The story of a person sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, or how we feel the edge of a cliff ... UPD: + FAQ

I came across this dramatic story that impressed me quite banally. While on business in California, I wrote to a person that I would like to meet with him at work. He replied, we agreed on a day, place and time. Some kind of cafe a couple of kilometers from the hotel is quite convenient. The only thing when they agreed was that the man warned that he would not have a cell phone:

No problem. Nowadays, there is even some kind of nostalgia to meet in the old fashioned way, having previously agreed on who is wearing what and all that.

We met and had a nice chat for a couple of hours. He answered all my questions in detail. He was interested in our research, and he asked many questions about it. And at the end, when we were preparing to disperse, I, as a curious person, asked:
“Why don’t you wear a cell phone?” 
He looked at me with a thoughtful American smile and asked in response:
“Do you have a short version or a long one?” 
I carefully suggested starting with a short one, but how it goes. Honestly, my main working version was Big Brother Spying. I was wrong ... It

went well. We sat almost until the cafe closed. The impression of the conversation was strong.
In general, this is a story about a man who, in his prime at the age of 40, became disabled. But he found the strength to survive and (though not completely) recover. 

Who cares how it (very rarely) happens, welcome under cat.

Disclaimer: This topic provokes an extremely polar reaction, and many of those who disagree obviously do not read to the end of the text. Therefore, if something causes disagreement, please first read the detailed FAQ added at the end of the article . It is made especially for you!

Medical history

Six years ago, this man had to take a shock dose of rare drugs. Now it doesn’t matter which. He asked the doctor - how much will work out at a time? The doctor assured me that he prescribed it several times, everything will be fine.
And soon he began to have strange numbness in the morning. He did not feel fingers and toes. Then he got out of bed, began to walk, it was slowly absorbing, and by evening he was like a cucumber. But the next morning the situation repeated itself. Then the disease began to progress. Numbness rose higher in arms and legs. He had a good job and, accordingly, money, but the doctors could not diagnose anything. Nothing to do with numbness, at least. 

Once, in the morning, he could not get out of bed at all. Hands worked, but legs did not. More precisely, the hands worked only to the elbow, fingers also did not obey. It was a zoo. I had to drag the body to the phone across the floor with partially working hands ... Dialing a number also turned out to be a task not childish in complexity. He did it. 

I had to quit my job. Then there were months of dramatic months of trying to figure out the situation, spending money on doctors, etc. Sometimes it seemed easier. Something was being restored (as later became clear - it was a treatment of the consequences). But further problems with memory and speech began. He actually had to abandon the usual products and switched to organic food only, since in the USA the Organic section has long been in every supermarket. A person (to his great regret) developed a strong sensitivity to the smallest concentrations of pesticides in products. By the way, the amount of pesticides in food (he felt it in a harsh form) is a separate enchanting story, but now it's not about that.

Gradually, the frightening development of the disease was stopped, but the disease itself did not go away. It became apparent that there was a serious damage to the nervous system. Doctors prescribed expensive medications that did not help. In general, American medicine is a separate big topic. Everything is extremely expensive and far from always effective. Watch the documentary film by Michael Moore Sicko (Health) , at the Cannes Film Festival he was applauded for 15 minutes ... If you haven’t watched, take a couple of hours, because our health care system is being reformed in the same direction (you have to do this for old age, get ready):

Fortunately, a person is a candidate of science, and the first education is biological, and he was engaged in research activities. As a result, he began to study his illness. For example, he had a completely wonderful situation, when he walked from the room to the kitchen for something, came to the kitchen, realized that he had forgotten why he had come ... and, no matter, he returned to the room ... remembered why he needed to go to the kitchen ... into the kitchen, he couldn’t remember why he had come ... he was returning to the room ... he was remembering ... Now he is talking about it with humor, but it is obvious that he was not funny then. Fortunately, the researcher woke up in it. He decided to find some patterns at what point and where he forgot. In general, it’s clear, a disabled person, all day at home ... nothing to do. And he really wanted to recover ...

In short! He walked the room-kitchen route for 3 hours !!! 3 fucking hours, Karl !!! And yet he was able to find a place, when passing through which his short-term memory was turned off. A specific area in the hallway of the house. Then he went into the study of his house (according to American tradition in the cottage village), an inheritance of once good work. As a result, a person discovered places where he had numbness of his hands, etc. Fortunately (or unfortunately), he had several different symptoms, and it is interesting that in the house there were areas where different symptoms appeared. He began to google, found similar stories where people complained about electromagnetic radiation. Why not. An electrical impulse is transmitted along the nerves ( for more details see the FAQ) In the second specialty, a man was an electronic engineer, he knew physics well. In general - he got for a while instruments for measuring the electromagnetic field strength (of which there are a sea ​​of ​​different ones ), compiled a map of the house’s fields by floors.

And then (surprise-surprise!) It turned out that the places where his nervous system was becoming bad (suddenly!) Coincided with the places where the electromagnetic field was high. (Once again - at first he found the places of the problems, and then some relatively rational explanation of the possible cause.)

He had to remember school and university physics. And even tried to explain it to me (I have already safely forgotten all this). It turned out that there, if two wires go side by side - everything is fine. But when the wires are let in a circle (for example, when the lamps are connected in series), electromagnetic induction occurs. It was like that in a close corridor. Then he explained to me, but I understood this piece very poorly. There, if, with an illiterate connection, the electrician confuses “zero” and “earth” (and it was in his house!), Then non-childlike tips begin. If at the same time one device is turned on, then the other, whose case is “grounded”, begins to emit. Thus, he turned into a radiator one of the kitchen appliances with a metal case. Fortunately, we often have RCDs (protective shutdown device), he clearly did not have an RCD in his house.

As a result, the man simply turned off the central switch in the house at night. And immediately there was less morning numbness! Then he found and redid the problem areas in the electrics of the house, and (hurray-hurray!) The memory loss that drove him crazy almost stopped. But the “abnormal” places still remained. At first he sinned on the telephone cable that was put into the house, but then it turned out that the cable was “fonted”, or rather, not even the wire, but its braid (apparently, something was shorted somewhere on it). The cable was cut off ... In general - not immediately, but gradually the person maximally cleaned the house of radiation and ... slowly and slowly began to recover! By that time, his body was turning into a continuous edema and he didn’t eat anything, but gained weight (actually in a tumor), and as it became easier - he threw off 18 kilograms of edema (!!!) in a month and his condition noticeably improved.

But then more interesting. When the background fell, then after a while our hero’s body got used to a small background and began to respond to the increase in radiation with pain. Those. Previously, the background was constant and the body simply died silently. And in fact, it was not pain that scared him much, but, on the contrary, lost sensitivity in the limbs, when it was possible to prick his hand and not feel anything. Now everything turned around ... Hello, recovery! The body began to respond to radiation with direct pain. Of course, it really helped to avoid places where something fonit, but living at times became painful. In general, he felt that he had literally become an antenna.

For example, an interlocutor could have a phone in his pocket in silent mode, SMS would come to him, and our hero would say: “SMS has arrived for you”. And the interlocutor did not even hear! He climbs into his pocket, reads, says: “Cool! How do you know?" And he just had a characteristic throbbing pain (tyr-tyr ... tyr-tyr ... tyr-tyr ...) in the spine. At the same time, if someone nearby began to talk on the phone - it was just flour. He even literally felt with his back in the cafe that behind him someone had started talking on his cell phone. Even if they started talking behind the wall (because of this, now he didn’t sit at the wall).

The obvious severe damage to the nervous system had to be treated somehow. Fortunately, he has a Ph.D. at the intersection of biology and computer science (if not for this, I would not be lucky to communicate with him, it seems). In general, he began to read research articles on his problem (it is called axon demyelination, see more. FAQ) As I understood the explanation, something happened to him with a thin layer of electrically conductive cells that shield each nerve. Thanks to these cells, we, in fact, safely receive signals of feelings from the limbs to the brain and control signals from the brain back. Even when we are next to the luminous in all ranges electric welding or powerful radar. And he had this layer degraded by electrical conductivity, and a bunch of organs suddenly stuck, although it was most felt on the limbs (this is typical for demyelination). In the end, he was able to understand the reasons. Including, for example, he changed his diet and began to eat something that restored the natural screening of nerve endings. And it became a new step in recovery! At the same time, the doctors to whom he addressed categorically forbade him to eat this. If I remember correctly, some shrimp helped him,they contain something very rare in large quantities. Despite the fact that a very, very expensive doctor prescribed him strict vegetarianism. 

