Games worth waiting for in 2020

Many great games will be released this year, both from the AAA segment and from independent developers. A huge number of projects are released annually, so surprises are surely waiting for us - games that will be announced and released during this year.

The year has just begun, and we could easily make a list of hundreds of games - but in this article we decided to focus on the largest and most anticipated projects that are worth watching.

Let’s take a look at how the game industry in the twenty thousand will please us.

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Doom eternal

Doom Eternal  is the continuation of the insanely popular shooter Doom  2016, and fans of this series probably are already impatient to rush into the battle with monsters again.

In the game there will be new worlds open for exploration, new possibilities for moving, and new terrifying-looking demons to be fought with - it seems that the legendary Doom will become another major blockbuster.

Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch
Release Date: March 20, 2020

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons  is the continuation of the most popular series: the players on the Nintendo Switch console will have to travel to a new island from a cozy town.

The game will have big maps, an advanced crafting system, new activities and new friends. New Horizons promises to give Animal Crossing players everything they’ve been waiting for since Animal Crossing: New Leaf back in 2012.

Platform: Switch
Release Date: March 20, 2020

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake  - perhaps one of the most anticipated remakes in history, which are not tired of talking about since its announcement. The game is created from scratch on the Unreal Engine 4 engine, and everything that we have managed to learn about this project so far is impressive.

Trailers and the gameplay shown promise an interesting version of the beloved by many classics of role-playing games. The project will become a temporary PS4 exclusive: PC and Xbox owners (as well as overly optimistic Switch fans) will be looking forward to the release of the game on other platforms.

Platform: PS4 (temporary exclusive)
Release Date: April 10, 2020

The last of us 2

The Last of Us 2 ("One of us 2" in the Russian market) - the long-awaited continuation of the famous game. The developers promise a more intense atmosphere and touching to the core of the story of people whom we loved in the first part.

The game will become an exclusive PS4, but let's not forget that when the first part of this cinematic masterpiece by Naughty Dog came out, many bought the console exclusively for its sake, so we have no doubt that this time it will be the same.

Platform : PS4
Release Date : May 29, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 from the CD Project Red studio is one of the most talked about and most anticipated games of 2020, and we are sure to have a huge impact on the gaming industry this year.

Unlike the studio’s previous creation, the Third-Person RPG The Witcher 3 , the new Cyberpunk 2077  is a first-person role-playing shooter set in the fictional city of Night City. This sci-fi project is based on the cult board game, so we think the Polish studio will probably once again be able to set the bar for story games.

Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: September 17, 2020


It is unlikely that the name of this indie game is well-known, but the authors of such hits as Bioshock: Infinite , Call of Duty Black Ops and Doom 2016 are behind the project , so Prodeus coming out this year could be a pleasant surprise.

The Prodeus project was launched on Kickstarter and promises players a beautiful world that combines visual retro and modern technology. This is an exciting, dynamic and bloody first-person shooter that should appeal to both old and new fans of the genre.

More details are here:

Platform : PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch
Release date : end of 2020.

Halo infinite

For fans of the PlayStation this year there are many interesting projects, but fans of the Xbox have something to expect.

Studio 343 Industries with the release of the new Halo Infinite plans to return the series to its roots. The game is being developed on a completely new engine and aims to become a major hit on the Xbox One consoles and Microsoft's new Xbox Series X on New Year's Eve.

Platform : PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X
Release date : end of 2020.

These are just a few of the largest and most interesting games to be released this year. Every day we learn about new projects, so avid gamers can not worry about the fact that in the near future there will be nothing to play.

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