The Ember Times - Issue 135

Happy Valentine's Day, Ambery!

Learn about support for native decorators from EmberMap, check out RFC (Request for comments) for splarguments, follow a series of posts on reactivity systems, listen to the JSParty podcast with Jen and Chris and read about three reasons for moving to angle brackets syntax ) in Ember Octane!

From a translator: All unmarked links point to English-language resources. In Russian, questions can be asked in our friendly telegram channel

EmberMap: Learn about native decorator support ️

From a translator: EmberMap is a popular resource in the Ember community that produces video courses. They also regularly release a web programming podcast.

We recommend you the last episode of the EmberMap series “What's New in Ember” . It talks about why support for native decorators is important and how decorators help adapt ES (EcmaScript) classes in the Ember ecosystem. This support is available starting with Ember 3.10.

Octane ( 3.15), ES Ember.

, 3.15, discuss , EmberMap.

! -

(autotracking), Ember Octane? , . (@pzuraq) !

(.), , , . Ember , , .

@pzuraq , . . , .

(. .: ) , !


  • HTML / CSS ( , ?)
  • push, JavaScript (, Ember Classic , Observable)
  • pull (, React Virtual DOM, Vue Elm)

, , — .

Ember Times, , !

js- Octane!

6 (@jenweber) (@mansona) JS Party. : « JavaScript ». 13:00 / 10:00 (. 21:00 ), .

, Ember Octane, , Ember , . , , !

JavaScript, , Ember . Ember, Ember .

, core- Ember.

(angle brackets) Ember Octane

Ember Octane, , The Ember Times, , — Octane .

Atomic Object , . , , Discord Twitter!

Ember, .

RFC #311 : Ember, , Ember HTML, class, width tabindex, . , , splattributes.

, — :


, , Ember . (@Alonski), Ember, Ember Times, RFC (spreadable arguments).

splattributes, , , . , , RFC. , , , !

@jgwhite, @rwjblue, @chancancode, @mehulkar, @efx, @wycats, @mansona, @MelSumner, @jenweber, @skaterdav85, @krisselden, @pzuraq, @Turbo87, @chadhietala, @dcyriller @xg-wang Ember !

? !

, -, Ember, Ember Data, Glimmer Ember, , ? ! , , — !


Ember Times? ? #support-ember-times Ember Community Discord @embertimes .

, Ember, ! Ember.

! !

Chris Ng, Jessica Jordan, Jared Galanis, Anne-Great Van Herveinen, Isaac Lee, Amy Lam and the Training Team

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