And the person hit me. His disability and slow recovery are largely due to the illiterate actions of doctors, especially at the very beginning, when the kind doctor said: “Yes, drink a large dose, it always worked for me!” At the same time, I have never heard from him even minimally negative characteristics either about work (which just got rid of him) or about doctors. He simply stated as a fact that in very rare cases like hiss, doctors are simply incompetent, and they physically do not have time to read modern scientific medical journals to recognize every such rare case. Those. there is no resentment towards the world, characteristic of many disabled people. Involuntarily you begin to try on yourself, but I would be able to? I do not know

And, of course, in his opinion, wireless mice and keyboards, which today are massively replacing wired ones, are evil. It’s just that modern society is designed in such a way that a critical mass of victims should accumulate + it should become beneficial for someone (in a financial sense), and only after that an campaign is conducted and people massively exchange one device for another. And they pay money for it, of course. In the meantime, people are massively paying for convenience (and future illnesses). And then they will pay for doctors + medicines and new safer devices. This is how the economy works, increasing GDP. And what could be more important than the country's GDP?

Interestingly, he had pains in his fingers, even when using touch screens. And not any. In general, he prefers as many wired devices as possible. He has no Wi-Fi at home, no Bluetooth. He considers the tablet to be optimal, which, in order to save battery, can very efficiently disconnect its components and practically does not fonit. The keyboard and mouse are wired ( they are good ). So it goes. Now he slowly and slowly comes to his senses and thinks what to do with a pack of medical bills. Sick in the USA - pleasure is below average.

We dig the topic deeper

If you immediately remembered that you had similar symptoms, then I hasten to console. For many years, The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) has existed , a scientific community dedicated to the effects of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms, which publishes the scientific journal Bioelectromagnetics and holds a regular BioEM conference. Last year, for example, in France , this year in England . If you look at the topics of their reports , you can see that the direction delves deeply and in detail. So, in the vast majority of cases when people complain of headaches from Wi-Fi or cellular communications, it is proved that the problem is psychological in nature. 

On the website of the World Health Organization (WHO), it is written clearly about hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EGF) : “If some people report only minor symptoms, trying to avoid the effects of fields as much as possible, then others are so severely affected that they are forced to stop working and change your whole lifestyle. ” ... “According to a review of the centers for the treatment of occupational diseases, the prevalence of ECD is several people per million . However, self-help group review rates are much higher. Approximately 10% of reported cases of GAP were found to be severe. ”

The conclusion, however, is sad for those who are unlucky:“Whatever their reason, the gap is a problem that limits human functions. EGP does not have clear diagnostic criteria, and there is no scientific basis for linking EGP symptoms with exposure to EMF. Moreover, the gap is not a medical diagnosis, and it can hardly be said that it represents a separate medical problem. ” Those. there are too few sick people to recognize this as a disease.

The article cited, however, is 2005. Now the situation has worsened. A few people per million means that there are about a thousand such people in the USA and hundreds in large European countries.

It is interesting that Americans can move, for example, to the city of Green Bank , which is located in the huge American national radio silence zone(the size of the zone is 33 thousand square kilometers). There, even the police are equipped with radio emission measuring devices , you cannot drive to the radio telescope with a gasoline engine, there are no alarms in the cars with an antenna, and you put microwave ovens in special cabinets and you can’t even turn on the microwave oven without closing the cabinet door. As a result, “Wi-Fi refugees” rushed there . So if you are American and you have money - for you there is a good decision how to live in society, but without radio emission. In other countries, cellular communications are gradually covering even the most distant corners of the situation is much more complicated.

In the USA, in 2017, the Generation zapped documentary was shot about the potential harm of radio emission with a good rating on IMDb. The film entered the shortlist of 11 festivals and received awards in three. But for now, all this looks like a voice crying in the desert.

Well, to complete the picture. The government contains scientists in an ideal world of scientists, carefully financing those areas of research that are most useful to society or aimed at exploring the main dangers for society. In the real world, the picture is noticeably different. Large companies make billions in profits, and it’s easy to spend a hundred million lobbying their interests. And if the US lobbying is to some extent open (although there is not anything magical, of course), then in other countries everything is more complicated. The usual norm is when from 20% to 80% of research funding (depending on the area) comes from companies, and companies set very specific (beneficial for themselves) goals. From the classics - to show how smoking calms the nervous system. For most doctors, as you know, smoke Camel, and the other 20,679 doctors in chorus say that Lucky
Strike is better:

As people who want to eat tasty media write in such cases, "American doctors' opinions about smoking were divided." This is a direct influence. But it happens worse.

A miracle happened with American professor Henry Lay. Conducting research on rats with money from the US Navy, he discovered that with the considered “safe” level of radio emission, the DNA of rat brain cells is destroyed. To his great surprise, after publishing, Motorola naturally began to fight with him, and the leadership of the Wireless Technology Research ($ 25M for research) research fund tried to get him dismissed from the university (!!!). Hello, harsh reality. It is characteristic that in Resolution No. 1815 of the Assembly of the Council of Europe “The Potential Hazard of Electromagnetic Fields and Their Impact on the Environment”, among other things, a separate paragraph states “pay attention and protect“ early warning ”of scientists”. Interesting things are happening around this topic!

The actions of lobbyists can also be more subtle, for example, to finance the chief editors of scientific journals or people who are members of state committees on some issue. In particular, in 2007 there was a scandal in Canada related to the fact that massive industry financing of key people in the scientific fields related to electromagnetic radiation was revealed. Say, the chief editor of Radiation Research magazine was a regular consultant to companies that received hundreds of thousands of dollars for this. As a result, over the 16 years of its work, the journal published only one article proving the genotoxicity of microwave radiation. At the same time, 80% of articles (17 of 21), which showed that there was no harm, were funded by companies or the US Air Force (working on radar services does not harm young guys, this is a scientific fact!). 

It also talks about the financing by cellular companies (unexpectedly!) Of the editor of the aforementioned Bioelectromagnetics magazine. Moreover, the Canadian Wireless and Telecommunications Association handed out millions of grants magically to scientists who were members of WHO committees and Canadian government committees related to wireless security. What an amazing coincidence! If you are interested, you can read a wonderful document, where state auditors of Canada are asked 46 unpleasant questions about a clear conflict of interest (let's call it culturally) in the field of regulation of wireless communications.It is naive to believe that in other countries everything is arranged somehow differently.

Where are we going 

Alas, the sad news does not end there. About the tragedy of communities using home Wi-Fi on a hub already wrote , therefore a brief essence. People want a stable high-speed Internet in the apartment and that everything was wireless. As a result, providers are competing in unison, who will put a more powerful access point in the entrance hall of the apartment. As a result, always right-wing clients scandal something like this:
- In my third room (through 2 capital walls), the top-end Smart TV with hangs catches your 4K channel! What the hell !!! Correct immediately !!!
- We recommend that you conduct a pro ...
- You are crazy! We recently made repairs! What $ # @% $ wire ??? !!! Can you ensure the normal quality?
“We can put a mega-powerful access point, but it will cost ... twenty thousand.” 
- It does not matter when you put it?
As a result, the access point shuffles the air so that it is a hindrance not only to neighbors on the floor, but also fonit to the nearest houses. And a powerful waypoint looks

awesome : At the same time, there are only 14 channels in the 2.4–2.4835 GHz band, and the neighboring ones “interfere” with each other:

Note that 802.11n can use several channels to increase quality / bandwidth, those. a modern fashionable point can “fonit” at once on several ranges (give development!). Hence the popularity of various Wi-Fi analyzers :

The situation has deteriorated sharply in recent years, when providers are actively selling bundles of 50, no, 100, no, 150 channels in addition to the home Internet package, and people massively connect TVs over Wi-Fi. Again, gamers want their neighbors' microwave (2.45 GHz) not to interfere with the game. Where is the latest review of "10 most powerful Wi-Fi routers in 2020"? At the same time, even an open door significantly affects the speed of data flow ... But everyone wants to watch TV with a closed door and in 4K. As a result, today one point fonit as before all the points of entry. This is definitely progress! As you know from Wi-Fi, even mice die . However, a person still does not stand it. Until a certain moment, at least.

