Anniversary DUMP2020 - 4 days that you will not forget

Hello, Habr! We have news from the Urals :) The

10th conference of the Ural developers DUMP will be held this year in May, from the 14th to the 17th. The main program, as before, fits within 1 day. Sergey Abdulmanov (, formerly MosIgra), Alexander Orlov (Stratoplan), Grigory Petrov (Evrone), Seryozha Popov (HTML Academy), Roman Nevolin (Groupon), Daria Pushkarskaya (Web Hero School), Anna Block will perform at the DUMP (Frontend Help, Typical typesetter), Polina Gurtovaya (Evil Martians) and other excellent speakers.

But in addition to reports and after-party, we have prepared so much interesting that we are now announcing a DUMP weekend in Yekaterinburg. As always, details under the cut


Announcement of the anniversary DUMP 2020

Back in 2011, 154 people came to the first DUMP. It was generally the first IT conference in Yekaterinburg. It was invented and made so that the Ural developers had a place to communicate, exchange experiences and find out what's new in general in the companies of the city and the region.

Apparently, such a format was needed, since next year more than 500 people came to DUMP. DUMP grew and grew up to 1600 participants and 9 sections last year. The Yekaterinburg-EXPO building was just bursting at the seams from people, while ticket sales were stopped a few weeks before the conference. But there were no more suitable premises in Yekaterinburg.

And finally, they completed the new Congress Hall EXPO for 5000 people, with many halls, a huge eating area, a large wardrobe and a giant parking lot. And (ee-ee-ee!) DUMP moves there :)


Day 1: May 14

The day will begin, actually, in the evening :) We invite not only speakers, but also participants, as well as everyone who loves DUMP to themed events at BlaBlaBar - a bar cluster in the very center of Yekaterinburg. In each bar, we gather according to our interests, and you can move around and talk on any topic until at least 5 in the morning. The main thing is not to overdo it with the strong, so as not to oversleep on the main program.

If you have an idea of ​​the theme of the party and a desire to lead it, writegerasimovich
It can be at least a React fan club, at least a party of Kafka adherents or an exchange of experience of the Timlids-Jones. Everything that can only come to your head and seem interesting to someone else;)

Day 2: May 15

It will be Friday, the traditional DUMP day. The entire main program will be exactly the 15th.

What awaits us?

This year there will be 8 stream sections + workshops


Backend - section on server development without reference to programming languages. Examples, of course, can be shown in any languages, but the topic should not be, for example, java-specific.

Program Committee: Andrey Zharinov (Yandex), Ivan Dashkevich (Kontur), Konstantin Beklemishev (Naumen) and Denis Tarasov (Kontur).

View the concept of the section and apply here .

Frontend - a section on front-end development in all its manifestations: from client application architecture to building the front for various devices
Program Committee: Polina Gurtovaya (Evil Martians), Yegor Khodyrev (Button)
See the list of topics and apply for

Design- section for web designers, interface designers and their managers: design leads, UX leads, art directors, etc.
Program Committee: Anton Rusetsky (JetStyle), Victor Kozlov (Naumen), Alexander Mikhalev (SODA band (AG Deltaplan))
The concept, topics and application form are all here

Testing & QA - section on quality control, and how to ensure this quality
Program Committee: Evgenia Azanova (Naumen), Dmitry Yakin (Kontur), Evgeny Sabirov (Host), Anna Bogolyubova (Point)
Read the list of topics that we discuss in the section and apply for the report

Mobile - section for Android and iOS developers, as well as for those who are interested in hybrid development
Permanent program committee at the helm of the section: Rodion Revin (Medicine of the Future), Maxim Rovkin (OSOME), Maxim Keegan (Point)
Here you can see the concept of the section and apply for a performance

DevOps - the section where we talk about devops culture, engineering solutions, and how to establish interaction between the development team and the operation team
The program is responsible for: Alexander Tarasov (ANNA Money), Konstantin Makarychev (Provectus), Mikhail Tsykarev (ICL Services)
As before, the list of topics and the form for submitting a report via the

Team link is tricky section for team leaders and development managers. We cover topics from finding employees to pumping soft skills
Program Committee: Oleg Khromov (Tinkoff), Denis Onishchenko (Kontur), Ivan Ilyin (Apiqa) The
topics that we are waiting for are here

Product - section on product management: from testing hypotheses to entering new markets
The program is done by: Alexey Kulakov (Ridero, JetStyle), Svyatoslav Kontar (USSB), Svetlana Ayupova (Skyeng), Lyubov Fedyushina (Kontur)
Want to speak in this section? Apply here

Workshops - section for those who want to leave with a new skill. The lead workshop will have 100 minutes to teach the participants to do something that they can immediately apply in their work after DUMP.
At the disposal of the presenter will be a hall for 70 people with good visibility, comfortable chairs and duplicating plasmas for participants.

