Monitoring site availability in Russia on the knee

The number of sites banned in Russia is growing steadily. Not only bad guys, but also ordinary Internet users suffer from locks.

As developers of various web services and resources, I periodically encounter the inaccessibility of the latter in Russia. This creates problems for both businesses and personal projects. You cannot be sure that tomorrow your site will open to visitors.

Advanced users are already used to living with a VPN or proxy. Unfortunately, mere mortals often do not know anything about this. It is impossible to force everyone to use crawl means, in this case, I suggest taking responsibility for the availability of the site.

There are several ways, including official ones, to find out that a resource is blocked, for example, Is It Blocked In Russia? - whose idea I borrowed. This is enough to manually check the site. The action is easy to reproduce, which means to automate.

As a weekend project, I filmed a small service that partially copies and extends the capabilities of the original project. For simplicity, I added a separate path of the form /ping? , which returns an HTTP status as a response: 200 - the site is available in Russia, 451 - the site is unavailable, 400 - there is something wrong with the address. In this form, the link can be fed to any monitoring service, for example, .

I added an HTTP (s) monitor with an address a refresh rate of 24 hours.


The domain was blocked, so I moved the site to another server.


Next, you yourself decide how to use the service - select and enable notifications in existing monitoring services or make your own.


The service uses the data from and is updated once a day. The service is provided on an "as is" basis and does not guarantee compliance with the real picture of the world, since far from all service providers regularly update their databases.

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