Android Remote Debugger - remote debugging Android applications

Debugging is an important step in software development. Search and bug fixes allow you to develop quality products.

In this article I want to talk about debugging exactly Android applications. Android Studio provides us with various profiling tools, such as:

  • logcat is a tool for viewing application logs, including crash exceptions. It can be used both in Android Studio and in the terminal, via adb;
  • Android profiler is a powerful tool that allows you to view all network requests, CPU, memory and battery usage.

There are also many third-party solutions that allow you to view network traffic, databases, shared preferences, etc.
All of these tools have advantages and disadvantages. Their minuses include the following:

  • many dependencies of various tools;
  • complexity of use - as a rule, all tools are focused on developers and inconvenient for other team members, for example, testers, analysts or back-end developers. Typically, the latter have to pull the android developers to view any logs;
  • Mandatory connection of the phone to the computer, for example, via a usb cable.

, . .

Android Remote Debugger

, , Android . :

  • Logging — , ;
  • Database — ;
  • Network — ;
  • SharedPreferences – SharedPreferences.


  • ;
  • ;
  • , , (Wi-Fi LAN) Android ;
  • . .








AndroidRemoteDebugger.init(applicationContext) . AndroidRemoteDebugger.Builder:

    new AndroidRemoteDebugger.Builder(applicationContext)        
        .enabled(boolean)    //  
        .disableInternalLogging()    //    Android Remote Debugger
        .disableJsonPrettyPrint()    //   json   `Logging`  `Network`
        .disableNotifications()    //      Android Remote Debugger
        .excludeUncaughtException()    //      
        .port(int)    //   ,   8080
        .enableDuplicateLogging()    //     `Logging`     logcat
        .enableDuplicateLogging(new Logger() {  // callback       `Logging`
            public void log(int priority, String tag, String msg, Throwable th) {

. - NanoHTTPD. . , , , 8080. . AndroidRemoteDebugger.Builder.


. , . , . .

AndroidRemoteDebugger.Log. . . , Logging . .

: AndroidRemoteDebugger.Log.d("tag", "message").

Timber ( Jake Wharton), :

class AndroidRemoteDebuggerTree extends Timber.Tree {
    protected void log(int priority, @Nullable String tag, @NotNull String message, @Nullable Throwable t) {
        AndroidRemoteDebugger.Log.log(priority, tag, message, t);


public class App extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        Timber.plant(new Timber.DebugTree(), new AndroidRemoteDebuggerTree());


Network . . . Logging. HTTP . , . Logging, .

OkHttp3 NetLoggingInterceptor. , .


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
    // other interceptors
    .addInterceptor(new NetLoggingInterceptor())


. . . 15 . , , . sql-.


SharedPreferences. , , . SharedPreferences . , .

Android Remote Debugger

build.gradle :

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

build.gradle :

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.zerobranch:android-remote-debugger:1.0.0'

Android Remote Debugger:

  • ;
  • Includes several debugging tools at once;
  • focused not only on developers;
  • does not require connecting an Android device to a computer for operation;
  • easy to use.


Detailed instructions for working and connecting the library can be found on GitHub

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