - Missing pieces of the puzzle

The sharding theme is developed by EnterpriseDB veteran Ahsan Hadi, now vice president of development at HighGo Software. He talks about FDW sharding, Global Transaction Manager, global snapshots and much more.

And again about recursive queries

Not only we, but also Postgres Weekly advisesread (or re-read) an article by Yegor Rogov from the Postgres Professional education department. The article is not new, but the reason (publication of the translation) is good. Here is the link to the original.

Postgres at a Low Level

And another recommendation for a second (for someone first) viewing. In this video, Dmitry Dolgov from Zalando for 37 minutes talks about the architecture of the lower levels of Postgres, the use of strace and gdb.

Postgres Subtransactions and Performance

About subtransactions in PL / pgSQL, some problems with performance and reliability that may arise, diagnostics are written on the Cybertec blog.

Handling NULL Values in PostgreSQL

On Percona site dismantledfeatures of working with NULL in C / C ++, in Java, and, of course, in Postgres (there is nothing about other procedural languages ​​that work with Postgres - it's a pity).

Joe bot Full article

title : Joe bot, an SQL query optimization assistant, updated to version 0.5.0. . Describes a chatbot project for Slack running on top of the Database Lab (from


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