Bobbin 3.0.0 - review of improvements


Last year turned out to be extremely productive for our nonprofit organization, and this article is only the beginning of a series of publications covering our activities. And there is something to tell about, because several of our products were at the center of large banking projects - and oh yes - they did not disappoint!

But let's start with something simpler and more understandable - and at the same time, logging is close to all of us without exception .


A year ago, we introduced a revolutionary SLF4Jlogger. During this time we:

  • collected comments and suggestions (on , sql.ruand in the Slackchannels)
  • implemented and used it in their projects (open source software and commercial \ banking software - in the financial tech giant Wirecard)
  • analyzed the experience with her and worked out a plan of improvements
  • advertised (on Linkedin)
  • supported users (such as Walt Disney Studios)
  • tried to deal with logging bugs in the SLF4J(to no avail )

I must say right away that it turned out to be the most effective platform for discussion - the most valuable feedback was from here.

: v2.0.0 , . 100% , .

, .

— !

— — 3.0.0!

dependencies {
compile "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.5.4"
compile "io.i-t:bobbin:3.0.0"



JSON , , :


, ? — — YAML.
, (, DSL ). , YAML — "" — Snake YAML , , .

! YAML , . YAML :

- name: io.infinite.bobbin.config.ConsoleDestinationConfig
levels: [warn, error, info]
- name: io.infinite.bobbin.config.FileDestinationConfig
packages: [io.infinite]
fileName: ("./LOGS/INFINITE/${className}/${level}/${className}_${level}_${date}.log")
- name: io.infinite.bobbin.config.FileDestinationConfig
fileName: ("./LOGS/PACKAGES/${className}/${level}/${className}_${level}_${date}.log")
format: dateTime + '|' + level + '|' + threadName + '|' + className + '|' + message + '\n'

? Logback, Log4j2.
JSON 3.0.0. Wiki .

  • packages
  • filter
  • - — : .

  • 13 .
  • . , — logback. Spring Boot. logback 5 .
  • . "" , .

, 3.0.0. — , — , .

Meanwhile, we have enormous plans for 2020:

  • more projects
  • more products
  • more services

HTTP client, chat bots, meta-programming, transpilers, mainframes, major financial projects, SECaaS ... Soon on Habré.

Stay tuned!

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