No, someone is trying to write something there:

They don’t understand that at night it’s just the main gaming, and it’s very inconvenient to turn it off for a day. Agree!

Those who feel some kind of strange tiredness in the apartment begin to think seriously about moving to the country. Well, or somewhere in the suburbs. To the will! To the pampas! There so far this madness is not so strong:

I hasten to disappoint. Communication in the country is often poor, and a very common solution today is to install a 3G / 4G repeater, after which you have Internet and calls everywhere in your house and on the site:

BUT! There are a couple of small problems. Firstly, a repeater is two transceiver antennas working on onefrequency. It really helps that the external antenna is directional (although omnidirectional kits are also sold). Therefore, it is enough that the garage of corrugated board (almost an angular reflector) is unsuccessfully standing in the direction of the upper antenna, and the system will generate self-oscillations . Secondly, the situation is more interesting when there are 2 repeaters nearby. This is a roulette game (will you be “lucky” that some wall will unsuccessfully reflect, or will not be lucky). And if one gets into the antenna target of the other, they are guaranteed to be doomed to the role of a noise generator. 

It is naive to think that if I have MTS, my neighbor is Megafon, and the other neighbor is Beeline, our amplifiers will only strengthen these providers. Indeed, it can be done with something quite expensive, but ordinary ones amplify their “own”, and for others they generate interference. Here, for example, a typical story : “In a private house on the street there is an antenna, the repeater itself in the house, today they contacted me from Roskomnadzor and reported the following: MTS and TELE2 filed a complaint that they have any interference in the networks, inspector I immediately said that they turned off two nearby towers and found my home from which it was broadcasting.He told me without any unnecessary questions, they say the repeater is most likely slightly out of order and needs repair. They asked me to disconnect while to check for interference, they will call me in the evening. Sanctions: first a verbal warning, then a fine (I don’t know how much). Honestly, it’s a little shocking that a repeater box can create some kind of interference for cell towers. " In short, men don’t even know ...

The price is also strongly affected. In this reviewin detail two repeaters are disassembled for 10 thousand rubles and for 60 thousand. Oddly enough, the author comes to the conclusion that it is better to buy for 60 thousand, because for 10 - it gives a lot of interference even in the directly amplified channel. The joke is that I was recently approached by a friend who was far from computers and asked me what I think about buying a repeater for 3.6 thousand rubles (!!!). I told him that it would be money thrown away. But China is riveting, and people are buying ! A direct consequence is the gradual filling of the radio frequency range with interference in 3G / 4G (5G / 6G ...).

In general, selling repeaters is a super-business such as selling drugs. The more you sell, the more demand. A man puts a repeater in the country, his connection is better, and his neighbors lose contact beyond 100 meters. A repeater at 100 meters (even with a weak antenna) is a hindrance compared to a tower at 5 kilometers (its signal is biased in time). Someone else is buying next - there are more and more interference. And the cheaper the repeaters, the faster the client (and the potential customers around him) will come for a more expensive repeater. Just a gold mine! First, we sell them all for 4–10 thousand cheap, then for 60–80 expensive, then we untwist on the mast, then on the cable. Gentlemen, customers, do you need internet in the country? It will be! To any wallet! 

Alternatively, instead of a repeater, you can put a 3G modem in the country and distribute Wi-Fi from it. At least these are not two transceiver antennas in the same band. First Wi-Fi in the range of 2.4–2.5 GHz, then 5.1–5.8 GHz. Until in the country, the fullness of the radio range (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi, WiMAX ...) does not approach the city.

General conclusion: A person does not seem to stop filling the radio range with radiation until he comes close to the frequencies and intensities at which the insulating sheath of the nerves begins to “break through” not in a few people per million, but in a noticeable percentage of the population. We are working on it!

About physics and new businesses

If anyone remembers, back in 1836, Michael Faraday invented the Faraday cage :


The essence is simple - even a loose lattice is enough to drastically reduce electromagnetic radiation inside. 

In this regard, foil caps - this is in every sense the last century! What is fashionable today? Hoodie. Give fabric sweatshirts with electrically conductive threads! Protect our children and adolescents! Silver threads are for the rich, metal is simpler for the middle class. A kind of nimble French company for 3 years offers clothing from fabric with metallic threads, which is the type of 99% of the radiation shields. Underpants are in the greatest demand among them (and now you can safely carry the phone in your pants pocket!), But there are hats and t-shirts. And there are already dozens of such companies. Here their competitors show in several ways how to reduce the EMR (electromagnetic radiation) from the iPhone 8 with their underwear. Moreover, the Chinese got involved. In the section underwear with protection against electromagnetic radiation on your favorite AliExpress there are already more than 600 products

For example, an elderly British woman, for example, refused electricity in the house , and goes out into the street in a conductive cloak, a sort of costume of a crazy beekeeper:

But the clothes are small! Need to go further! EMR-protected hairspray. Technically possible. Imagine - a blonde puts her hairspray and begins to forget less, i.e. becomes more effective at work. But what if?!?!

But this is only the beginning. Apartment buildings, this is where Klondike is. Imagine - wallpaper with protection against electromagnetic radiation, coatings on glass with protection, curtains with protection. All of this already exists today , but so far the demand is limited. And what if tomorrow a lot of Muscovites (and the Upper-Middle Class that has joined them in other cities of Russia and the world) begin to order such materials during the repair? Or repair an apartment, only to replace wallpaper with insulating? Either demand for suburban real estate will increase, as has already happened in California due to Wi-Fi fatigue , or God forbid Wi-Fi allergies . This is a huge new market!

As you know, we live in a world where loot easily conquers both good and evil. Unfortunately or fortunately, something is deeply investigated only if paid. The American professor Martin Seligman in his book “ How to Learn Optimism ” perfectly describes how easy it is to get money to study all types of depression (this is loot!) And how difficult it is to study optimism. However, his level of optimism was barely enough to solve this problem. So, it seems that the situation for a detailed study of the effect of electromagnetic radiation on a person has matured.

It is clear that there are studies, for example, about the dangers of Wi-Fi for health with dozens of links and the dangers of cellular communications, scientific materials begin to break through the wall., , , . , .

Our hero, with whom this story began, lost his job 6 years ago and has been recovering for 5 years. There is progress. For example, six months before our conversation, he could not drive a car (there are a lot of electricians, it just hurt). Now the pain is gradually going away. True, he still can not use cell. Even with a wireless headset, I am silent to press him to my head (for him this is not that suicide, but a big risk to roll back months ago in the process of rehabilitation). He wants too much not to be attached to his house to take such a reckless risk. It communicates with everyone using a tablet, occasionally including a network on it only to receive and send letters. In general, we wish him recovery to a state where he can work. He really wants it.

All health, happiness and ... this ... somewhere above was, now I will find ... and, of course, good memory !!! 

PS A device like this one will come to the author soon:

There will be a report on what and how it is phoning! 

UPD: Since the text caused a lot of questions (there were more than 800 comments), it was decided to collect the answers to them in the form of the FAQ below.

If any question seems incomplete, or some question remains unsolved - please write!

Question: And how can one explain from a scientific point of view?

Answer: In general, it would be great to listen to the opinion of a specialist, and I wrote to the Institute of General Physics, where they study magnetobiology. In the person described above, it is very likely that the myelin sheath of the nerves is damaged, which also screens the nerve cells from external radiation. The website has an excellent popular material about the myelin sheath , where, in particular, it says:

“ Myelinsurrounds the processes of nerve cells, isolating them from external influences. This is necessary for a more reliable and faster signal transmission through the nervous system. Thanks to the isolation of the nerve fiber, the electrical signal does not dissipate and reaches its destination without interference. The speed of signal transmission through myelin and non-myelin fibers can differ by three orders of magnitude: from 70 to 140 m / s and from 0.3 to 0.5 m / s, respectively. ” 

Myelin is constantly formed and destroyed in the body, however, up to 30 years the process of myelination (if you like - increasing the isolation of nerve fibers) is more intense than the process of demyelination. 