For several years now, workshops have been gathering the highest marks from participants:

Do you feel the strength to teach participants a technique or want to show your life hacks? Apply here .

At the moment, with workshops announced:

  • Seryozha Popov (League A, HTML Academy): CSS Grid (getting to know the basics of meshing using CSS Grid Layout)
  • Stanislav Sidristy (Seminars of Stanislav Sidristy): the topic will be a little later
  • Anton Morev (Wormsoft): Disseminating knowledge and ideas through liberating structures

* We remind you that DUMP participants do not need to pay separately for workshops

Informal program and organizational questions

We don’t know how at other conferences, but at DUMP we always feed the participants tightly and variably. True, the larger the DUMP, the longer the lines for coffee and lunch.

At the anniversary DUMP, we decided to change the format of the food. Now, from 12 to 16 hours, a food court will work without stopping, where you can ply from rack to rack and pick up different kinds of food: broths, shawarma, rolls, salads, pies, etc. For vegans, there will also be food. And there will also be refrigerators in which you can take an apple or yogurt.

As always there will be a lot, a lot of all kinds of entertainments from the partners of the conference, and to participate in them was even more interesting, this year the general game of Bagging will be held. Anyone who participates in the activities of sponsors, asks questions to speakers, or works at workshops, will receive stickers on their badge. At the end of the day, the most active sticker collectors (3 people) will receive prizes of the anniversary DUMP :)

And, of course, there will be an after-party ! This year, the Science section was reborn into the Science Slam (Battle of Scientists), which you will see at the afterparty. There will be so many of us this year that you need to pre-order food and drinks in advance. Yes, we made the after-party paid, but snacks and soft drinks will be right away. The cost of a ticket to the party is 1000 rubles. According to surveys of our regular participants, it was from this amount that their score at the last parties began.

As always, those who are not by car will be delivered both to the Congress Hall and back to the center of Yekaterinburg.

Day 3: May 16

Saturday is a day of cultural growth or relaxation :)

You can choose between one of the tours in Yekaterinburg or go on a light trip to one of the beautiful places in the Middle Urals.

Tours to choose from

  • Constructivism. How in Yekaterinburg they tried to build the ideal city for the man of the future
  • Uralmash + White Tower. From factory romance to gangster romance. And what is Uralmash now
  • In the footsteps of street art of fetivals: powerful Shorthand and clandestine Carte Blanche
  • Yeltsin Center and the City of Demons

Campaigns to choose from

Trekking in the vicinity of the Chusovaya river (rock fighters, suspension bridge, pine trees to the sky)

Trekking to the Oleny Ruchey nature park (rocks, grottoes, the river Serga, scribble and mosses)

Tours are free. Recording will be required because the number of places in groups is limited. The record will open after April 20.

The hikes are really light: 1-1.5 hours on a rented bus from Yekaterinburg, and on foot along convenient paths 4-8 km. Tea and a snack will be, but you can take your own. For the bus you need to pay a symbolic fee of 150-250 rubles. And this is a great opportunity to meet with participants and speakers from different cities.

Bonus: on the night of May 16-17, Yekaterinburg will host the Night of Museumswhen dozens of not only museums, but also galleries, and even theaters will be allowed in for free, and even prepare a variety of programs. While the Night of Museums program is being prepared, but we think, as always, it will be enchanting!

Day 4: May 17

On this day in Yekaterinburg will be a May walk - a mass walk of citizens on routes from 18 to 36 km. If you still stayed for the weekend, do not miss the way to walk not only along the tourist routes. It is advisable to stock up with a native Yekaterinburg who will tell you where you are right now.

These are 4 days. We hope you enjoy both the anniversary DUMP and May Yekaterinburg :)
Submit reports, we are waiting.

And for those who want to come or come to the DUMP2020 before March 1, tickets at an early price .

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