Digital events in St. Petersburg from February 17 to 23

Weekly selection


Startup Community Drinkup | St. Petersburg

  • February 18 (Tuesday)
  • Foundry pr 55
  • is free
  • Russian Startup Community invites you to a drinkcap in St. Petersburg - we meet in the evening of February 18 at the Union bar to meet and chat. One of the key topics of the evening is YCombinator's Startup School, we will share experience and insights from participating in SUS.

Who is a hybrid designer, or is a front-end web designer needed?

  • February 19 (Wednesday)
  • Leo Tolstoy 9
  • is free
  • Increasingly, companies are choosing professionals who can work as a team. For web designers it is especially important to speak the same language with the developers. But what's more important: a shared understanding of technology or applied knowledge? On February 19 at the meeting we will discuss whether the designer needs to study the frontend, learn to typeset and be a jack of all trades.

Burning Lead Meetup # 10

  • February 20 (Thursday)
  • Flower 16litP
  • is free
  • The community has grown out of regular breakfast meetings hungry for the exchange of team leader experiences. Quite quickly it became obvious that the topic of the difficulties of timlidism worries a lot of people, and the breakfast format does not allow everyone to be accommodated.

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