The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 402 (February 10 - 16, 2020)

We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers     |    Entertaining


podcast Devshahta / Night Frontend Podcast No. 111: Mix CJS and ESM. Hexagonal architecture
podcast “UnderJS Podcast” No. 15: Plantations, lakes and Node.js with Nikolai Matvienko
podcast Podcast “Web Standards” No. 216: Manual SVG, Puppeteer 2.1 with Firefox, again Yarn 2, what is TeamCity, components in the Storybook
podcast CSSSR Podcast: News 512 - How do browsers work, GitHub news and test writing rules
video Repozitorro # 36 - Portfolio, or travel agency website?

Web development

habr New Odnoklassniki frontend: launching React in Java. Part II
habr An exhaustive guide to the iframe tag
SEO 2020: current trends and approaches
Inclusive components: a slider
en How to connect polyfills only when they are needed
en One day in the life of the Frontend Product Engineer in Slack
en What does the development of Progressive Web Apps (PWA) imply ?
video en Angular 9, Ionic 5, React Navigation 5 - Web Dev Update February 2020


habr Understanding CSS Grid: Creating a Grid Container
Towards Responsive Elements
Google Increased the Limit on Custom CSS for AMP
en Understanding CSS Grid: Grid Template Areas
en Styled Components vs. CSS Stylesheets
en One HTML, different CSS
en To meet responsive elements. Some information on the current status of Container Queries
en Chameleonic Header
en What is CSS4?
en How to create more readable CSS
en While you have not looked, CSS gradients have become better
en CSS properties object-fit and object-position: Cropping images embedded in HTML


habr We work with two-dimensional physics in JavaScript
en console.log is not part of the JavaScript language
en New JavaScript features in ES2019 (ES10)
en Why JavaScript eats HTML
en Ionic 5 announcement!
en UniversalModel - Unified state management for Angular, React, Svelte and Vue


Release of Firefox 73
Firefox 73, an overview of technical details from Marat Tanalin
en How I created my own browser
en Demystification of browsers
en Mozilla lost browser wars. She still thinks she can save the Internet.


Understanding memory management in modern programming languages
GitHub started testing the command line interface
New project for removing artifacts from JPEG
Three working frameworks for developing soft skills in IT and not only
15 trends in 2020 in design
82% of vulnerabilities in the web applications are contained in the source code

We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.

Last week's digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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