A prototype multiplayer game for 3 pm?

Hello again! Do you often come up with ideas for projects that literally prevented you from sleeping? That feeling when you worry, worry and can't work on other things normally. It happens to me several times a year. Some ideas disappear by themselves after delving into the topic and understanding that it will be extremely difficult to benefit from such an initiative. But there are such ideas, developing which even a couple of hours, capture me so much that I can’t eat already. This post is about how I managed to realize one of these ideas in a couple of evenings after work and did not die of starvation. But the idea itself initially sounded quite ambitious - a PvP game in which players compete with each other, answering questions.

" - Botlify", . - , . , 14-15 , .

, 2013 . , , , "100 1". , , , . , , -. Telegram API, -.

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, , , Telegram.


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  1. β€” 8
  2. β€” 5
  3. β€” 3
  4. β€” 2
  5. β€” 1
  6. β€” 1
  7. β€” 0

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Original tv show


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  • (Player) β€” id , , , , , .
  • (Game) β€” , , , , ..
  • (Round) β€” . , , .
  • (Question) β€” , - .
  • (Answer) β€” , -

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- , : , , , . :
/start . , , β€” . N- , . β€” , " ". .


, . , β€” , . NodeJS c TypeScript . ? . 10 :

interface Player {
    id: string; //   
    rating: number;  //  
    username: string; //   
    games: number; // -  
    wins: number; // - 
    losses: number; // - 
    createdAt: number; // timestamp "" 
    lastGame: number|null; // timestamp    

, , - . , , "" MySQL, Postgres MongoDB . Redis. , , key-value JSON. , Redis . , Redis "" , , ""(scores), pub/sub, Redis , .

, , , winGame looseGame, . , , Redis sorted set, , (score). . sorted set id , (score) .

, , . , , . ? "Rating system". - , ELO Rating. , , , . npmjs.com elo-rating ! https://www.npmjs.com/package/elo-rating. , . , β€” , . , , ! "" player.service.ts , , , "" "" 130 . , , β€” , , , Player - .

interface IPlayerService {
  createPlayer(id: string, name?: string): Promise<boolean>;
  getPlayerName(id: string): Promise<string>;
  countPlayers(): Promise<number>;
  getRatingPosition(id: string): Promise<number>;
  getTopPlayerIds(): Promise<string[]>;
  getTopPlayerScores(): Promise<{id: string, value: number}[]>;
  listPlayers(): Promise<Player[]>;
  getPlayerRating(id: string): Promise<number>;
  getPlayerScores(id: string): Promise<number>;
  getPlayerScorePosition(id: string): Promise<number>;
  getPlayerGames(id: string): Promise<number>;
  getPlayerWins(id: string): Promise<number>;
  winGame(id: string, newRating: number): Promise<boolean>;
  looseGame(id: string, newRating: number): Promise<boolean>;
  setSession(id: string, data: any): Promise<void>;
  getSession(id: string): Promise<any>;

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, β€” . . , , , :

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interface Question {
  id: string;
  message: string;
  createdAt: number;

key-value, β€” ID, JSON- . (set) ID , . ? :

  • ID

, :

class QuestionService {

   * Get redis key of question by id
   * @param id
  public static getQuestionKey(id: string) {
    return `questions:${id}`;

   * Get redis key of questions list
  public static getQuestionsListKey() {
    return 'questions';

   * Return question object
   * @param id
  async getQuestion(id: string) {
    return JSON.parse(
      await this.redisService.getClient().get(QuestionService.getQuestionKey(id))

   * Add new question to the store
   * @param question
  async addQuestion(message: string): Promise<string> {
    const data =  {
      id: randomStringGenerator(),
      createdAt: Date.now(),
    await this.redisService.getClient()
      .set(QuestionService.getQuestionKey(data.id), JSON.stringify(data));
    await this.redisService.getClient()
      .sadd(QuestionService.getQuestionsListKey(), data.id);
    return data.id;

   * Return ID of the random question
  async getRandomQuestionId(): Promise<string> {
    return this.redisService.getClient()

   * Return random question
  async getRandomQuestion() {
    const id = await this.getRandomQuestionId(gameId);
    return this.getQuestion(id);


, Redis. , , . , β€” .

-, . -, , , . , , . , , , , , - , . - , , . , - . 5 https://github.com/aceakash/string-similarity . , β€” . , , 0.75 , . β€” , .

(sorted set) . QuestionService, , , -( ), , , ..

