approx. tech: QATOK # 2

On March 5, at the Odnoklassniki office in St. Petersburg, approx. Tech will be held: QATOK # 2 - a meeting dedicated to testing and everything related to quality assurance in IT projects. We are waiting for 3 technical reports from representatives of OK, Yandex and VK, the guys will talk about the problems of Espresso-Android self-tests in the real world, share their experience using Openapi-generator for writing self-tests in REST-API and show how to evaluate the API test coverage without removing Code overage.

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Solving the problems of Espresso-Android auto tests in the real world -
Alexey Tyurin, VKontakte

Often, projects that have already gained momentum and have a large code base, come to the conclusion that you need to write autotests. Including UI-autotests. In this situation, you do not have the opportunity to significantly remake the project architecture for tests. As a result, the created tests become unstable and distract the product development team more than they help it.
The purpose of the report: to show people how specific problems are solved in the automation of UI testing of an Android application (case-by-case). Moreover, these solutions do not require reworking the application architecture or any significant revision for autotests.

Assessing API Test Coverage Without Removing Code Coverage -
Sergey Alekseev, Classmates

API is one of the most important services in Odnoklassniki, it is required for the work of user platforms and a large number of external partners, so testing the API is a paramount task that requires special attention and many non-standard solutions.
In the report, I will talk about how API testing is organized in Odnoklassniki, share my experience in developing an internal tool that helps us find uncovered / weak points in API auto-tests, then I’ll show how you can put together an analyzer for covering API methods with automatic tests for your infrastructure for custom requirements, and in the end I will pay special attention to approaches to the collection and analysis of test coverage.

How to use OpenAPI-generator for testing REST API -
Viktor Orlovsky, Yandex.Verticals

In my report, I’ll tell you how we use Openapi-generator in Yandex.Verticals to write autotests on the REST-API, share my experience of how we can quickly and easily cover a large number of new services APIs with autotests, and also pay attention to what problems we encountered along the way and how to solve them. 
We will go from the inherited tests on the http client to the API to the generation of real tests based on the specification.

Report Schedule:

19:00 - 19:45 Solving the problems of Android Espresso-tests in the real world - Alexey Tyurin, VK
19:45 - 20:30 Evaluating the test coverage of the API without removing ode overage - Sergey Alekseev, Classmates
20:30 - 21:00 Coffee- break, pizza, communication, networking
21:00 - 21:40 How to use OpenAPI-generator to test the REST API -
Viktor Orlovsky, Yandex.Verticals

We are waiting for everyone who wants to talk with quality assurance experts at the March 5 meeting in St. Petersburg office.

Register on QATOK # 2

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