I add 3-25 seconds delay to sites that I visit

Bounce rate - an indicator of failure. The term in web analytics, indicating the percentage of the number of visitors who left the site directly from the login page or viewed no more than one.

In the software industry, everyone is chasing acceleration of everything and everything.

Income and many things influencing it, according to many "reputable" companies, depend on the delay on your site. The less the delay, the higher the conversion, people spend more time on the site, manage to consume more information and so on.

There are quite a few articles on this topic:

But if someone earns more money by reducing the delay, should there be any sense in increasing it?

And a few months ago, I realized that it could be my addiction. There was a time I didn’t surf the Internet for 24 hours.

Dependence on the fact is expressed by the indicator of failure. By adding a little delay, you can reduce the dependence on web services.

Hacker News with a delay of 100ms feels like liquor, Hacker News with a delay of 9000ms feels like a small glass of beer.

Reddit with 150ms feels like cocaine, Reddit with 8000ms feels like coffee.

Thus, you dilute the Internet. This is similar to how the Greeks diluted wine and called it barbarism of drinking pure wine.

How can I add a delay

You use the web with the help of the horror rectangle: laptops and desktops where you control the environment, as well as mobile phones with tablets, where you have less control.
For desktop and laptops, you can use Crackbook Revival . A well-configurable plugin where you can customize the list of websites and even the linear dependence of the delay on the number of visits.

For other applications, you can use Charles Proxy . This tool has throttling functionality that is designed for developers, but you can simply enable it for yourself.

For iOS, there is a tool that allows developers to test applications with different network latencies, motivating that developers unfortunately do not test their applications on poor networks. nshipster.com/network-link-conditioner . You understand what to do :)

With Android it can be more difficult, but you can use the same proxy.

Other dilution methods

In addition to low latency, companies use many other ways to keep you on the site. Although these methods are beyond the scope of my main idea in this article, here are some of the things that I do to achieve an even greater anti-dependent effect.

  • I remove flickering pictures on YouTube using adblock. Avatars of people and various previews on which people try to distinguish themselves.
  • I use extensions to delete comments on YouTube
  • He returned the old design to Reddit, where there is no endless scroll.
  • I removed the opportunity to go to Facebook in such a way that I won’t even speak ...

I diluted the Internet for myself, because nowadays it is served at the level of 151 proofs .

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