FOSS News No. 3 - Review of free and open source news for February 10-16, 2020

Hello everyone!

We continue to review the news of free and open source software. Everything is traditional - news about introductions, opening source codes, new programs and a bonus, a little interactive at the end to get acquainted with each other's program preferences.

In the issue No. 3 of February 10-16, 2020:

  1. the South Korean government is investigating the transition from Windows to GNU / Linux ;
  2. , GNU/Linux ;
  3. GCompris ;
  4. 2020 ;
  5. GitHub beta- ;
  6. ScanOVAL GNU/Linux;
  7. Google AutoFlip ;
  8. Open Source ;
  9. Facebook Open Source 3D PyTorch3D;
  10. elementary OS Open Source ;
  11. IVPN ;
  12. XMPP Dino;
  13. 7 Open Source , .

Windows GNU/Linux

ZDNet writes of a statement by the Ministry of Strategy and Planning of the Republic of Korea about the start of a study on the large-scale transfer of nearly 3.3 million Windows computers to GNU / Linux . The head of the Ministry, Choi Young-hook, said: " We will solve the problem of dependence on one company at the same time as reducing budget spending using the Open Source operating system ." What will be the savings? The transfer of government computers from Windows 7 to Windows 10 is estimated at approximately $ 655 million. And Koreans have their own achievements in this direction.


Sites to visit before choosing a GNU / Linux distribution

When you choose Windows , you have literally a couple of system options to install. Same thing with macOS. Quite different with GNU / Linux - the choice is huge. This is both good and bad, on the one hand you get the widest choice for every taste, on the other hand you get a headache from the need to choose. Forbes publishes links to two sites created to simplify this choice:

LibreHunt - a kind of expert distribution system of choice, after answering several questions you get a recommendation;
DistroTest is a site that gives you the opportunity to try more than 260 distributions just from the browser.

I can add DistroWatch from myself .


GCompris Mobile Assemblies Now Free

The KDE Russia community publishes news that the developers of the free program GCompris , which contains a set of children's educational games, have decided to build the program for the mobile platforms Windows Store and Google Play . Activation will no longer be required and the version for macOS .


The list of the most beautiful distributions in 2020

There are distributions easy to use, there are similar to Windows , there are lightweight. And the other day, It's FOSS website published a list of the most beautiful distributions for use in 2020, according to the publication. It included:

  1. elementary OS ;
  2. Deepin ;
  3. Pop! _OS ;
  4. The Linux Manjaro ;
  5. KDE Neon ;
  6. Zorin OS ;
  7. OS Nitrux .


GitHub Introduces Beta Command Line Interface

GitHub provides an easier and more convenient way to work with repositories. Millions of developers use GitHub to build programs and now they will have the opportunity to work directly from the terminal using gh . gh is available under license from MIT for MacOS , the Windows and GNU / Linux and now allows you to work with queries ( Issues ) and pull rekvest.


Project site

Start testing ScanOVAL for Linux vulnerabilities

On the official website of the Information Security Threat Data Bank (BDU) of the FSTEC of Russia, open testing of ScanOVAL for Linux , a program for automated checks for software vulnerabilities running under GNU / Linux distributions, has begun . This was reported by Astra Linux , writes TAdviser .


Google introduced the AutoFlip framework for smart video cropping

On a widescreen video, objects are not always in the center of the frame, so simply trimming the edges is often not enough. Company Google has introduced an open framework AutoFlip , designed to solve this problem, writes OpenNet . The framework uses machine learning, takes into account the displacements of key objects and dynamically shifts the crop window to better cover the key elements of the scene. The code is licensed under Apache 2.0 .


Open source and security

Two materials about Open Source and security at once - from Information Age and ITProPortal . The first is about what you need to know about open source security. The key idea is that in Open Source applications, taking into account the whole huge array of their possible applications, it should be aware of all possible vulnerabilities. The second material is about measures that need to be taken to ensure the security of open source applications.

Details ( 1 and 2 ).

Facebook Launches Open Source 3D Deep Learning Library PyTorch3D

Analytics India Mag announces the release of a new machine learning tool, PyTorch3D, under the BSD license . Basically, the library is written in Python and is designed in particular to simplify the rendering of the desired object with complex geometry, textures and other properties. The machine learning model trains on objects similar to the target and at the output should provide photographic accuracy. Details Library website

elementary OS announces its fundraising plan for Open Source developers

Last week's news, but important. Open source developers deserve pay for their work. This principle was taken as the basis by the developers of elementary OS, launching their store of independent developers AppCenter , Forbes reports . They launched a crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo. The stated goal of $ 10,000 is to allow a team of designers and developers to gather in Denver, Colorado, to begin to translate the plan from concept into reality. The concept includes 4 goals:

  1. allow Open Source developers to monetize their applications on any GNU / Linux distribution;
  2. enable developers to deliver applications with the latest technology;
  3. improve privacy, security and stability;
  4. simplify the payment process.


IVPN opens source applications of client applications

TechRadar reports that after passing a successful audit, the IVPN service opens the source code of all its client applications ( Android , macOS , iOS, and Windows ) under the GPLv3 license . The IVPN states that the discovery of source code is part of their goal of improving the transparency of work and building an atmosphere of trust with current and future customers. In addition to being audited, the company also published a set of its ethical rules and became a non-snooping VPN provider last year. Also in IVPNThey believe that opening the code will help developers improve the information security and privacy of their projects.


IVPN Page on GitHub

New Dino XMPP Client

It's FOSS talks about the relatively new modern Open Source XMPP Dino client . At the end of January , version 0.1, written in GTK + / Vala, was released under the GPLv3 license . Some may say “ XMPP is dead,” but this is the instant messenger that comes onto the scene to provide usability without compromising privacy. Features of Dino :

  1. decentralized communication;
  2. availability of public XMPP servers if you cannot use yours;
  3. interface similar to other popular instant messengers for ease of use;
  4. exchange of images and files;
  5. support for multiple accounts;
  6. improved search;
  7. OpenPGP & OMEMO encryption;
  8. lightweight native desktop application.


Messenger website

7 Open Source Projects to Love

On Valentine's Day, Security Boulevard (and the author of this review in 2/7 cases) declares his love for 7 Open Source projects, from a simple text editor to a machine learning framework. Here's to whom the publication sends “IT Valentines”:

  1. Apache Cassandra ;
  2. TensorFlow ;
  3. Renovate ;
  4. Kubernetes ;
  5. Ansible ;
  6. geany ;
  7. Django .


What do you like? Write in the comments.

That's it, until next Sunday!

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