Demyelination is possible as a result of a number of diseases , which are divided into infectious-allergic ( myelinlastia) and hereditary (myelinopathy). The following is a visualization of the decrease in the speed of transmission of the nerve signal in Guillain-Barré syndrome , which occurs most often after infection:

This is how the disease is described on the Biomolecule : “Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome (GBS) is a disease of the peripheral nervous system in which the myelin sheath formed by Schwann breakdown occurs. cells. GBS is a classic autoimmune disease. As a rule, it is preceded by an infection. The presence of various pathogens in the human body triggers autoimmune damage to the myelin of nerve fibers by T- and B-lymphocytes. Clinically, this is manifested , « — ». . : ( ) .

Those. the symptoms are very similar to the story described above. First, the disease with an attempt to treat it, then loss of sensitivity of the limb, which grew to paralysis. But recovery is very likely. By the way, in the article about myelin on the wiki, a severe defeat in which the signal does not reach the nerve ending is illustrated as follows (and the limb is not felt):


Question: Do you understand that any comparison with the flow of current along the nerves is illiterate?

Answer: This is a popular simplification, of course. On the Biomolecule mentioned above, an article about myelin also begins like this: “ Very often,“ electrical ”terms are used to describe the nervous system: for example, nerves are compared with wires. This is because an electrical signal actually moves along the nerve fiber. Each of us knows that a bare wire is dangerous, because it is shocking, and for this reason people use insulating materials that do not conduct electricity. Safety is not alien to nature either, and it wraps the nerve “wires” with its own insulating material - myelin. ”

And then comes a completely hardcore text, for reading which a biologist does not need to constantly google terms. But my comparison, of course, is terrible, yes.

Question: This is all great, and may even be related to nerves. But there is not a single example recorded by science of the sensitivity of human electromagnetic radiation.

Answer: This, of course, is not so. For example, in the journal “ELECTROMAGNETIC BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE”, specialists carefully described a twice-confirmed case of EMR sensitivity in a woman who survived demyelination as a result of an illness. At the same time, the thematic and peer-reviewed journal and editors should be in the subject that “this simply cannot be physically”. 

Question: And all that science knows is this one case?

Answer: Of course not. A specialist from the Institute of General Physics still answered me, we talked very well, he sent a lot of materials (for example, the Hypersensitivity to electricity: Symptoms manual, risk factors and therapeutic interventions , a book (!) Black on White: Voices and Witnesses about Electro-hypersensitivity: the Swedish Experience , a big job Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields — A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairmentetc.) and answered all my questions. The point is very simple. Yes, cases of just an instant pain syndrome (turn it on - it hurts, turn it off - it doesn’t hurt) have been known since the beginning of the 2000s, as soon as they began to massively set up cell towers. BUT! As it does not seem strange, they are not very interesting to scientists. The reason is simple - it is essentially a type of individual intolerance, and such cases with respect to the total mass are very, very few. And the most interesting are the mass phenomena.

For example, in Australia, the number of cases of brain cancer in children has increased by 21% since the mid-2000s over 10 years, and in the United Kingdom since the mid-1990s, over 20 years, the total number of cases of brain cancer has increased by 40%. However, we do know for sure that this is from anything, but not because the phones began to be actively presented to children, and since the myelination process ends around the age of 30 they even have a stronger thermal effect on the brain (the area of ​​the head next to when the phone is ringing, the child even heats up more strongly than the adult). It is obvious that the phone can not affect anything in any way.

In general, a person told a lot. And about the features (let's say) of funding research in the field, and about dismissal from work after talking to the press (not ours), and about the under-investigation (let's say) of the effects of high frequencies used in the new cellular standards. But I will not write about this, because in highly specialized literature everything is already there, but for the general public this cannot be. This topic is extremely ungrateful for popularization (I have never had so many people with negative karma in my comments). And in order to portray Galileo and contrary to the opinion of the surrounding majority to advance the idea of ​​the rotation of the Earth, you need to have a very serious motive. 

Question: You want to say that your person defeated multiple sclerosis?

Answer: Of course not. Multiple sclerosis is a truly chronic autoimmune disease in which the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is affected . But it has a pronounced age-related character. Restoring the myelination process in old age, when many functions fail, is indeed a daunting task. 

But in general, 91,000 articles are submitted to myelin regeneration Google Scholar (a search engine for scientific articles), including, for example, Bhatt A., Fan LW, Pang Y. (2014). Strategies for myelin regeneration: lessons learned from development . Neural. Regen. Res. 9, 1347–1350, which deals with the construction of successful myelination strategies. 

It is interesting that on the query myelin regeneration diet , which Google Scholar suggested to me (when I accidentally pressed the space after regeneration) in the second line (such as a frequent request), there were 21 thousand articles (!). What, as it were, hints that this is one of the actively developing areas of research in the field of myelin regeneration. Someone wrote that something to eat and to recover , they say, is completely unscientific . Google Scholar gives a different picture. Perhaps, of course, all these thousands of articles are devoted to how they tried different diets and nothing worked ... So it can also be, right?

Question: Old man, but do you understand that a person simply has nothing to feel the electromagnetic field? There is nowhere to induce current. 

Answer: Do not believe it, I began to understand. When the deeper - he was struck by the foresight of nature. Ranvier intercepts (gaps between the myelin sheaths) do not allow the formation of a long conductor in which it would be possible to induce a noticeable potential difference, i.e. only heating remains. But there is a nuance. Power. Obviously, if you put your hand in the unit and apply good power, from which the hand will be completely incinerated, even the most avid skeptic will feel such an effect of electromagnetic radiation. And, actually, the question is: where is the limit of sensitivity, at what frequency and how does it depend on the state of the myelin sheath and other characteristics of a particular individual. 

For example, an article in Nature(someone in the comments, it was Nature who requested, not lower) “Long-term exposure to 835 MHz RF-EMF induces hyperactivity, autophagy and demyelination in the cortical neurons of mice” in which they describe how radiation was even able to provoke demyelination. "Importantly, we found that RF-EMF exposure led to myelin sheath damage and mice displayed hyperactivity-like behavior." Perhaps they were hyperactive from happiness, scientists have yet to find out.

Question: But it’s still relatively strong impacts, but weak ones are of interest. Do you understand that there is nothing to perceive them?

Answer: In the comments, an extremely interesting reference was made to the book “My World” published in 1998 by Victor Grebennikov :

« , , , , — , , 
 , — ! — , , -, , . — , — , , . , , ---?

Only later, when this feeling disappeared from me — now I know for sure that this happened immediately after moving from Isilkul to Novosibirsk in 1973 — did I realize that it was quite rare, inherited by a few “lucky” from our distant ancestors of ours, wild monkey-people who needed it vitally. Now I understand how unpleasant, if not dangerous, it is to get lost in, say, a forest, and I’m really sad because I stopped receiving the “signals” sent by my home. ”

From the point of view of many commentators - complete nonsense, idiocy and cretinism! In general, with a probability of 146%, he believes in flat earth! No options!

But what is it? In 2016, Science magazine published an article by scientists from Caltech “ Maverick scientist thinks he has discovered a magnetic sixth sense in humans”, Which begins - birds can do it, bees - can, and can a person feel the background magnetic field of the earth?  

But this cannot be, because it can never be, right? I don’t feel, you don’t feel, none of my friends feel, so this does not exist! Most likely this scientist also believes in flat earth. (I will not exaggerate, read the logic in the comments). In general, Science is a popular magazine, they had punctures (and this is true).

However, Caltech was more serious. They created the Human Magnetic Reception Lab and a rather massive installation for shielding the background magnetic field of the earth and inducing an artificial weak field, and they had to try so that all the objects inside could not be magnetized:

As a result, after 3 years of experiments, in the spring of 2019, they published a very detailed description of blind experiments in the peer-reviewed journal eNeuro Transduction of the Geomagnetic Field as Evidenced from alpha-Band Activity in the Human Brain .

