Reforestation after fires: How nanoparticles protect tree microclones


Weather on the globe increases the degree. While Moscow January rained, in Australia fire burned out territories exceeding 20 million hectares. Today we will tell how tree clones help revive dead forests. The key point is under the protection of composite nanoparticles. Go.

One of Australia's largest banks, Westpac estimates that Australia’s direct losses from the massive forest fires of 2019-2020 will amount to about $ 3.5 billion.
According to Rosleskhoz, in 2019, the economic damage from forest fires in Russia amounted to 14.4 billion rubles. During the fire hazard season in the country, fire covered over 10 million hectares of forest. How to treat the "green lungs" of the planet?

To restore forests after massive fires, scientists of NUST “MISiS” and Tambov State University have developed a new technology to increase the survival rate of microclone seedlings. The use of nanopreparations made it possible to obtain seedlings of deciduous and coniferous trees with an increased survival rate of 10-28% in open ground. They have already been used to create experimental afforestation on the territory of the Voronezh region.

Burnt areas are sown with seedlings grown in special laboratory conditions by the method of microclonal propagation. The method is based on the ability of a plant cell in favorable conditions to give rise to a whole plant organism. Wood microclones can be propagated 3-4 times faster than ordinary seedlings, while they are genetically homogeneous.

However, during adaptation to the soil due to the inadequacy of plants, there is a high probability of their death, which reduces the effectiveness of the technology as a whole. To solve this problem, a team of scientists TSU them. Derzhavina and NUST “MISiS” developed and obtained experimental samples of unique nanopreparations for microclonal propagation of woody plants, based on colloidal solutions of nanoparticles.


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The experiments of the project showed that nanopreparations in a nutrient medium ensure the death of about 90-95% of pathogenic microorganisms. The nanopreparation is used to sterilize the explant (the initial piece of plant tissue, which is then cloned) before being introduced into the culture, and is also added to the cultivation medium where microgrowths grow. In addition, plants are treated with a suspension of a nanopreparation through watering the soil after transplanting from test tubes into containers with soil.


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As a result, domestic stimulators of growth and phytoimmunity of woody crops, which have no analogues, were created for use as components of cultivation media for microclonal seedlings and for treating plants in a greenhouse during growing in closed ground.

The development of Russian scientists has export potential, since it can be in demand in countries where most of the planting material is produced by microclonal propagation laboratories - the USA, Canada, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Germany, Latvia, Belgium, and Holland.

Perhaps Australia will help.

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