, . , - . , QuestionService :

private turnScores: number[] = [8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1];

 * Get key of list of the answers
 * @param questionId
public static getAnswersKey(questionId: string): string {
  return `answers:${questionId}`;

async addAnswer(questionId: string, answer: string): Promise<string> {
  return this.redisService.getClient()
    .zincrby(QuestionService.getAnswersKey(questionId), 1, answer);

 * Get all answers for the given question
 * @param questionId
async getQuestionAnswers(questionId: string): Promise<string[]> {
  return this.redisService.getClient()
    .zrevrange(QuestionService.getAnswersKey(questionId), 0, -1);

 * Top 6 answers
 * @param questionId
async getTopAnswers(gameId: string, questionId: string): Promise<string[]> {
  const copiedAnswers = await this.redisService.getClient()
  if (!copiedAnswers) {
    const ans = await this.redisService.getClient()
      .zrevrange(QuestionService.getAnswersKey(questionId), 0, 5);
    await this.redisService.getClient()
      .set(`answers:game:${gameId}:q:${questionId}`, JSON.stringify(ans));
    return ans;
  return JSON.parse(copiedAnswers);

 * Find if answer already exists and return it if found
 * null if answer doesnt exist
 * @param questionId
 * @param answer
async existingAnswer(questionId: string, answer: string): Promise<string | null> {
  const answers = await this.getQuestionAnswers(questionId);
  const matches = stringSimilarity.findBestMatch(answer, answers);
  return matches.bestMatch.rating >= 0.75

 * Existing answer scores
 * @param questionId
 * @param answer
async getExistingAnswerScore(
  gameId: string, questionId: string, answer: string
): Promise<number> {
    const topAnswers = await this.getTopAnswers(gameId, questionId);
    const matches = stringSimilarity.findBestMatch(answer, topAnswers);
    return matches.bestMatch.rating >= 0.75

 * Submit the new answer. Updates answer counter, save if doesn't exist, return answer score
 * @param questionId
 * @param answer
async submitAnswer(gameId: string, questionId: string, answer: string): Promise<number> {
  answer = answer.toLowerCase();
  const existingAnswer = await this.existingAnswer(questionId, answer);
  if (!existingAnswer) {
    await this.addAnswer(questionId, answer);
    return 0;
  } else {
    await this.addAnswer(questionId, existingAnswer);
    return this.getExistingAnswerScore(gameId, questionId, existingAnswer);

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, () . 2 β€” player1 player2 . : , , . , , " " , . β€” .

enum GameStatus {

key-value, = ID, value = JSON.stringify(data). ,

interface Game {
    id: string;
    player1: string;
    player2: string;
    joined: string[];
    status: GameStatus;
    round?: number;
    winner?: string;
    createdAt: number;
    updatedAt?: number;

, , (? 1 β€” 1 ), .

interface GameRound {
    index: number;
    question: string;
    currentPlayer: string;
    turn: number;
    answers: UserAnswer[];
    updatedAt?: number;

game.service.ts , : , , , , . , - , , . Redis pub/sub. , . , β€” , - , , .

class GameService {

  public static CHANNEL_G_CREATED = 'game-created';
  public static CHANNEL_G_STARTED = 'game-started';
  public static CHANNEL_G_ENDED = 'game-ended';
  public static CHANNEL_G_NEXT_ROUND = 'game-next-round';
  public static CHANNEL_G_NEXT_TURN = 'game-next-turn';
  public static CHANNEL_G_ANSWER_SUBMIT = 'game-next-turn';

  private defaultRounds: number; //  
  private defaultTurns: number; //     

  private timers: any = {}; // . -, any - 

    //  ,       
    private readonly redisService: RedisService,
    private readonly playerService: PlayerService,
    private readonly questionService: QuestionService,
    @Inject('EventPublisher') private readonly eventPublisher,
  ) {
    this.defaultRounds = config.game.defaultRounds;
    this.defaultTurns = config.game.defaultTurns;

   * Get redis key of game
   * @param id string identifier of game
  public static getGameKey(id: string) {
    return `game:${id}`;

   * Get game object by id
   * @param gameId
  async getGame(gameId: string): Promise<Game> {
    const game = await this.redisService.getClient()
    if (!game) {
      throw new Error(`Game ${gameId} not found`);
    return JSON.parse(game);

   * Save the game state to database
   * @param game
  async saveGame(game: Game) {
    return this.redisService.getClient().set(

   * Save round
   * @param gameId
   * @param round
  async saveRound(gameId: string, round: GameRound) {
    return this.redisService.getClient().set(
      GameService.getRoundKey(gameId, round.index),