Thanks to this study, Elements got an excellent review article on the subject of magnetoreception in humans , where it is very well understood which structures make such sensitivity possible. I especially liked her ending:

“It's nice when there is no dogma pressure and when every fact is checked. The study of magnetoreception does not apply to areas of science that affect the daily life of a person, and this is wonderful.. Researchers of magnetic feelings may (for now, at least) not think about how their discoveries will be perceived by society , and explore the world without regard to free and involuntary ill-wishers . I would like to wish such freedom to all other scientists as well. ”  

What are the topics that affect everyday life? What stupid hints of freedom of research? What kind of detractors are we talking about? It cannot be that it was a question of the sensitivity to EMR nearby, agree! Nor can the point! And the author of the stupid book above had to be burned at the stake in the name of science without waiting for these stupid studies.

And man has nothing to sense weak magnetic fields, you say?

Question Well, it can feel. But who said that they affect health?

Answer: Scientists, researchers, who else. For example, there is such an even more subtle topic as magnetic storms. The compass needle does not rotate from them, and for a long time the reaction of the grandmothers to them was the topic of endless trolling (how could the weather center even begin to predict and publish them, damned obscurantists !!!)

Most recently, in 2018 and 2019, publications were published by the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the biology faculty of Moscow State University “Geomagnetic storm under laboratory conditions: randomized experiment” and “Cardiovascular response as a marker of environmental stress caused by variations in geomagnetic field and local weather”. In a sense, they went further than the Americans from Caltech. In the same way, a Faraday cage was created in which artificial magnetic fields could be simulated.

Moreover, they recorded a “magnetic storm” (an extremely weak change in the background magnetic field) and measured the electrocardiogram of the subjects. And they managed to catch a very significant change in the ECG during artificial magnetic storms. 

And this, I emphasize once again, is a happy area of ​​magnetic radiation in which you can explore much more calmly (see the previous answer). Although maybe an electric field is possible without a magnetic? 

And someone said that super-weak fields do not affect the body in any way, or did it seem to me?

Question: It's still not clear what smacks of. How is this explained?

Answer: A very good answer is given in the commentary
“Recalling the university course of spin chemistry, I want to note that the question of the influence of weak magnetic fields on the kinetics of biochemical reactions , in particular with free radicals, remains poorly studied, but proved in fact . Changing the rates of certain biochemical reactions inside the cell cannot but affect its work, but when, how much and how it manifests itself at the macro level - it is not clear to me. Maybe professional biologists will tell you in this context. ” 
For those who wish to link:

Further on, by the way, about organic chemistry. In general, a gap in the question was made in the mid-60s, the Lenin Prize was awarded in 1986. Theses on the topic are defended even in Russian. In English, there are about two orders of magnitude more work.

However, in our difficult times of the information medieval, what does not exist on the first page of search engine results does not exist in nature. It is so?

Question: And still, I don’t understand what science thinks about this?

Answer: In the comments, a link was given to a book with a unique review of articles on the topic: “Magnetobiology, experiments and models” by Vladimir Nikolaevich Bingi, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, head of the Laboratory of Radiobiology at the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It analyzed and consolidated into a single system more than 720 articles (the vast majority are English-language). In the introduction (p. 17), Vladimir Nikolaevich writes:

“Human intervention in natural processes has reached a dangerous level. The environment is polluted by industrial and household waste. Electromagnetic pollution is also increasing rapidly. In addition, today there is no clear understanding of the physicochemical mechanisms of the biological effects of superweak natural and artificial agents.It should be said that there is a paradox. That is, these phenomena do not just find no explanation, they seem to contradict the modern scientific picture of the world. At the same time, a huge amount of factual and experimental data has been accumulated, which indicates the reality of the phenomenon. Thus, the biological effect of superweak agents is a fundamental scientific problem with an acute applied character. ” 

Neither reduce nor add. Those. the action of superweak natural and artificial agents is an area in which much is really incomprehensible even to profound specialists. Moreover, the studied phenomena cannot be explained in terms of current scientific ideas . All the more important is the topic to be explored deeper, I guess?

Question Well, you see that many commentators consider this approach unscientific

Answer: What approach, excuse me, can I clarify? 

As far back as the 17th century, Francis Bacon (the one who introduced the expression “Knowledge is power” into widespread use) studied on the one hand the attacks on science, which were lacking at that time, and on the other hand, the effectiveness of research. And further quite interestingly generalized the results in several works ( Bacon Method , for example). Including:

“Incomplete induction includes generalizations based on the study of not all cases, but only some (a conclusion by analogy), because, as a rule, the number of all cases is practically unlimited, and theoretically it is impossible to prove their infinite number: all swans are white for us reliably until we see a black individual. . « », , , , . , , : . .» 

Those. ANY correct scientific conclusion is likely. A simple example - we measured the process time, it turned out 1 second. We measured a lot of ways, improved accuracy, and still 1 second. Does this mean that the process always goes on for one second? From the point of view of some commentators, of course yes. From the point of view of a scientist - generally speaking not. At a minimum, if we place a measured object on a spaceship and accelerate it to speeds close to the speed of light, then ... And this does not mean that Einstein is obscurantist (!) . Although, if you read how the theory of relativity was adopted at first, there is a lot of instructive. And, which is characteristic - so far no one has dispersed a rocket to check. 

And from the attention to exceptions to the rule, many discoveries have grown, by the way. In 1962, Thomas Kuhn published the fundamental work, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions , where he analyzed in detail the so-called change of scientific paradigms, when some generally accepted scientific ideas are changed to others. 

Unfortunately, both Bacon and Kuhn are included in the compulsory curriculum only for graduate school. As a result, the broad masses of people, even those who have graduated, perceive science as something static, aimed primarily at protecting the status quo (this can be clearly seen in the comments below). Globally, the wider such views, the lower the level of scientific culture and the lower the rate of scientific development. 

Question: Do you not understand that all this is pseudoscience?

Answer: No, of course. Quickly plunge into history. In 1939, genetics in the USSR was declared pseudoscience. The creator of the Institute of Genetics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR N.I. Vavilov was arrested, a number of geneticists were arrested behind him. According to Istoriya.RF: “The final rout of classical genetics took place in August 1948 at a session of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Even people far from science now knew who the “Weisman-Morganists” were, as Lysenko called supporters of the deceased in 1943 in Vavilov Prison . After the death of Stalin, Lysenko was also supported by Khrushchev, the restoration of Soviet genetics in the rights of science took place only in the 1960s. ” 

In addition, as you know, pseudoscience is cybernetics (the progenitor of Computer Science). As the “Technique of Youth” wrote in 1952: “And then a new“ science ”arose, the so-called“ cybernetics ” . If it is impossible to realize a “dream” in practice, then is it impossible to make it serve at least the goals of propaganda? .. In the United States there are now a number of the most “accurate” definitions of the meaning and goals of the notorious cybernetics . But, in fact, they always consisted and consist in masking the failures of the creators of "thinking" machines, wishful thinking, speculating on the actual achievements of modern technology for the most unbridled and deceitful imperialist propaganda " 

The Science and Life did not lag behind. The article “The Science of Modern Slaveowners” clearly stated: “Cybernetics is , therefore, a reactionary mechanistic theory, striving to cast aside modern scientific thought based on materialistic dialectics, far back to the outdated and refuted mechanistic philosophy more than a hundred years ago  

.” Cybernetics is the "science" of obscurantists, "To Whom Cybernetics Serves," etc. The definition of cybernetics as pseudoscience was included in 1954 in the Philosophical Dictionary. Fortunately, with the death of Stalin (in 1953) Khrushchev did not support the persecution of cybernetics, unlike genetics, and the restoration was relatively quick. 

It is interesting that in the last 15 years it has been developing rapidlybioinformatics is a science at the intersection of genetics and computer science. In our country, not everything is magical with her, but the trends are even more sad. Mikhail Sergeyevich Gelfand , one of the most active scientists in this field, back in 2011, said the famous : “The tragedy will begin not when no one will write an article in Nature, but when no one will read an article in Nature.” The development of modern science is going so fast that the number of people capable of not only working at the forefront, but even understanding the latest news, is gradually decreasing. And this is a tragedy.

Do you think that there is no connection between the announcement of a certain direction of science as pseudoscience and the speed of its development? Of course not. And who does not agree - to prison. For prevention.

