Likbez on respirators. Does the respirator help with virus infection? Overview of 11 respirators

In the wake of increased attention to the Chinese coronavirus and the growing demand for medical masks and other personal respiratory protective equipment, I decided to clarify for myself the question - what kind of respirators are, how they work and what they protect against.

Action Plan: go to a hardware store, purchase a range of respirators, learn everything about them, generalize, make a squeeze and state the essence.

Before that, having made a control call to the pharmacy within walking distance and found out that there are no medical masks there and it is impossible to order them, because they also ran out from the supplier, I was filled with the realization of the correctness of my decision to purchase at least several construction disposable respirators in case of "you never know what."

So, I’m in the store, I am collecting one respirator of each type, from those that do not look too expensive (nevertheless they are disposable and should not cost like an airplane), I buy and move forward to brainstorm.

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