Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

Expanded snippets are a delicate matter. Even if you set everything up correctly, there are nuances that can cause them to not appear. And not always it depends on you. We understand why you suddenly do not have advanced snippets, although you tried very hard with the markup. We offer methods of treatment.

After adding the micro-layout, I want the snippets to look something like this:

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

... or so:

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

... or like this:

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

But reality is often harsh:

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

1. — ,

— , .

Google :

« , . , , , , , Google ».


« , -, ».

« ». …

, « ». «xiaomi redmi note 8» :

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

Google . :

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons


Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

, .

. -, , .


. . ( ). ( , ).

. — . Google Search Console , « URL», / « ».

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

. «» / « », URL ( 20 ) «».

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons


, .


, . , .

, robots.txt . . «» / « robots.txt». « URL?» . , .

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

robots — «noindex». «index», .

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

Google . , , .

. , ( robots.txt) ( — <!--noindex-->…<!--/noindex-->).

, noindex ( ), . , Yoast All-in-One SEO Pack WordPress, , .

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

robots.txt WordPress uploads Disallow.

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

? SEO PromoPult, . 70+ , , — .


Google :

  1. , , . , (, .
  2. . , Sitemap .


  • — 160×90 px 1920×1080 px ( — ).
  • — 3:1.
  • : JPG, .PNG, GIF.
  • ( 800 px, — 50 ).
  • : 16:9, 4:3 1:1.


  • : – 112×112 px.
  • : — 16:9.
  • : (, ).
  • : .

, URL « ».

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

. , .

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

, . , , — .

, Google, . , .


. , .

, :

  • location — ;
  • address — ;
  • name — ;
  • startDate — .

(description), (endDate), (image) .

Google . , .

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

. URL — .

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons


Google . , , .

: , . .


JSON-LD — Google . , RDFa Microdata. ( , , .).

JSON-LD, Google, — .

. , Google, , — RDFa Microdata. Google, JSON-LD.

, , .


Google . , Google:

  • . , , .
  • , . «» .
  • . , .
  • . . , .
  • .
  • .
  • , (, ).

. , Q&A FAQ . Q&A .

Q&A, FAQ HowTo .

! , , Google.

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

— . Google.


. , , .

, Google () . : FAQ, HowTo, Q&A.

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons

Google 30 MOZ. , , :

Implemented micro-marking, but no extended snippets: 10 possible reasons


, , , , , . .

— , . , — .

: 10

  1. .
  2. .
  3. - .
  4. .
  5. .
  6. .
  7. JSON-LD.
  8. .
  9. .
  10. — .

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