This does not mean that everything should be automatically considered a science. But the comments clearly show how people who do not know how to use search engines vigorously and loudly advocate for the purity of the scientific ranks. And this is certainly a tragedy.

Question: But you yourself agree that the main reason for complaints of hypersensitivity is purely the psyche, what do you want to say with all this?

Answer: Yes, I confirm once again that the lion's share of cases is relatively suspicious. Yesterday I specifically spoke with a familiar psychologist, and he once again expanded my consciousness to an understanding of the capabilities of the brain. Besides jokes! Organize a migraine in our brain - just spit. It is more difficult to make the body feel heat or pain when you take the phone in your hand, but it is also possible. But SMS to predict, as in the example above, is (at least in the framework of the current scientific understanding) by no means ... It's the same for specialists in magnetobiology. And once again I emphasize - against the background of the main stream of cases with which to the therapist, real cases of sensitivity are extremely rare. But this does not mean that they are not there, which for some reason some people believe in.

In the comments, quite rightly noticed that some old phones made a barely audible click before the arrival of SMS. Those. in theory, we can assume that the brain of the person with whom I spoke (by the way, not one, see the following answer) perceived this sound at a barely audible level and organized characteristic pain tyr-tyr, tyr-tyr, tyr-tyr in time with the GSM protocol (which a person could hear, for example, holding the phone to a speaker). We will not be likened to our opponents and throw away everything that does not fit into the picture of the world from the threshold - the hypothesis is intricate, but in principle possible. But she still has a lot of questions. In particular, a person “heard” the arrival of SMS on the street and for different phones. Again - how to explain a person’s home experiments? Well and then another interesting person was found.

Question: Well, maybe this is a rare case?

Answer: Yes, the situation is insanely rare (units per million), but it is interesting that in the comments below a person unexpectedly wrote who also felt severe pain from the cell phone and could also “predict” the arrival of SMS through pain:

“I remember how I changed my phones whether it’s like it hits more, or it’s like this less. As a result, it turned out that it’s easiest for me when there are many towers and they often stand. When the antenna is over 20 km, it was very painful. ”

3Dvideo: Excuse my interest, but where did it really hurt? In the hand, in the head?

« , . — , . , . , . , , . - «» — , . — / . - . . (5-10 , ) .

) , - .

In recent years, I don’t feel anything like it. Either the development of these Gs, or everything was completely riddled with towers, or the body decided to “die,” rather than alarm with pain, but live more comfortable, yes)) ” 

And the habit of putting the phone out of my pocket a little further from myself remained at any opportunity. In the cafe they look like an uncultured one) Well, you’ll be lazy)) “

Life has become more comfortable, because with the increase in the density of towers, the phone radically weaker. But in general, a person is lucky that he has encountered a symptom in the area of ​​20 years, that is, the body still had . to recover 

And the people themselves felt on the fact that the farther the tower, the more the phone emits:
"well, this is the only logical conclusion that I could do.
I even remember how. Changing the phones (they really felt differently, and somehow I didn’t think about the proximity of the antennas, I perceived the phones as ordinary walkie-talkies), I bought a kind of simple clamshell (I had only tried the “bricks” before) and at the same time left for several days big city to small. After 2–3 days without symptoms, I was happy as if I had won the lottery, and already began to beat sidekicks that the whole thing was in the form factor. The bummer was when I drove a few kilometers. He returned to his place, again no symptoms. He looked around, saw an antenna 300 meters away, he suspected. He shared with the boy a radio physicist. He called the lamer and said of course. I had to be patient for several years. ”

By the way, the person also faced the fact that basically this is a psychological problem:
“Yes, I’m just not surprised. But long ago, I immediately learned to understand that people who "moved far away from the tower and lived straight ahead" carry nonsense and, unlike me, they really don’t feel anything. " 

But this cannot be and he is lying, right?

Question: If you agree that it’s rare, why raise the topic at all?

Answer: I really liked the way it is written in the comment :

“You know, radioactivity was discovered in the year 1896. And after 50 years, employees lived in one entrance of the house, and a nuclear reactor was built in another. And it did not contradict the norms of those years (1945). :-)

Mass cellular communications - only 30 years old. That is, only 30 years old people carry semi-wired transmitters in their pockets.

... something like radiation. Also at first it was believed that small doses are absolutely safe, and radon is useful. In about 50 years, they’ll figure out which frequencies are dangerous, and at what dose. ” 

In general, yes. How many radiation scientists died of cancer ... Well, again in 1945 the reactor was built in one particular entrance, and now the radiators are massively put into everything. It seems to me there is a difference. Maybe I'm wrong.

Question: And why do you think that there are idiots in WHO and in the scientific community who have not yet figured out and need another 50 years?

Answer: And again, the magnificent answer of the same author:

“Because history teaches this. Well, as an example - polytetrafluoroethylene (PFOA) . It was synthesized in 1947, massively used since 1951, preliminary safety standards for water content were introduced in 2009. Freons have been known since 1928, they have been banned since 2010. There are many such examples.

Your words “Humanity has been surrounded by electricity and radio communications for at least 100 years” is your lack of understanding of physics. For mobile phones give the population a dose of about 10 ^ 5 more than the most powerful radio stations. And they are massively distributed - 10-15 years.

More from the story. It took 29 years to recognize Rett syndrome. Although the frequency is higher - 1 case per 10-15 thousand, and there were no commercial interests to recognize. 30 years is a normal period in science for the hypotheses of enthusiasts to become universally recognized.

If, after 50 years, scientists do not find anything, then there is nothing. But, most likely, they will find something. In my personal opinion, individual frequencies close to the natural frequencies of molecules can be dangerous. Well, for example, a dissertation: The influence of ultrasound and microwave radiation on some reactions of organic synthesis . A mutation in which individual proteins are sensitive to microwave radiation of a certain frequency, I do not exclude. " 

If anyone about PFOA and Teflon fluI didn’t read it - read it (after all, Teflon pans, it's so convenient, right?). Read how hard the rules were introduced. And this does not mean that someone is an idiot. Pay attention to the relatively passive role of scientists and government bodies in this epic story (making analyzes is not a question, but argue with industry - sorry, no). After all, this will never happen again, right?

Question: By the way, why do you stubbornly deny the existence of people who are located at powerful radio stations much closer than a hundred kilometers?

Answer: And again an excellent answer :

“Because I know the physicist as a radio amateur. Not much radiates the antenna down under it. Specially so do the radiation pattern. And where it radiates comparable to a mobile phone - there is a fence, barbed wire and security.

You can check it yourself. There are such stickers on the mobile phone, they blink when the mobile phone emits (for advertising purposes). Go with them to the TV tower, see if they blink or not. Upstairs, at the transmitter - they will, but they will not let you in there. And where they will let it go - they will not. Well, until you attach a half-wave dipole to the blinker ”

Question: Do you understand that you are a supporter of conspiracy theory?

Answer: In what place, excuse me? If you carefully read the text, then there we are talking about open lobbyism. Including in a tough form (an attempt to dismiss a scientist who received an uncomfortable result for the company). Well and 46 unpleasant questions to the Canadian auditor as if speak for themselves. And there is a hint of hidden lobbyism. It can, of course, be argued that there is no hidden lobbyism. A bold statement. 

Question: But WHO clearly writes, and here is why you reject the opinion of specialists.

Answer: Because you cite the press releases of the WHO project “The International Electromagnetic fields Project” , and the press releases of 2005 and 2011 (that there were few cases at that time and there was no reason to believe that).

You, of course, will not believe me, but this project has not yet been closed; moreover, they are going to 2-3 times a year. Of course, you need to write to WHO so that they stop the stupid waste of time and energy on the question with which every self-respecting commentator on the hub has long understood everything, but ... God, what is this? They not only gather, but also write new press releases! 

For example, in 2014 they issued another press release. The bottom line: in Baghdad, everything is calm, the number of mobile phone users is growing, research is underway, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), by the way, the WHO division has classified radio frequency fields as a possible carcinogen for people (Group 2B - the same group where asbestos was until recently , eg). Interestingly, this was a reaction to the 2010 InterPhone study :« , , , ( ), . , « » , . [11] , , , [12].» 