   * Initialize default game structure, generate id
   * and save new game to the storage
   * @param player1
   * @param player2
  async initGame(player1: string, player2: string): Promise<Game> {
    const game: Game = {
      id: randomStringGenerator(),
      joined: [],
      status: GameStatus.WaitingForPlayers,
      createdAt: Date.now(),
    await this.saveGame(game);
      GameService.CHANNEL_G_CREATED, JSON.stringify(game)
    return game;

   * When the game is created and is in the  "Waiting for players" state
   * users can approve participation
   * @param playerId
   * @param gameId
  async joinGame(playerId: string, gameId: string) {
    const game: Game = await this.getGame(gameId);
    if (!game) throw new Error('Game not found err')
    if (isUndefined(game.joined.find(element => element === playerId))) {
      game.updatedAt = Date.now();
      await this.saveGame(game);
    if (game.joined.length === 2) return this.startGame(game);

   * Start the game
   * @param game
  async startGame(game: Game) {
    game.round = 0;
    game.updatedAt = Date.now();
    game.status = GameStatus.Active;
      GameService.CHANNEL_G_STARTED, JSON.stringify(game)
    await this.questionService.pickQuestionsForGame(game.id);
    await this.nextRound(game);

   * Start the next round
   * @param game
  async nextRound(game: Game) {
    if (game.round >= this.defaultRounds) {
      return this.endGame(game);
    const round: GameRound = {
      index: game.round,
      question: await this.questionService.getRandomQuestionId(game.id),
      currentPlayer: game.player1,
      turn: 1,
      answers: [],
    await this.saveGame(game);
    await this.saveRound(game.id, round);

    //     20    
    //        0 
    this.timers[game.id] = setTimeout(async () => {
      await this.submitAnswer(round.currentPlayer, game.id, '');
    }, 20000);
    await this.eventPublisher.emit(
      JSON.stringify({game, round})

   * Switch round to next turn
   * @param game
   * @param round
  async nextTurn(game: Game, round: GameRound) {
    if (round.turn >= this.defaultTurns) {
      return this.nextRound(game);
    round.currentPlayer = this.anotherPlayer(round.currentPlayer, game);
    round.updatedAt = Date.now();
    await this.eventPublisher.emit(
      JSON.stringify({game, round})
    this.timers[game.id] = setTimeout(async () => {
      await this.submitAnswer(round.currentPlayer, game.id, '');
    }, 20000);
    return this.saveRound(game.id, round);

  async answerExistInRound(round: GameRound, answer: string) {
    const existingKey = round.answers.find(
      rAnswer => stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings(answer, rAnswer.value) >= 0.85
    return !isUndefined(existingKey);

  async submitAnswer(playerId: string, gameId: string, answer: string) {
    const game = await this.getGame(gameId);
    const round = await this.getCurrentRound(gameId);
    if (playerId !== round.currentPlayer) {
      throw new Error('Its not your turn');
    if (answer.length === 0) {
      round.updatedAt = Date.now();
        JSON.stringify({game, answer, score: 0, playerId})
      return this.nextTurn(game, round);
    if (await this.answerExistInRound(round, answer)) {
      throw new Error('       ');
    round.answers.push({ value: answer, playerId, turn: round.turn });
    const score = await this.questionService.submitAnswer(
      gameId, round.question, answer
    if (score > 0) {
      await this.addGameScore(gameId, playerId, score);
    round.updatedAt = Date.now();
      JSON.stringify({game, answer, score, playerId})
    return this.nextTurn(game, round);

   * Adds game score in specified game for specified player
   * @param gameId
   * @param playerId
   * @param score
  async addGameScore(gameId: string, playerId: string, score: number) {
    await this.redisService.getClient()
      .zincrby(`game:${gameId}:player:scores`, score, playerId);

  async endGame(game: Game) {
    game.updatedAt = Date.now();
    game.status = GameStatus.Finished;
    game.updatedAt = Date.now();
    const places = await this.redisService.getClient()
      .zrevrange(`game:${game.id}:player:scores`, 0, -1);
    game.winner = places[0];
    const winnerRating: number = await this.playerService.getPlayerRating(game.winner);
    const looserRating: number = await this.playerService.getPlayerRating(places[1]);
    const newRatings = rating.calculate(winnerRating, looserRating);
    await this.playerService.winGame(game.winner, newRatings.playerRating); 
    await this.playerService.looseGame(places[1], newRatings.opponentRating);
    await this.redisService.getClient().expire(GameService.getGameKey(game.id), 600)
    this.eventPublisher.emit(GameService.CHANNEL_G_ENDED, JSON.stringify(game));
    return game;

