How detailed should a user story be?

Agile teams often argue about how detailed the User Story should be before it should be shared with developers.

Some developers would like to see the most detailed description, having read which, they could immediately understand everything and quickly do it without asking any questions. Management is also often impressed by this approach, because programmers are expensive, you need to make sure that they are not distracted by anything outside.

Consider an Agile approach to solving this problem.

First, let's deal with the concept of CCC, which stands for Card, Conversation, Confirmation.


The idea is that the entire User Story should fit on a small paper card or sticker. You can’t write a lot on it, and it’s not necessary.

The main purpose of the card is to serve as a reminder, an invitation to discussion (placeholder for conversation).

The goal is to shift the focus from writing requirements to their discussion. For live discussion is more important than written text.

The card should briefly but succinctly reflect the essence of the task. Suggested format:

  {}  {},   {}.

The functionality in the User Story description is rarely forgotten, but sometimes they are silent about who needs it and why. Explicitly indicating the business context is very useful for the upcoming discussion.

When writing a User Story, it is recommended that you focus on the user of our application (focus on user needs and benefits).

, (by example).

User Story . , .

User Story , , .

User Story , , -.

Conversation ()

– .

Product Owner : , PO , .

, , (face to face), (high bandwidth) . – ( ), ( Agile).

, :

  • ,
  • ,
  • ,
  • (- ?),
  • ( , ),
  • , ( - ?)
  • , ,

Confirmation ()

User Story – , .

(acceptance criteria), Definition of Done, , , , -.

agile- , , .

User Story?


  1. User Story . , . , . .
  2. User Story , .. Product Owner . , PO . PO ( , , , ), , , , .

, . - . , β€œ ” (just in time) β€œ , ” (just enough).

User Story , , . , , . .

User Story? , .

, , , User Stories. ? , User Stories, ?

: 15 , . Agile -.


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