Using faiss to search multidimensional spaces

Hello! My name is Vladimir Olokhtonov, I am a senior developer in the Avito automatic moderation team. In autumn 2019, we launched a search service for similar images based on the faiss library. It helps us understand that photos have already been seen in another ad, even if they are seriously distorted enough: blurred, cropped and the like. This is how we identify potentially fake publications.

I would like to talk about the problems that we encountered in the process of creating this service, and our approaches to solving them.

The article assumes that the reader is at least a little familiar with the topic of searching in multidimensional spaces, since hereinafter we will focus mainly on technical details. If this is not the case, I recommend reading the basic article on the blog first .

Statement of the problem and description of our system

The first thing I thought about when I was tasked with making a search system for pictures was requirements and limitations:

  1. The number of entries. We had about 150 million vectors at the start, now there are already more than 240 million.
  2. Search time limits. In our case, about 300 ms for 95 percentiles.
  3. Memory limit. It is necessary that the index is placed on ordinary servers, taking into account growth for the next 2 years.
  4. .  Kubernetes, ,    , .
  5. , .


  ,   — ,   . , .

 ,      .   , , .

. — eventually consistent .   , .

 Python3.7, PostgreSQL, — MinIO. faiss.

http- avio, aiohttp.

asyncio   fork,  ,   — ,   ,   multiprocessing.Pipe.

Product Quantization. 64 .

Product Quantization   .  

  Inverted File HNSW.

, faiss : IVF262144_HNSW32,PQ64. , Inverted File 262144 , HNSW 32 , 64 Product Quantization.

      faiss .

, :

  1.     10 000 ,    1 .
  2.  16 OpenMP-.   ,    16  ,   #pragma omp parallel for.

  —    . , ,   - .

    ,   IVF262144_HNSW32,PQ64 80  :

  • 64  , ;
  • 8  id ( int64);
  • 8      .


int(faiss.get_mem_usage_kb() * 1024 / index.ntotal)

  ,    2Gb. nlist × pq.M × pq.ksub × float.   262144 × 64 × 256 × 4 ≈ 17G, pq.M — Product Quantization,  pq.ksub — 256, .

    .   : ,  2. ,      Inverted File, . —   .

bytes per vector :

, , ,   -   ,    ,     .  , .

  OpenMP faiss, ,   ,   . , ThreadPoolExecutor (faiss GIL).

, faiss   , . -, (add, remove)  - . -, OpenMP-   ,  , .

    RWLock,   , .  Python . OpenMP-   faiss.omp_set_num_threads.

    , query-per-second.    5.

,   . , , issue.


 ,    5     10 000 (   ).    , : 800   .

 20  150 rps 20    latency  500  throughput.   : ,  .

  ,   . , ,  .   MinIO.

— fork   Copy-on-Write     .    .    —   80   .

,      .


 GPU  ,   .

: SIFT1M, 128.
: 100   10 000   nprobe.


  1.   GPU. GPU   , ,   ,   ,   .
  2. Flat-  GPU,   (   128).
  3.   PQ64- GPU   .

Faiss —   open source   , .

,  ,  faiss .  issues, .

  ,   vearch  open source,   .

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