2DOOM - browser-based 2D tribute to the legendary shooter

Quite by chance I came across 2DOOM and stuck for half an hour. The game was released almost a year ago, but I did not find any information about it on Habré, so I decided to share it.

2DOOM is a very stylish tribute to the DOOM series, which can be played directly in the browser . Under the cut some screenshots and GIFs of the project.

The HTML5 shooter was made in the form of a 2D platform game with a pixel art style. Preserved canonical arsenal: pistol, shotgun, automatic, grenade launcher and, of course, chainsaw. The impact is cool, the demons scatter to pieces, a lot of blood - everything is as it should be. I have not completed the game yet, but probably the BFG is also hidden somewhere.

Monsters to all lovers of DOOM will be familiar. There are zombies, imps, kakodemony, kicks and others. All of them are perfectly animated.

The game is quite complicated, you need to constantly monitor the parameters of HP and armor - they are everywhere scattered across locations. As in the original DOOM, there are many secrets and hidden places with nishtyaks on the levels.

Five people worked on the project. Their followers are following: Damien Mayans , Simon Coroller , Quentin Gendre ,Hugo Juries , Benjamin Magnan .

It turned out a great tribute to the revolutionary shooter. Let it be short, but stylish and sticky.

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