Now, 10 years after InterPhone, statistics naturally continue to accumulate. Moreover - now it is becoming more representative and data are available for 20 years. It is already obvious that there will be nothing fatal, but it is likely that they will raise to 2A, specifying cases. For example, after analyzing the statistics of children who received the telephone early and used it intensively (in children, due to the lower level of myelination, even direct brain heating of the telephone is longer), after they are 40 years old. Although we all know for sure that it is absolutely safe.

Question: Why are you accused of anti-science?

Answer: Good question. The comments show that many are actively drowning for science, but HOW this is done - you don’t directly know whether to laugh or cry. For example, one of my most overwhelming comments - I ask you to provide links to statements. As you know, a deep scientific debate is when it is indecent to cite allegations.

Or, here, a person writes:“When a lecturer in physics was studying at the institute, he told the following story: at the dawn of the electromagnetic era, he was present at the construction of medium-wave communication towers (they may have been huge from the time of the union). It was winter and workers, who knew nothing about radiation, often went under the working towers to bask. From currents, surface currents passed through the skin and released heat, so people were not so cold. Until forty of them, no one lived. ”

Commentary - to blame, to throw off karma to a person. You know that real science is when we select what fits into our theory and discard any evidence that does not fit into it, right? (in the comments of such a sea) 

A discussion with a person who was not afraid to write about his sensitivity to EMR phones is very revealing. Some people ignored him (see the previous sign of this science), and some began to naturally poison him, they blundered and all that. 

In short, you understand - real science is when statements without references are selected only that fits into our picture of the world, we discard the rest. We urinate all those who disagree. Such a normal African scientific level)

I really liked the comment:“This is a paradoxical mention of“ Flat Earth ”,“ ardent ”opponents of this article. After all, their arguments sound approximately the same as the arguments of opponents of the spherical earth at one time probably sounded ... "I don’t see this, the" largest "authorities say that this is not - it means that this is not ..." ” 

At the same time, the press WHO releases a decade ago, as if they were carved in granite and WHO never changed their minds (for example, didn’t expand the list of carcinogens.) It’s especially funny that even in the same quoted press release, WHO indicates the need for further research on the topic and that such studies But for this we need to read more carefully, and we are for real science , therefore we simply quote the necessary phrase, and ignore the rest of the text!

: FAQ , ! — !

Answer: This is funny, but even when the FAQ has become quite large, people write this (yes, yes, I see with what kind of person karma, but even purely according to statistics: one writes - he thinks for some more). Therefore, I will give more links. No pity. And in Russian, in order to simplify the reading for those who wish.

It is worth understanding a simple idea - the effect of small radiation is a large and complex area in which it is very difficult to conduct research, but in which quite a lot of people work. For example, Russia has long held an international congress “Weak and superweak fields and radiation in biology and medicine”, at which, in 2018, judging by the theses, there were 197 (one hundred ninety-seven!) Reports . Those. the scale of the event is quite tangible:

And it is in Russian! World science is about two orders of magnitude larger in the number of materials. 

It is interesting that in the theses of these obscurantists (for this is all rubbish and heresy, of course), there are curious moments, for example: “ Statistically significant differences from the control were revealed in groups of animals exposed to the pulsed electromagnetic field : spontaneous level of DNA damage to blood cells and brain animals exceeded this indicator in the control groups of animals about two times . Despite different morphology and functionality, blood and brain cells showed a similar response to EMF exposure.. Thus, the DNA-comet method turned out to be quite sensitive and informative in assessing the genotoxic effect of electromagnetic fields of non-thermal intensity, which allows us to recommend this method for use in hygienic regulation of electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range. ” 

There are many works, by the way, that individual mechanisms of exposure analyze in detail, for example :“The second possible mechanism for the action of weak electromagnetic waves on the phospholipid bilayer is through the formation of peroxides and other radicals, which as a result lead to peroxidation of the hydrocarbon hydrophobic component of the phospholipid molecule [3]. As a result, the van der Waals forces of attraction change, and the balance between the electrostatic and van der Waals interactions is disturbed. Such changes can lead to changes in the structure of the membrane and its permeability . " It is precisely this kind of research that will further explain the mechanisms of action of superweak EMR.

However, one can find more stringent theses there:“By 10 - 12 weeks of embryo maturation, when its protective systems are just beginning to form, microwave radiation suppresses them, and the embryo dies from any infections or genetic changes. Thus, currently 20% -30% of embryos die in developed countries, including Russia. Doctors call this process “frozen pregnancy”, in reality, this is the murder of unborn children by radio transmitters, near which these women lived, walked or worked. "The embryo is not considered a man by law, and that’s why the true killers have not yet been brought to justice." Of course, the program committee of the congress and the editors of the proceedings knew that such a thing was "physically impossible."

Also, last fall, the All-Russian Conference“Actual problems of radiobiology and hygiene of non-ionizing radiation” , where there were 53 reports and which, they write, has been held in our country since 1935 for the 31st time :

The first article in the works is called “The Importance of Adequate Information on the Dangers of Cellular EMF for Health population in the 21st century . " For some reason, they are not aware that mobile communications in 2019 are completely safe for the population. Moreover, this first article was written by the chairman of the organizing committee of the conference ... And there is still a lot of interesting things, for example, a link to the article of 2018in which, according to the results of the experiments, the WHO IARC proposes to transfer EMF to Group 1, “as a real carcinogen for the population”. In the same place, by the way, there is an article “Medical and biological aspects of reducing the tolerance of the human body to non-ionizing radiation under the influence of environmental factors affecting the development of hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields”. And this is not about psychology. It also tells about when and how the recategorization of EMFs in the IARC will be considered, how standards are formed, how they should be changed in connection with 5G, etc. There are much more interesting articles than in the proceedings of the congress. There, by the way, experts of the Russian National Committee for Protection against Non-ionizing Radiations offer EMF marking signs (warning and prohibitive options):

Other works on cellular radiation in Russian tooquite there is : “It is shown that the existing regulatory framework on the effect of electromagnetic radiation on human health does not fully meet hygienic requirements due to the lack of regulatory indicators that determine the impact of complex modulated combined radiation from mobile phones and base stations . The author substantiates the need for additional studies on the effect of modulated EMR RF on humans and the creation of a regulatory framework that takes into account the summation of bioeffects, especially on the critical organ of the human brain . When creating a regulatory framework, it is necessary to take into account scientific ideas about the possible development of distant brain pathologies with combined exposure to EMF,especially in children . ”  

In general, with the understanding of the complete safety of EMR for health in the scientific community, everything somehow does not add up. Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and in general the population is inadequately informed about the real level of danger. However, they are heard very poorly in fact.

Question: So what, that there are such works, nothing changes in the regulatory documents, so all this is not essential!

Answer: This is not so. On August 14, 2019 Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Education, Rosobrnadzor and the Russian Academy of Education adopted “Methodological recommendations on the use of mobile communications in educational institutions . ” There are mainly psychological problems there, although one of the 8 pages of the document is entirely devoted to links to the work of specialists, and the general idea is that the less the better.

And on January 10, 2020, Rospotrebnadzor accepted published on its website recommendations to parents on the safe use of a cell phone . There are many commonplace moments that are understandable to any specialist, which it is absolutely not necessary to follow, of course (recommendations are the same!). But it is impossible to say that the state ignores the topic, and then sapienti sat. 

: , 5G ? 5G ?

Answer: Do not believe me, the question is posed below exactly, completely ignoring my extremely clear emphasis on the importance of additional research (which experts unanimously say). 

But not the point, for the story with the towers is really epic! As you know, we live in the Middle Ages, when in spite of the fact that any information is available (see conference proceedings above), the majority is able to overpower the maximum format of Twitter, and the rest is “multi-letter”. In general, in England, the news spread on Twitter that the coronavirus is a consequence of 5G: Of

course, the listing of the radio, as the cause of the Spanish epidemic in 1918 , during which 50-100 million people died, is especially delivering . Strong, what can I say, strong ... Well, the people wentreally burn the masts (!!!):

By the way, the popular English blogger-conspiracy therapist David Ike launched the topic , an interview with which (before its removal from YouTube) was watched by several million people. The English Guardian reported that at least 20 masts were damaged, Business Insider wrote a little later about 50 masts, the New York Times and many, many others noted. Journalistic truth mocked in the style of "The wrong country was called Ukraine . " And Facebook deleted the Ike page with 800,000 followers.

