iOS MEETUP # 2 from FUNCORP and How to keep a developer up-to-date

On February 15, FunCorp organized its second mitap on iOS development . I happened to be a participant in this event, so I will try to express my opinion on the quality of reports, the level of organization and atmosphere of the event.

The event was held at ul. Lesnaya, 15. Hotel Holiday Inn . It is 5 minutes from Belorusskaya metro station.

After instant registration and distribution of the merch, it remained to wait for the opening remarks and begin to absorb information from the speakers.

A couple of photos from the waiting period.

Merchandise counter

Little organizers


Gradually arriving people

Now on the program and reports

A small remark: Habr does not favor tests with smiles, brackets and emoji, which I would add with pleasure, so I hope for your sense of humor.

Subject: Services without a server. We use Firebase 100%
Andrey Mukhametov, FunCorp

Andrey told about what opportunities Firebase provides and about the tools that a developer might need if it becomes necessary to quickly deploy an MVP project with minimal costs (man-hours and financial).

Personal opinion: an experienced developer was bored to listen about Firebase toolsbecause it is too popular a service. Comparison of services on the stack with matrix visualization did not raise any questions - this suggests that most of those present are not looking for the best from the good; Firebase works - and that's great. That's all.

The level of narration is ordinary.

Topic: The catastrophically useful consequences of modularization (in the iOS world and continuous integration)
Artyom Loenko, Badoo Badoo

developers after implementing the modularization process in their applications - like soldiers who went through the war. This is a joke with a fraction of a joke. Artyom, with his story, earned sincere respect and understanding of that “small part of pain in the name of engineering thought”, which could be stated intwo hour report. Personally, the report was really interesting to me, the time passed reasonably quickly. Those who have lost the thread of narration in the beginning have deep sympathy. The most tangible bonuses in Artyom’s story were: vigor, humor and a complete understanding of the material (so to speak, “painfully”).

IMHO: the speaker on the quality of the report surpassed most of the Russian Mobius speakers, both in material and in the liveliness of the story.

Subject: “Eat” design piece by piece
Ekaterina Bateeva, Raiffeisen Bank

Catherine with her report drew attention to the importance of design systems. The developers listened to various approaches to the design system, listened to how to independently support it, and looked at what tools exist for visual testing.
IMHO: yes, the design system, like any other auxiliary control system, of course simplifies the work on the project (in particular, localisible files, font, color constants). When I worked in an outsourcing organization, my leadership always needed the result not today, not tomorrow, but ... yesterday. Now, from the point of view of the developer in the product company, the idea is certainly obvious, but, unfortunately, most of the Russian community, in my opinion, looks at calls for the design system as a smoker to a lecture on the dangers of smoking. Again, a joke.

Next was lunch. Fed tasty. Buffet style.

After lunch there was a quiz at Kahoot . Three winners were given zdorovye svishoty. Cool!

Back to the reports.

Subject: UI Rendering in iOS
Mikhail Sorokin, CityMobile

Michael covered the topic in sufficient detail. The presentation was rich and revealing. Listeners learned what they’re used to not thinking about. The objective of the report is fully achieved. The only thing - during the report, the following thought arose: the topic was interesting, insinuating, but the brain really lacked a pause in this constant understanding of complex descriptions of the processes occurring in the platform ... I recommend that you look at Vitaly Fridman's reports just to see what I mean. Otherwise, everything is really useful about the essential.

Topic: Application lottery: rendering, animation and no fraud
Natalya Nikitina, Revolut

Natalya's report is a brilliant union of knowledge of geometry and features of custom animation in iOS. It was interesting to listen and ... sweet. Broadcast video will be useful to keep in quick access for quick and thorough application of the information presented in solving problems with animation.

Round table

Photos of experts.

Listening was informative. IMHO: if these people decide to get together for a long discussion in the mood involved, in the excitement - be there, get a dose of "radiation" and go saw the old startup. Believe me, it’s necessary.

The main question was:

What is necessary in order to remain relevant (engineer / developer)?

Catch a recipe from experts.
Take a pinch:
SwiftUI ,
mix it with:
basic knowledge (including generic , sending messages toObjective-C ), necessary to solve the simplest applied tasks, we
add as much as possible:
soft skills without fanatical “programming” (communication skills, flexibility, the ability to delve into the problem),
abundantly pickle this in:
hard skills (multithreading, objC device - time, coreData , animations, DISPATCHERIZATION! ...),
and like a cherry on a cake:
doubts about your experience, unwillingness to follow the hype (so as not to be conceited)

And in conclusion

I want to say that I took part in three Mobius , and several mitaps. FunCorp mitap was a nice , high-quality, rich and more useful versionMobius . It is organized perfectly, reports are substantive, useful, speakers are experienced, not boring.

The time allotted for questions to experts was not enough, I'm sure the organizers saw this and are already planning to pay attention to it at the next meeting.

Thank you for the event, which was absolutely no pity for the weekend!

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