Transfer all MS SQL Server databases to another machine

Recently, there was a need to transfer all databases (> 50 on one instance of SQL Server) from the dev environment to another instance of SQL Server, which was located on a different hardware. I wanted to minimize manual labor and do everything as quickly as possible.


Scripts are written for one specific situation: this is a dev environment, all databases in a simple recovery model, data files and transaction logs are on the same heap.

Everything written below applies only to this situation, but you can easily finish them for yourself (your conditions) without much effort.

The scripts do not use the new-fangled STRING_AGG and other nice things, so everything should work starting with SQL Server 2008 (or 2008 R2, I don’t remember where the backup compression appeared). For older versions, you need to remove WITH COMPRESSION from the backup command, but then there may no longer be time differences with copying files.

This is not an instruction - “how to” do such a transfer. This is a demonstration of how metadata can be used in dynamic SQL.

Of course, the fastest way would be to simply reconnect the disk shelf to the new server, but that was not our option. Detach - copying - Attach was considered, but did not fit, since the channel was quite narrow and transferring the database in an uncompressed form would take a rather long period of time.

As a result, we decided that we would do a backup with compression on the ball on the new server, and then restore it there. The iron in both the old and the new location is not bad, the backup is not bad, the time gain is not bad either.

So the “script generator" was written:

DECLARE @unc_backup_path AS varchar(max) = '\\newServer\backup_share\'
	, @local_backup_path AS varchar(max) = 'E:\Backup\'
	, @new_data_path as varchar(max) = 'D:\SQLServer\data\';

SELECT name	
	, 'BACKUP DATABASE [' + name + '] TO DISK = ''' + @unc_backup_path + name + '.bak'' WITH INIT, COPY_ONLY, STATS = 5;' AS backup_command
	, 'RESTORE DATABASE [' + name + '] FROM DISK = ''' + @local_backup_path + name + '.bak'' WITH ' 
		+ (
			SELECT 'MOVE ''' + + ''' TO ''' + 
				@new_data_path + REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(mf.physical_name), CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(mf.physical_name))-1)) +
				''', '
			FROM sys.master_files mf
			WHERE mf.database_id = d.database_id
		) + 'REPLACE, RECOVERY, STATS = 5;' AS restore_command
FROM sys.databases d
WHERE database_id > 4 AND state_desc = N'ONLINE';

At the output, we get ready-made commands for creating backups to the right place, translating the database offline, so that their users can’t work with them on the old server and scripts for restoring the received backups on the new server (with automatic transfer of all data files and transaction logs to the specified location )

The problem with this is that either someone has to sit and execute all the scripts in turn (backup-offline recovery), or someone must first start all the backups, then disconnect all the databases, then restore everything - there are fewer actions, but you need to sit and track.

I wanted to automate all these operations. On the one hand, everything is simple - there are already ready-made commands, wrap in the cursor and execute. And, in principle, I did just that, added a new server as a linked server on the old one, and started it. On the local server, the command was executed through EXECUTE (@sql_text); on the linked server, EXECUTE (@sql_text) AT [linkedServerName].

Thus, operations were performed sequentially - backup locally, translating the local database offline, restoring to the Linked server. Everything started up, cheers, but it seemed to me that you can speed up the process a little if backups and restorations are performed independently of each other.
Then the invented cursor was divided into two parts - on the old server in the cursor, each database is backed up and transferred offline, after which the second server must understand that a new task has appeared and restore the database. To implement this mechanism, I used a record in a table on a linked server and an infinite loop (I was too lazy to come up with stopping criteria), which looks to see if there are new records and is trying to restore something, if any.


On the old server, a global temporary table ## CommandList is created and populated, in which all commands are collected and it will be possible to track the status of backups in the same place. The table is global so that at any moment from another session you can see what is happening there now.

DECLARE @unc_backup_path AS varchar(max) = 'D:\SQLServer\backup\' --       
	, @local_backup_path AS varchar(max) = 'D:\SQLServer\backup\'	--        
	, @new_data_path as varchar(max) = 'D:\SQLServer\data\';		--      ,    


IF OBJECT_ID ('tempdb..##CommandList', 'U') IS NULL
	CREATE TABLE ##CommandList (
		dbName sysname unique			-- 
		, backup_command varchar(max)	--   
		, offline_command varchar(max)	--        
		, restore_command varchar(max)	--       
		, processed bit				-- : NULL -  , 0 -  , 1 - 
		, start_dt datetime			--  
		, finish_dt datetime			--  
		, error_msg varchar(max)		--  ,  

INSERT INTO ##CommandList (dbname, backup_command, offline_command, restore_command)
SELECT name	
	, 'BACKUP DATABASE [' + name + '] TO DISK = ''' + @unc_backup_path + name + '.bak'' WITH INIT, COPY_ONLY, STATS = 5;' AS backup_command -- INIT -      
	, 'RESTORE DATABASE [' + name + '] FROM DISK = ''' + @local_backup_path + name + '.bak'' WITH ' 
		+ (
			SELECT 'MOVE ''' + + ''' TO ''' + 
				@new_data_path + REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(mf.physical_name), CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(mf.physical_name))-1)) +
				''', '	
			FROM sys.master_files mf
			WHERE mf.database_id = d.database_id
		) + 'REPLACE, RECOVERY, STATS = 5;' AS restore_command	
FROM sys.databases d
WHERE database_id > 4 
	AND state_desc = N'ONLINE'
	AND name NOT IN (SELECT dbname FROM ##CommandList)
	AND name <> 'Maintenance';	--  linked server -    ,   ,    "linked server"

Let's see what happened there (SELECT * FROM ## CommandList):

Great, all the commands are collected there to backup / restore all the necessary databases.

