FunCode Backend Java / Kotlin Challenge: Winners Announced

Hello everyone! For a month we studied the work of the contest participants. And honestly, we received a lot of pleasure in the process, and twice: first - reading your code and rejoicing in beautiful architectural and engineering solutions, and then - when they launched the solutions and watched the downloaded pictures and videos. Sometimes memes were so good that the full jury stopped work to laugh and wipe away tears. We were especially pleased with the funny comments in the code - it feels that the working mood of the participants was correct!

But let's move on to the main point and name the winners.

1st place: Ruslan Molchanov - for a neat, architecturally accurate implementation on Spring and Kotlin with a reactive (in every sense!) Approach and the search for similar images on AverageHash. Separately, they delivered memes in French, Swagger, excellent pipelines for GitLab CI, repository versioning and for 50 kilobytes.

2nd place: Andrey Koshchiy- for a brilliant production-ready solution on Ktor, Kotlin-Coroutines and non-blocking IO. Clustering out of the box, metrics for Prometheus - launching was a pleasure. It is interesting that in many competitive tasks the “bottleneck” of performance turned out to be not where everyone expected, but in the process of saving the downloaded content to the repository, and Andrey’s solution coped with it best of all. By the way, Andrew indicated that he was from Penza, FunCorp's hometown. It seems that there really is something in the air :)

3rd place: Sergey Shvyrev - for an interesting two-layer architectural solution, native core-functionality on Quarkus (!), A parser on VertX with NIO, implementation of the circuit breaker pattern and excellent documentation.

It was not easy for us to single out precisely these participants: all the solutions obtained were written well, technically, with an understanding of development methodologies for supported and scalable software. We hope that in the process of work, the contestants received no less pleasure and appreciated the opportunity to try new approaches, frameworks, libraries and technologies.

We say thanks to all the participants, as well as the fans and sympathizers in the official chat. It was cool, we will definitely hold such challenges and promise to make them more technological and entertaining.

Competition official page:

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