Tesla will issue new shares for $ 2 billion

Image: Pexels

Electric vehicle maker announces plans for an additional share issue. The proceeds from their sale will be spent on strengthening market positions. It is estimated that the value of new shares will be $ 767.29, and the company will attract $ 2 billion in total.

Why is Tesla an additional issue

Not so long ago, Tesla CEO Ilon Musk announced that the company has no plans to raise capital. The issue of shares will allow the company to receive money to strengthen its own assets.

For example, Tesla plans to begin assembling electric vehicles at its German factory near Berlin by 2021. This will allow you to get closer to European customers. A factory in Shanghai is also being completed, work is underway to create a network of charging stations in China. The company also plans to focus on increasing battery power and reducing the cost of their production.

At the same time, the maximum cost of the placement of shares may increase to $ 2.3 billion. This will happen if the process underwriters Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley exercise their option to purchase shares for an additional $ 300.


Ilon Musk himself will take part in the additional placement of shares - the general director of the company will buy securities worth $ 10 million. Also, board member businessman Larry Ellison, a businessman, has become an example of how much you could earn on the growth of shares of the automaker.

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