Agile: 9 Bad Tips

Do not agree for anything
With anyone and never,
And whoever agrees with you, those
Cowardly call.
For this, everyone will begin to
love and respect you.
And everywhere you will be
Full of friends.

Gregory Oster.

At conferences, meetings, webinars, all give useful tips on Agile. And no one appreciates them - neither advisers nor advice. And we decided on the advice of Gregory Oster to find more new friends - because we are friendly - and give you harmful advice on Agile.

1. From the very beginning, know that Agile transformation is easy, cheap and very fast. In just a month, your company will grow in profit, everyone will take responsibility, and management will trust its employees. Agile is easy. Like a cake with castor oil. Like washing a cat in the shower. How to pick up a bone from a bull terrier.

2. Agile-, , . Libert, galit, Fraternit. , . — , . – . - — , .

3. , Agile, Scrum. , , – Agile- . — .

4. : «, Agile, 3 4 ». , , . — .

5. Agile- c IT — . , . , . , , . . .

6. Agile- , . DevOps? . — . , , «» . , , , . «» . - — « «» ». — . ? «» .

7. . Agile — , . , , . «I don't know». . , . , -, . . . .

8. . . - Scrum master product owner, . — , , - . . — .

9. Agile- — . , . , , . , Agile- , .

, - Agile-, , , Agile.

marina_alex, CEO University of Business Agility, Agile Agile.

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