In general, the situation is quite logical:
  1. Firstly, in England there is a rich bicentennial tradition of Luddism
  2. -, , . ( ). 23% . . 
  3. , , - — . . — .

In general, the situation seems more likely to be logical. If you forget about research and undermine confidence in science, people will begin to act according to their own understanding, and the government will frantically censor the Internet , seeking to remove the pages of opinion leaders. The logical result of the fight against a deeper study of the issue and the persecution of researchers. Not for nothing that the European Commission in its resolution 1815 on EMP (as was mentioned in the article) back in 2011 prescribed the protection of scientists as a separate clause. 

Question: Do you seriously think this is so dangerous?

Answer: You know not. It's hard to believe, but I use a phone, a tablet, and even Wi-Fi in the apartment. True, I prefer to rest in the country. 

Moreover, I believe that this problem is relatively easy to solve. (Unlike, for example, the problem of the rapid development of food chemistry - one constantly expanding list of carcinogens is worth something, expanding late, by the way.) The Faraday cage, contrary to the opinion of some comrades in the comments, works (all of a sudden!) Even without being grounded, which greatly simplifies its practical application. So it’s not so bad, you can just wait until the problems begin. In the end, it may not start, right?

Question: In general, it would be interesting to know how this sensitivity arose? You can try it yourself locally (on the little finger of the left hand, for example). It would be a useful feature.

Answer: You have a cool statement of the question! There are two news for you, good and bad. Firstly, an article in Nature described an experiment above when, with prolonged irradiation with a frequency of 835 MHz, it was possible to cause destruction of the myelin sheath in mice. Those. theoretically, one can find the frequency that destroys the myelin sheath in the human little finger. It's a good news. And the bad news is that in the vast majority of healthy people, the body will quickly drag axons into myelin. Even if some effect appears, it will not be for long. So for now, how to solve your problem is unclear)

Question: We sell screening paints. What do you think about this? 

Answer: That you definitely should not write comments here) (you will laugh, but really the person turned). In fact, the piece about the business above was written with a fair amount of banter. Well, I could not help but joke). For this is the most likely scenario.

I do not know about you, but I have doubts that the frequency density and radiation power will increase, no. I am involved in video compression, and the lion's share of recent requests is connected with wireless transmission. Those. over the wires (read - optics) to skip more well, not just elementary, but solvable. But without wires ...

And the coolest thing will start pretty soon. Now the fashionable topic is wireless helmets of virtual reality. For when you are wearing a helmet, you are in another world, and the wire (of this world) really interferes and distracts. Well, people in different ways are bent on how to increase the flow, since it is better there to go 4K and 120 FPS, i.e. the stream is much larger than that of TVs. And it must be taken steadily. And the signal should go back well. In general, I have a suspicion that in the next 5 years the list of VR headache options will be replenished with a new case. But I won’t tell you about him. Firstly, I will be under the NDA. Secondly, it will not become massive yet, it is again to raise the wave of the hat. For what? And in another 5-7 years it will be possible to quote the most epic comments below with the words "Well, I warned you!" Such are the insidious plans.

Question: I think you are opposed to progress! 

Answer: You know, I thoughtfully read the comments and I will tell you that first of all you need to make sure that these are not the tricks of your brain and that the phenomenon you are observing really takes place. Our brain is so powerful that when people say “it seems” - then 100% of your brain is already deceiving you. Many commentators in my place would have sent you to a psychiatrist (as an obvious case related to the field of psychology), but I, notice, are much softer and more delicate. I will only politely say - far from everything that seems to be true. (Who does not understand the humor, read the comments).

But seriously - no, of course. Read the text of the article, albeit with irony and banter, but the main idea is that you need to study the topic more deeply, without waiting for trouble. 

However, it is not fashionable to approach the future so responsibly. So back to the question in 10 years! ) As I wrote above - this problem at least shows solutions with a reasonable cost.

Question: If you carefully read the comments, then you know that there is a lot of research that everything is safe in general!

Answer: The fact of the matter is that I read not only comments, but also many other materials and talked with specialists. My point is not that everything is bad now, but about what will happen in the next 10-20 years. From conditionally positive news - I found out an interesting point. It turns out that the so-called "bad cholesterol" is involved in the regeneration of myelin. And some of the best-selling types of drugs in many developed countries and primarily in the United States belong to the class of statins , a means of suppressing cholesterol production. They have quite a few different side effects, so only specialists know about the weakening of remyelination with an excessive decrease in cholesterol. About statins they write :« , , , , . , . , , , . , 50–55- .» 

Considering that in the United States, the average life expectancy is now around 78 years (i.e., after the start of active use of statins, a person lives another 25-35 years), in the next 10-20 years we have every chance to learn a lot about the problem of demyelination based on the study of a sufficiently large sample of elderly wealthy citizens. Since the processes of demyelination shifting to an earlier age, increasing life expectancy, amplifying radiation (for example, Wi-Fi) and the process of expanding the densely occupied frequency spectrum are simultaneously going on, the basis for research is becoming much wider. 

It is only important to learn from the mistakes of others on time, which is not always the case in Russia. It is enough to compare the list of pesticides banned in Europe and we have and study the reasons for their prohibition, as it becomes obvious that we have a long-term harmful effect on nature and people with lower priority than current business performance (this, alas, is a traditional situation for many developing countries ) The pay in the end is the average life expectancy.

In principle, we are already behind. In France since 2015Wi-Fi is prohibited in kindergartens, limited in schools, there are requirements for explicit labeling of the maximum radiation intensity of cell phones, restrictions on exposure to children under 14 years of age, etc. Obviously, if we have a deputy coming up with such initiatives, the first thing he will encounter is severe persecution in social networks, because we know for sure that all this is completely safe, and the deputy is definitely a flat-earth. No options!

Question: And what was that in the comments? Why war? 

Answer: Good question! I have never had so many aggressive intolerant comments in the style of picabu and so many thanks in personal addresses! Besides jokes - people really thank me for raising this topic that is important from their point of view. For example: “I am grateful to you, raising such unpopular topics is always difficult, and even“ dangerous ”in terms of habro-karma and negative comments. :) But turning a blind eye to such questions is akin to digging your head in the sand. Sand which is also more and more heated.

Here's an interesting thought, where so much aggression comes from in the comments: " Aggression is generated by fear. In this case, an overly aggressive reaction is probably caused by the fear of breaking an established picture of the world , and then the personal qualities of each individual (intolerance, overstated CSV), his experience, or rather lack of experience, have already played. " 

Well, a good friend’s comment: " you undermine the feeling that everything is good in this seemingly obvious area. Moreover, you post it on a site whose target audience is irradiated with harshness and can’t change anything. Don’t do that! :-) " 

Gentlemen! I apologize if I scared anyone! It's not like that scary, as I have already pointed out above, but also ignore the subject is not necessary. as a person who understands how research funding can give a prognosis. Since explore the long-term EMF exposure smallpower at different frequencies, fixing a small percentage of cases of the impact of the order of three more expensive (even just for the consumption of mice), the topic will be digged little by little and little by little dotting i. Potentially, something serious can happen if some of the frequencies used are found to be massively genotoxic (they will affect genetic abnormalities at the birth of children), or they will affect the brain of children at an early age, when myelination is still ongoing. It is also possible to influence during senile demyelination, but from the point of view of the development of society, this is less critical, especially since this can not be anyway . However, I repeat, even from current statistics it is clear that there will be something fatal, just another negative factor.

Do not worry, worry in principle is pointless! )

Well, now those who want to assess the perception of the topic in society can read the comments!


In addition, I would like to cordially thank:

  • You won’t believe it, but first of all everyone who aggressively attacked, demanded to remove the article and actively rude in the comments. Not so long ago, I have been promoting science, the main circle of contacts is very intelligent, I don’t hold accounts on social networks (there is not enough time catastrophically), so this was an extremely useful and very instructive experience. Among other things, I began to better understand what our legislators have to face when they restrict alcohol, cigarettes, and in other ways forcibly cause good to people)))
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