The Maintenance database was created on the new server and the CommandList table is in it, which will contain information on restoring the databases:

USE [Maintenance]

CREATE TABLE CommandList (
	dbName sysname unique				-- 
	, restore_command varchar(max)		--  
	, processed bit						-- 
	, creation_dt datetime DEFAULT GETDATE()	--  
	, start_dt datetime					--  
	, finish_dt datetime					--  
	, error_msg varchar(max)				-- ,  

A linked server was configured on the old server, looking at the new instance of SQL Server. The scripts that are given in this post, I wrote at home and did not bother with a new instance, I used one and connected it as a linked server to myself. Therefore, here I have the same paths and unc-path local.

Now you can declare a cursor in which to backup the databases, disconnect them and write a command to restore to the linked server:

DECLARE @dbname AS sysname
	, @backup_cmd AS varchar(max)
	, @restore_cmd AS varchar(max)
	, @offline_cmd AS varchar(max);

SELECT dbName, backup_command, offline_command, restore_command
FROM ##CommandList
WHERE processed IS NULL;

OPEN MoveDatabase;

FETCH NEXT FROM MoveDatabase INTO @dbname, @backup_cmd, @offline_cmd, @restore_cmd;

		--    ,  :
		--   -      
		--    ,      

		UPDATE ##CommandList
		SET start_dt = GETDATE()
		WHERE dbName = @dbname;

			RAISERROR ('  %s', 0, 1, @dbname) WITH NOWAIT; --   messages   
			EXEC (@backup_cmd);

			RAISERROR ('    %s', 0, 1, @dbname) WITH NOWAIT;

			--    -  linked server
			INSERT INTO [(LOCAL)].[Maintenance].[dbo].[CommandList] (dbName, restore_command)
			VALUES (@dbname, @restore_cmd);

			RAISERROR (' %s  OFFLINE', 0, 1, @dbname) WITH NOWAIT;

			EXEC (@offline_cmd);

			--  ,    
			UPDATE ##CommandList
			SET processed = 0
				, finish_dt = GETDATE()
			WHERE dbName = @dbname;

			RAISERROR ('    %s.   error_msg  ##CommandList', 0, 1, @dbname) WITH NOWAIT;

			--  -   ,      
			UPDATE ##CommandList
			SET processed = 1
				, finish_dt = GETDATE()
				, error_msg = ERROR_MESSAGE();


		FETCH NEXT FROM MoveDatabase INTO @dbname, @backup_cmd, @offline_cmd, @restore_cmd;

CLOSE MoveDatabase;

DEALLOCATE MoveDatabase;

	, CASE processed WHEN 1 THEN '' WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE ' ' END as Status 
	, start_dt
	, finish_dt
	, error_msg
FROM ##CommandList
ORDER BY start_dt;

DROP TABLE ##CommandList;

Each action is “logged” on the Messages tab in SSMS - there you can observe the current action. If you use WITH LOG in RAISERROR, in principle, you can put it all in some job and then look at the logs.

At runtime, you can access the ## CommandList and see in a tabular form what is happening and how.

On the new server, in parallel, an endless loop was spinning:


DECLARE @dbname AS sysname
	, @restore_cmd AS varchar(max);

WHILE 1 = 1	--   ,    
	SELECT TOP 1 @dbname = dbName, @restore_cmd = restore_command 
	FROM CommandList
	WHERE processed IS NULL; --    ,  

	IF @dbname IS NOT NULL 
		UPDATE CommandList
		SET start_dt = GETDATE()
		WHERE dbName = @dbname;

		RAISERROR('  %s', 0, 1, @dbname) WITH NOWAIT;

			--  ,  -  ,  CATCH    
			EXEC (@restore_cmd);

			UPDATE CommandList
			SET processed = 0
				, finish_dt = GETDATE()
			WHERE dbName = @dbname;

			RAISERROR(' %s  ', 0, 1, @dbname) WITH NOWAIT;


			RAISERROR('    %s', 0, 1, @dbname) WITH NOWAIT;

			UPDATE CommandList 
			SET processed = 1
				, finish_dt = GETDATE()
				, error_msg = ERROR_MESSAGE();


	ELSE	--   ,    

			RAISERROR('waiting', 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT;

			WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30';

	SET @dbname = NULL;
	SET @restore_cmd = NULL;


Everything that he does - looks into the CommandList table, if there is at least one raw record there - takes the database name and the command to restore and tries to execute it using EXEC (@sql_text) ;. If there are no entries, wait 30 seconds and try again.

Both the cursor and the loop process each record only once. Did not work out? We write an error message to the table and do not return here anymore.

About the condition for stopping - I actually was lazy. While typing, I came up with at least three solutions - as an option - adding the “Ready for recovery \ Not ready for recovery \ Finished” flags, filling in the list of databases and commands immediately, when filling out ## CommandList on the old server and updating the flag inside the cursor. We stop when there are no “records ready for recovery” left, since we immediately know the full amount of work.


But there are no conclusions. I thought it might be useful / interesting for someone to see how to use metadata to form and execute dynamic sql. The scripts given in the post, as it is, are not suitable for use on the prod, however, they can be slightly finished for themselves and used, for example, for mass customization of log shipping / database mirroring / availability groups.

When performing a backup on the ball, the account under which SQL Server is running must have permissions to write there.

The creation of Linked Server was not disclosed in the post (the mouse in the GUI is intuitively configured in a couple of minutes) and the transfer of logins to the new server. Those who have experienced user migration know that simply re-creating sql logins doesn’t help much, because they have sid s with which database users are connected. Scripts for generating sql logins with current passwords and correct sid are on msdn .

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