Take a ride at ITMO University: our master classes, workshops, lectures and student competitions

A digest of student events supported by ITMO University and partner companies. Under the cut - Olympics, research grant competitions, workshops and master classes.

(c) ITMO University

Student participation financial support competition

When : July 15, 2019 - July 20, 2020
Where : online

Competition for bachelors, masters, and undergraduate students at ITMO University. Students can apply for participation in research internships (up to six months), as well as conferences, competitions and other competitions (lasting no more than a month), conducted by partner universities . The university will reimburse up to 70% of the cost of the trip .

Thanks to this program, our students have already visited summer schools in Madrid and Tallinn , as well as a winter school at the Prague University of Finance and Management.

Student Olympiad RTM CHALLENGE

When : February 1 - March 31
Where : online The

organizer of the Olympiad is RTM GROUP. She conducts forensic examinations in the field of information security. The prize fund includes: paid internships at RTM GROUP, courses and placement of competitive works on the company's website, partners and the media.

Participants are invited to complete one of the following tasks:

  • To prepare a written work on the topic of information security, economics or jurisprudence;
  • Develop a PR project or conduct marketing research;
  • Implement an IT innovation project.

To participate, it is enough to register on the site . Works must be submitted before March 31 . Participants who have passed the preliminaries will go to the full-time stage in Moscow in April.

When : February 4 - March 13
Where : distance participation

Competitions are held in all disciplines included in the RNF classifier : from mathematics and physics to nuclear energy and convergent technologies. The event includes two areas.

The first is for candidates of science under 33 years of age. They may receive a two-year research grant. Grant size: from 1.5 to 2 million rubles annually. Applications must be sent before March 6 in hard copy at: Moscow, ul. Solyanka, d.14, p. 3.

The second - for research teams and their leaders no older than 35 years. Grants are issued for a period of three to five years. Their amount is 3-5 million rubles annually. Applications are accepted until March 13 at the same address.

Third open competitive selection of interdisciplinary research projects

When : February 14 - March 9
Where : ITMO University

Projects aimed at introducing new technologies into the ITMO University infrastructure and developing interdisciplinary research at the university are accepted. Projects should combine at least two areas from the list - for example, photonics and architecture, or medicine and robotics. But you can attract specialists from any other areas.

Groups from ten people can participate. They should include at least two research groups from different megafaculties of ITMO University or other universities. Applications are accepted until March 9 at the university information portal .

Photo: Laboratory of low-dimensional quantum materials

How to identify “hot” trends in modern research

When : February 20
Where : Kronverksky per., 49, ITMO University

Lecturer - Pavel Kasyanov, specialist of Clarivate Analytics, which conducts scientometric research using the Web of Science database . This is a resource with lists of bibliographic references from scientific publications. Pavel will tell you how to use the data from this database to find clusters of keywords in the cited works and identify trends in research.

Admission is free by prior registration .

Workshop "Antennas of the Future"

When : February 26
Where : Ul. Lomonosov, 9, ITMO University

Event for bachelors and masters of technical specialties. Representatives of Huawei, Fraundhofer, JSC Scientific Center for Applied Electrodynamics, as well as radiophysicists will talk about the latest research in the field of microwave devices and antennas.

Also, speakers will share approaches to building antennas for various purposes. Here are just a few of the topics (.pdf) : “Metasurfaces: Physics and Applications in the Microwave Range” and “Surfaces with High Impedance for Decoupling Elements of Planar Antenna Arrays”.

Creative Technology Carousel for the Digital World

When : February 27 - April 9
Where : st. Tchaikovsky, 11/2

Course from Anastasia Prisychlenko, who runs the Center for Personal Development at ITMO University. Together with colleagues from T&D Technologies, she will conduct a series of master classes on the basics of creative technologies. They are devoted to the principles of the brain, types of thinking, personal development and other things related to creativity techniques.

Photo: jesse orrico / Unsplash.com

Master class in public speaking

When : March 4
Where : Ul. Lomonosov

St. , 9, ITMO University In three hours, teachers of the SoftSkills disciplines will show how to present an idea and help to understand the presentation of material - they will touch upon various approaches to communicating with the audience.

Workshop on negotiations and conflict management

When : April 22
Where : Ul. Lomonosova, 9, ITMO University

This is a kind of continuation of the previous master class. The speakers will analyze the key errors that arise in the negotiations, help to recognize the strengths and weaknesses in communications and consider various strategies for resolving disputes.

Everyone is invited - but registration is needed.

How to learn to study: materials on a subject from our blog on Habré:

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