, -. , . , β€” . , , , . Redis (sorted sets). ( , ). . . game.service.ts,

async addPlayerToMatchmakingList(id: string) {
  const playerRating = await this.playerService.getPlayerRating(id);
  return this.redisService.getClient().zadd('matchmaking-1-1', playerRating, id);

async removePlayerFromMatchmakingList(id: string) {
  return this.redisService.getClient().zrem('matchmaking-1-1', id);

async getMatchmakingListData() {
  return this.redisService.getClient().zrange('matchmaking-1-1', 0, -1);

async matchPlayers(): Promise<Game> {
  const players = await this.redisService.getClient()
        .zrevrange('matchmaking-1-1', 0, -1);
  while (players.length > 0) {
     const pair = players.splice(0, 2);
     if (pair.length === 2) {
       return this.coinflip() 
         this.initGame(pair[0], pair[1])
         this.initGame(pair[1], pair[0]);

, , . , . , - .

, . , .

- β€” . , - , css JS- β€” Telegram. . , API . , , .

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"100 1", AndreyDegtyaruk!
, , ! , . /help

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"100 1" . ! ,
3 . . , . 6 , 3

  1. β€” 8
  2. β€” 5
  3. β€” 3
  4. β€” 2 .
  5. β€” 1 .
  6. β€” 1 .
  7. β€” 0

! ! 20 . ? 0 . 3 ,

, , - , , ( , ). 2 : pull push. Pull , "" Telegram , API Telegram getUpdates. Push , , β€” webhook. , "" , . , !

SDK Telegraf, , β€” , . , .

, "" , API key , , . β€” bot.service.ts, Telegram. , , . :

  • /start β€” (- inline, , custom keyboard )
  • /help β€”
  • /player_info β€” (, , )
  • /global_rating β€”
  • /go β€”

, . , -

    getMainMenuKeyboard() {
        return {
          inline_keyboard: [
                    text: '    ',
                callback_data: JSON.stringify({type: 'go'})
                text: '  ',
                callback_data: JSON.stringify({type: 'player-rating'})
                text: ' ',
                callback_data: JSON.stringify({type: 'rules'})
                text: '  ',
                callback_data: JSON.stringify({type: 'stats'})

callback_data. Telegram , , .

, switch/case statement type, . start help, , . , Telegram https, - . , Ngrok .

    async commandStart(ctx) {
      let name = `${escapeHtml(ctx.from.first_name)}`;
      name += ctx.from.last_name ? escapeHtml(ctx.from.last_name) : '';
      await this.playerService.createPlayer(ctx.from.id.toString(10), name);
      await this.bot.telegram.sendMessage(ctx.from.id, messages.start(name), {
        parse_mode: 'HTML',
        reply_markup: this.getMainMenuKeyboard(),

, . , . , , . , , . , .

, Redis pub/sub. . , , , ( ). main.ts, , , . . ""

    const redisClient = app.get('EventSubscriber');
    redisClient.on(GameService.CHANNEL_G_CREATED, async (data) => {
      try {
        await botService.sendGameCreated(JSON.parse(data));
      } catch (error) {
        console.log('Error in CHANNEL_G_CREATED');

BotService.sendGameCreated, , .

( , ), - , , , . , ? Stages Scenes, Telegraf, , . , , 30 , Redis.

, , . , , , β€” ( ). β€” , , .

this.bot.on('text', async (ctx: any) => {
  ctx.message.text = escapeHtml(ctx.message.text);
  ctx.message.text = ctx.message.text.toLowerCase();
  try {
    const state = await this.playerService.getSession(ctx.from.id.toString());
    if (!state.currentGame) {
      return ctx.reply(
        ' ,   . 
          /help,     '
    await this.gameIncomingMessage(ctx, state);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log('Error during processing TEXT message');
this.bot.on('message', async ctx => {
    ctx.reply('   ');

, , .

Telegram- , . , - . , </>, parseMode HTML, : " html" . , . localhost 50 . , NodeJS . - , , - .

I really hope that my post will inspire someone to implement their ideas, make pet projects do it faster and bring them to release, help the whole process of creating projects from idea to implementation, or just let you get at least a bit of reading pleasure. I am almost sure that the bot will not withstand a large number of players. Still, timers, subscriber directly in main, one process, etc., etc. Nevertheless, if someone is interested in looking at the result, look for the @QuizMatchGameBot bot . Peace for everyone!

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